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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. I've heard very much the same thing from a few mates who have played VFL, GFL etc. They felt all they gained were a few fresh injuries. Didn't hurt the morale of the squad as such, but the benefits were very minimal.
  2. We've been due for a little bit of bad luck. Every club seems to get some throughout the pre-season, we just need to hope that the damage is minimal and won't affect their lead up too much to Round 1.
  3. This was my first thought. In some games last year the opposition were able to negate Max's influence at the stoppages by having someone jump over the top of him as the third man up. It always annoyed me, but this rule is not only good for the game but good for us as well.
  4. Would have thought that was slightly harsh. We don't know the whole story and we don't know all the information H was given about his concussion. He was under contract and had every right to look at all angles about how he could get himself right and contribute to the club. Once he was properly informed then he pulled the pin. Yes, it's a pain that it's come in December and not in October, but to suggest he 'screwed the club' is totally over the top.
  5. Possibly, but we need to remember that H was still under contract. We can't force him to retire. It was a decision that was clearly hard to swallow for him and, thus, it took him some time to reach it. It would have been better to have it done in October, but I don't think H was ready to accept his fate then, and if we pressured him it could have been a lot worse. This is the best outcome for both parties.
  6. A shame for H in the way it ended, but I'm impressed with how well the club handled it and looked after him, even if he hasn't necessarily appreciated it. Either way, thanks for wanting to be part of the revolution, H. You can watch us win our next flag from the stands and be happy you got to be a small part of it.
  7. Absolutely mate. We're never going to get through a pre-season without some form of injury, so fingers crossed these come out as only very minor setbacks and it won't hinder their preparation for the real stuff early next year.
  8. Great reports from DS and Hell Bent, although the slight injury concerns aren't great. We've seemingly had a pretty good run until now, so hopefully each injury is only something minor or a niggle and there is plenty of time to get over that through the Xmas break.
  9. We've supposedly got the worst midfield in the league, stats wise, yet we still won 10 games. Just imagine when our midfield grows and matures to go with the rest of the list. The 17 other clubs would be scared shitless.
  10. Doubt the club would have seen so blase in their assessment. We need all hands on deck for 2017 if we're to push for finals, not important players reporting back underdone.
  11. AA for sure this year. Everyone looks a million bucks in December.
  12. All fair points, bing. I'm slightly surprised that AFL players would still make these mistakes, but then we're all human. Some like to learn the hard way. If he is managed pretty well throughout the year then I'm sure he can still make a positive impact on the side, but it's still disappointing to see him potentially in this position.
  13. That sounds right on the money to me too, dazzle. Came back a little short of the targets set for him, which was pretty clear, and he then has to make up the hard yards to the coaching group and the team. He'll learn from it for sure.
  14. @stevethemanjordan will be over the moon with this piece of news.
  15. "Oliver, who averaged 19.2 disposals per game in his first season, has had a slow start to this pre-season and has been training with the rehab group as he looks to return his fitness levels to an acceptable standard" That says it all, really. Got plenty of faith in the kid, but he needs to lift his standards a little.
  16. A good mix of games there. The travel in the final game is not exactly ideal, but as others have said, interstate teams do it every fortnight so we really can't complain.
  17. I'd normally agree, but he has also lost his license and been fined by police. Add in the sanctions from the club and I think it's pretty spot on. His fitness levels, however, are more a cause for concern. I don't think he's come back in a professional manner, but there is time on his side. Hopefully all of this is the kick up the backside he needs.
  18. You are a smarter man than I! 25 wins it is!
  19. Aren't there 23 rounds? Then we win the Qualifying Final, then the Prelim and then the flag, which is 26 games which = 26 wins. Or are there only 22 rounds? It's off season, I don't know what's going on.
  20. I feel cheated that we don't get 3 word observations for each player! Robbed!! Thanks for the feedback though joeboy, really great to hear how Hogan is travelling at the moment!
  21. That's a big call to be making. I like the selection, and I think he brings a few attributes to our list that we're in need of, but he would have to absolutely tear the house down over his first pre-season to be banging on the door early in the year. There are plenty in his role who are ahead of him at the minute.
  22. Now that we've selected him I believe he was in the running to go at the first pick in the draft. Total gun who will play from day one. I don't know a thing about him so I'm looking forward to hearing more from those who do. Welcome to the best club in the land, Mitch.
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