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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. The moment you used his interview as an example was the moment you compared Fyfe to Viney.
  2. I don't mind that from Jones. He is well within his right to do it, but he also needs to back his coach and the decisions he makes. Obviously we aren't privy to what the reasons were and the discussion they had, but I don't think it was a decision that was made lightly and without good reason.
  3. One I'll be taking I think. If we lose on Saturday then 'Watts would have made us a 6 goal better side' is what I'll be going with for the rest of the weekend.
  4. And we'll be winning the flag when we win one. There's never any in between - we are either doomed for bottom 4 if we lose on Saturday or destined for a top 4 finish if we win.
  5. The rationale is that it's the pre-season and they like to give others a chance to prove themselves. Hibberd has had a few injury concerns and they may want to use Watts and Frost in games 2 and 3. Are you going to argue the rationale of giving others a rest when we play next week and others miss out? Not hard to work out after years of watching pre-season games. They always rest a few.
  6. This is a bannable offence on this site if we're going by what was set out at the end of last season. You even admitted it.
  7. Why? Didn't pronounce a few words correctly? Didn't answer a question like you would? Captaincy is about far more than speaking on SEN.
  8. Which is interesting when you consider how much we get stuck into someone like Tom McDonald for his kicking, yet Ingerson was an extremely average kick at best. He was a terrific CHB though. Lots of good memories of that year. Hopefully we have another one like it just around the corner.
  9. To be fair, he rarely sounds happy.
  10. Boomer Harvey. Stephen Milne. Chris and Brad Scott.
  11. Jack - I know you're salty, but Jones was barely in the leadership group when yourself and Trengove were given the role of co-captains. This is totally different. We have more accomplished leaders at the club who can support Viney - Jones has done it for years, as has Bernie and Jordan Lewis. That's not a knock on your good self, and thanks for your contributions to the club, but this is much, much different and you know it. Just sayin'.
  12. Also, there were a heap of posters last year who were complaining about Jones' lack of leadership skills. Now they'll probably complain about the dual captaincy role as well. Some are never happy.
  13. If the club believes this is the way to go, then I'll back it. Would have been happy for Jones to stay as sole captain but they may also be looking at transitioning Viney into a sole captain role over the next few years. I could see Jones stepping aside to prolong his career a little as well. Either way, it makes little difference. Good continuity in the group is great and we've now got some really strong leaders around the club.
  14. Absolutely. Still horribly underrated around these parts. To be fair, he has probably earned his spot ahead of Gus and even Oliver at this stage. He was the more consistent of the three last year and, while I don't mean to sell Oliver or Gus short, Stretch had a terrific second half to the year. It's a great conundrum to have, though.
  15. Hopefully ours is simply 'kick it to JH.' If that win's us a flag then I'll be happy with that.
  16. I agree, but I think it might be in a few season's time. Something tells me that opposition teams will really aim to clamp down on Hunt's running capacity, and it may take a little time for him to make the adjustment. Last season he was a totally unknown quantity. He won't have that going for him next year. I'm happy to be wrong, and I don't necessarily believe he won't impact games like he did last year, just that he won't get a free run at it like he got for us in 2016.
  17. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Great coach, but no idea how he would have turned out at the club. May have done better, might have not.
  18. You're probably right, although if something isn't changed then the last 5 rounds for those sides may just turn into one big tankfest. Could they make it a lottery like the NBA? Best performed side is given a 35% chance at the number 1 pick and so on? I'd just hate to see those sides simply aiming to be as a bad as possible to get a better pick as they'll have nothing to play for.
  19. Just with the bolded part - could they make it that the best performed side in those final 5 rounds wins the number 1 pick in the draft, which may in turn force sides not to tank and go hell for leather for that pick? I still need to get my head around the whole idea, though. Not sure what was inherently wrong with system we have now to be honest.
  20. And Casey, Melbourne, any other sides have adapted in the past as well, but that's not the point. The point is that it's regularly an awful ground to play football at regardless of the result.
  21. An excuse for what? It's a terrible place to play footy regardless of whether we win or lose. No need to put words in Redlegs mouth, SWYL.
  22. On a serious note, it's not surprising. The site is good for the interviews and highlight videos after games, but I rarely read the other pieces on there as they are just 'puff' articles. Not something to get our knickers in a twist about though.
  23. I spoke to the MFC website and the coaches, they've put in hard work on the app over the summer, re-built it from the ground up, no need to get stuck into it. Sick of this mentality on this site, not up for discussion, leave the website alone, it lost 10kgs this pre-season, first pre-season without any bugs since 2009.
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