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Deemented Are Go!

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Everything posted by Deemented Are Go!

  1. And overreaction of the year goes to........Socrates! Congratulations! Get a grip dude.
  2. Surely Jackson Trengove would be an equation in this scenario?
  3. Congrats PD, I'm nearly there myself. Are you happy with your 1000th?
  4. Yeah I know. And truth be known, I check into this thread every half hour, desperately scraping around for a skerrick of new information like a junkie. *sigh*
  5. Wow, check into the Jake Lever thread to find it mutated into a discussion on Weed's development and a reminiscing session about Robbie Flower?!?! JUST DO THE FRIGGIN DEAL ALREADY!
  6. Dumb question, but does that mean 2 teams in the comp share the same song? It never occurred to me before! ?
  7. What happened? (Can't watch ATM)
  8. Lever was a bit shaky in that passage of before? Finals nerves, right?
  9. Feel free to PM me the gory details, Steve
  10. Let's all take a break from the scuttlebutt, fake news, inane bickering and political posturing of the last few days around here and talk about some actual footy. I reckon the Cats are a real smoky tomorrow night, should be a fascinating game. Plus we could get closer to sorting out this whole Lever thing a bit quicker if they do it. As for Saturday, get the riot squad ready if the unthinkable happened. No reason GWS couldn't do it but surely 90,000 + ferals will be a bridge too far.
  11. Good stuff Bernie. I recall a while back on 360 he said he would be happy to play at Casey as required should he be re-signed. An excellent club-man albeit rascal!
  12. Highly suspicious first post - what are you selling, Mr?
  13. If Jack has a pea heart, won't commit to the workload demanded of him and says 'no' to being traded, just let him 'coast along' at Casey for the rest of his contract. He's good enough to blag it at VFL level and help Casey win a flag. Once he's out of contract, see ya later, off to sell boardshorts, smash craft beers at trendy bars and do whatever.
  14. @GCDee Kudos on the new profile picture! A vast improvement.
  15. http://www.afl.com.au/news/2017-09-19/my-whole-body-kind-of-dropped-buggs-dark-night Vaguely interesting article on a repentant Thomas Bugg. I reckon every team needs a bit of a [censored]-stirrer / 'pest' and when in form he's best 22 IMO. Looking forward to seeing some improvement in 2018.
  16. OK I can see the personal financially sentimental aspect there, but seriously, anything else! Maybe a picture of Jake Lever's dad? Paging @SaberFang while we're at it
  17. (Unrelated) Dude....you've gotta find a new profile picture....I just threw up in my mouth a bit
  18. A quick Facebook stalk has him even 'liking' the Casey page!
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