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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. A slight bend? I've never bended the truth further than I did for that post, mate. All in good fun.
  2. Same. Plus I'd doubt the club would want him back anyway. The bloke looked horrible in his one senior game this year, his body is shot and the game has passed him by.
  3. As I said, they got some very good picks for not much and they've added some more depth. They also get Carlisle back too. I'm not as high on them as others, but they quietly did rather well with their off season. As for Brown, @stevethemanjordan was high on him for most of this year as the man to solve our defensive problems. He must be rocking in a corner somewhere after he signed for free with the Saints.
  4. I'll laugh if he goes with the pick before us. AAC will be even angrier.
  5. Speaking of a winning trade period, why is the HUN so high on the Tigers? Okay, they added Prestia and Caddy, but their forward line and back line are still poor and they have zero outside run. I don't get it. For us, it's a big win. Only matched by the Saints who sucked in the Hawks for some good picks when they were desperate.
  6. I reckon, outside of Dunn, that we are exactly that with this trade period - Dunn. We've landed Lewis, Hibberd and we will also get the return of Jake Melksham to the side as well. Add in Weideman as our first round pick with a year in the system already and that looks pretty good to me.
  7. How are you feeling big fella? You've stuck with Prestia all year, then he burned you in trade week. I did have a laugh when he said that he chose Richmond because of their list. What list? They have about 4 good players and the rest are bog ordinary.
  8. Great result. The deal is fair and, while it leaves us without any early picks, it's good to see other posters realising that our first rounder from this draft is Weideman. Adding Lewis, Hibberd and the return of Melksham makes this a terrific trade period for us. Add in the fact we have signed up all our young players and the future looks bright.
  9. C'mon PD, it's the Zanotti Files! With a name like that it has to be believable. As you say, Rocky was done and dusted the moment Mahoney said so. Those who chose to believe otherwise were just holding on to a pipe dream.
  10. Yep, so it makes them a joke. How they haven't got this deal done already is beyond me. It's pathetic.
  11. Absolutely brilliant stuff. Not only have we added a quality player with experience and leadership skills, but we did so without giving up much at all. That just doesn't happen all that often these days. We've pulled off a bit of a coup with this one. I can't wait for the 2017 season!!
  12. Very strange deal from Port. They essentially give up a first round pick for 2 second round picks, yet the pick they gave up has a high chance of landing inside the Top 10. Surely GC could have got this deal done on their own, possibly coughing up something like Pick 8 for Hanley and Pick 22?
  13. He's not a step up at all. Struggles to find the footy and doesn't kick a heap of goals. I'd rather take a punt on a kid than put this bloke on our list. Sorry mate, just the way I see it.
  14. He does absolutely nothing for me. Couldn't cement a spot in the worst side in the comp. We need to set our aim higher.
  15. Sorry mate, wasn't having a go. Just noticed you posting heaps, although I know that you thoroughly enjoy this time of the year.
  16. Me too. I understand why others want to approach it with deaf ears. I would have done the same a decade ago. But with everything that's happened so far, I think Mahoney knocking it on the head rather than giving some sort of confirmation is more than enough for me.
  17. I love this time of the year. Really, I do. We've heard from one poster about Rockliff. Even Chook in Perth, who has more cred than anyone here, said we had no interest. But as some here having nothing else to do (Abe, have you posted 1,000 times in the last 2 days?) it gets some traction and people get excited. Mahoney saying we have absolutely no interest at this point of the trade period is more than enough confirmation. Saying you can't trust him is a way of trying to keep the belief alive. It 'aint happening.
  18. When asked about it today, what does Mahoney gain from denying it? With a few days left, why would it harm the deal for him to say that we have some interest and we are currently looking at all options etc. Instead he said we have no interest whatsoever. I believe him, but at the same time, I'm kind of surprised you don't. Every credible source out there has either said they've heard nothing or have heard there is zero interest from us, we haven't spoken to Brisbane etc. That's more than enough for me.
  19. The difference was that there was serious noise about Lewis. There has been none whatsoever, except for here, on Rockliff. It's not hard to work out the difference. It's no chance.
  20. Or astonishing that people will do anything to hold on to a dream, hey Dion?
  21. Who says we aren't? Vardy seems keen elsewhere and Nankervis may be happy up north. We have no idea if we've made enquiries or not. I think this trade period should be proof enough that lots of things are going on behind the scenes that we know nothing about.
  22. I'm with PD on this one. No chance of Rocky at the Dees, and the rumours going around were nothing more than that.
  23. I'd much rather a bloke with a great footy IQ who can hit a target 50 metres away than players who run blindly and make poor decisions or turn the ball over.
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