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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. We'll need to trade future picks for the next 10 years to get all of that! Do you have a sense of humour? Clearly I was taking the [censored] with that post. Lighten up mate.
  2. Fair enough. Jeez I hope we can land Nat Fyfe guys. Imagine that? How good would our trade period be if we could land Fyfe, Pendlebury, both Josh Kennedy's, Dan Hannebery and Dion Prestia? GET IT DONE DEMONS!!
  3. There are a few on here who constantly bring him up. If a new player is mentioned they'll respond with "If we could land this player and Prestia that would be an amazeballs trade period!" It's frustrating, as while there is no doubt we are keen, our overtures have already been knocked back for this year at least. But they will continually make up reasons why we can still land him.
  4. For those of us who didn't hear it are you able to give us some more context? Was Parker brought up as a possibility or did they actually say we are pushing really hard to get him, we've offered him a contract etc?
  5. Tomato sauce mate? Or was it mentioned on 3aw?
  6. Well picked up. I was wondering how he was able to get the same name. Anyone who thought it was Saty to begin with is a complete fool.
  7. Your ability to detect a little sarcasm is without parallel jnrmac.
  8. I hope it's a 6 year, $6 million dollar deal! We love you Col!
  9. I'm not being negative - why bring up a trade idea in a thread that's been dormant for a while? We see it rise to the top and think "oh, there must be some news on this front..." and it ends up being a trade idea that makes no sense as GWS are not interested in Howe, something that's been reported by a few journalists now. THAT, my friend, is adding no value.
  10. I don't think so. Spirit of norm smith just likes to float through threads with trade ideas. This then bumps up a thread like this that has no news at all.
  11. I would call it negative and no, it's not the truth. We are secure off the field. While our membership base is low, no argument there, we are doing well financially and are sitting as well as we have in a long time. Our coaching team is very well entrenched. Yes, Roos is finishing up next year but he has improved the list, the culture and our professionalism since he has been here. The players know that Goodwin will be taking over and he is well respected in the industry. He is untried, yes, but that doesn't make it a negative. And we look positive going forward. You can add Jones, Vince, Tyson, McDonald, Salem, Garlett, Vandenberg, Gawn and so forth to that list above as players who will make a big difference for us. We still have plenty of work to do, but the comment I responded to of 'dude, we go for Melbourne' is rubbish. We've come a long way and we are above that sort of stuff.
  12. He didn't say we would trade him, just that if one of the above offers came up we might consider it.
  13. There is a little bit of that, but I also think the club is no budging on it's valuation on him with the contract on the table. We know going forward how important the cap room is and, while I'm sure the club are happy for him to stay, he isn't a player we won't compromise the salary cap for.
  14. And? We might have been a mess a while back, but not anymore. We're very secure off the field, our coaching team is well entrenched and we are looking positive going forward. Plus we don't have WADA hanging over our heads. No need to be negative for negative's sake.
  15. And this is example 101 of why you should never even bother reading Facebook rumour pages. It still annoys me that people even bother posting them here.
  16. He was definitely linked to us, although I don't know anything about Roos saying no. It was Bugg and someone else for our top pick, but that ended up being for Dom Tyson and their 9th pick which was Salem. This feels like another rumour gathering steam that is based on very little info. If he leaves the Giants then I wouldn't say no, but I'm not holding my breath either.
  17. Sydney have, potentially, done everyone else in the league a favour. If Buddy continues to be a flop and it hurts the Swans financially through their salary cap then there are 17 other clubs who won't make the same mistakes they have.
  18. We should all just be thankful that it's Frawley and not Mitch Clark who is line to win a flag. At least Chip gave us 8 years of service. He might not be the sharpest tool in the shed and his comments were pretty poor, but that's life. No one is perfect.
  19. The off season for us is a few weeks old and we're already getting rubbish like this: Good grief this off season is going to be long...
  20. Words like 'speculating' and 'nanosecond' required a dictionary check for ol' dazzle...
  21. Quick, go and start 'The Daisy Thomas thread' so we can watch halfwits argue about his value to our side and how we will only need to trade a 20th rounder pick to land him!
  22. I wish people wouldn't do that. I don't even understand why bing181 put his quote in this thread when it's do with Hogan and nothing to do with Prestia... unless I'm missing something.
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