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Everything posted by Brownie

  1. Wherever he is, he's probably jogging and not putting any pressure on his opponent
  2. This has so much "Neeld feel" about it. Remember when you're highlight of a game was a good chase down tackle? When you just had to be happy to watch a young bloke like Windsor bust his guts? I've really got the Needs nostalgia going here It's like a Trainwreck and I just can't seem to turn the tv off.
  3. The legalisation of shoving players both hands in the back to get them out of the way to take a mark is driving me quite spare
  4. I've really enjoyed watching Casey in the last few years but just haven't watched much this season. The fact that it seems like AMW maybe the only one right now who could step into our AFL right now is quite disturbing. In years gone past, you could see similar game plans and systems across both teams and a number of potential candidates pushing for selection. Casey's performance this year is really setting alarm bells off for me
  5. Ginnivan didn't have time to comment, as soon as the team mates got around him, Day busted through, gave him a mouthful and some really big shoves. Yep, it was Day who got burnt earlier, but it was not a good look at all. Quite surreal to see a team mate so angry like that.
  6. What was the go with Ginnivans team mate after he kicked the goal at the end of the 3rd. Got right in his grill and shoved and pushed him about 4 times
  7. Here's a bad idea, have a drink every time a Carlton player stages or throws their hands up appealing for a free kick. Qtr 1 - lose the ability to speak Qtr2 - get a bucket Qtr 3 - in the shower Qtr 4 - tell the paramedics how much more you hate Carlton.
  8. Sorry everyone, I put money on Port at $2.50 when they were a goal down last quarter. This is all my fault.
  9. I thought you were going to say.... I'm curious as to what might happen when I leave the Collingwood cheer squad!
  10. Yep, they're owned by live nation. A Us and Saudi owned conglomerate. I'm sure they'll be sensitive and remorseful for what's happened and will be compensating their customers generously.
  11. The ear pieces will be running hot this weekend.
  12. That's hilarious. Have you watched a game recently and how inconsistently those things are officiated?
  13. Yeah, watching the West Coast game, we're throwing Koz into the middle more which is great but it does Rob us a little of his goal kicking up forward. If we can get the mids humming a little more, then I think Tracc would make a great forward being down there more. It seems a bit of a wobbly balancing act at the moment. If we can do that AND play St Kilda every week, all our problems are solved!
  14. Yep, he's had so much disruption. Would love to see him stay down back for a few consecutive games just to let him have a crack at breaking into the side in a position to which he's used to. Steven May seems to be a good kick at goal (kidding)
  15. There's the Yze factor too right? For a team full of injuries, they're looking ok this week. They really work hard off half back and run it well through the middle
  16. Yeeew You watch Essendon Carlton Geelong and think you really hate them. Then you watch the pies and realise there's a whole new level. Thank you Freo Hope cox is ok pffft
  17. Why is Grundy playing for Freo?
  18. Their Guernsey looks like an extention of their tatts. Their pressure is quite incredible
  19. Nope. I think we did the right thing with those two. JJ and Grundy, probably better off still having them. I wonder about Tomlinson too. I can see him leaving and doing well elsewhere. Gee I miss you and your hard work off half back Gus. Starting to twitch at the thought of the KB game.
  20. I think that's part of the problem yeah. Casey's form in general is falling apart compared to previous years. There's no-one banging the door down much at all. Macadam and Billings appear to be duds. BBB is shot. Petty, I'm really uncertain about. Unless we are incredibly lucky to find another Caleb Windsor amongst our youngsters at Casey this year, I think we're going to finish 7th or 8th.
  21. Our whole forward line, Fritsch included, have provided absolutely no defensive pressure. Goes straight in and straight back out.
  22. We'll go down by under a goal I reckon. I can feel it in my bowels.
  23. We're feeling the scoreboard pressure now! 😁
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