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Everything posted by grazman

  1. Congrats RPFC. This is one of the best threads I've seen on here for a while. It's interesting that on the weekend we were clearly outpointed for tackles inside 50 (meaning the Swans were able to lock the ball in for longer - where it tended to rebound straight out again from our forward line) I think this in part is due to the more open nature of our forward line, but it's also supports what Old was saying about the interpretations that can be placed on what stats mean. Last year our F50 entries were pretty much the lowest in the comp, but we had one of the highest % of scores from those entries. Clearly the differential is an issue (as identified many times by our own coaching staff) but that's also assuming we can continue to score at the same rate. The amount of time a ball enters the fifty is more an indication of the effectiveness of the midfield not necessarily their efficiency - particularly if those entries don't produce scores. I've always looked at tackles as being a measure of work-rate and pressure, but the more time you have the ball in your hands the less time you have to worry about chasing the opposition, so whilst I'm not predicting a massive reduction in tackles this year, I think over time if we are to be as successful as everyone hopes we will, our trend will be a reduction not only in tackles but probably towards the overall number of possessions needed to kick over 100 points a game. (which is just an arbitrary figure I plucked out given few sides that kick more than a 100 points a game lose - but I'm sure some more mathematically inclined person can come up with a more definitive "winning score' bench mark.)
  2. Exactly. I'd also make the point that for those that want him to be more instinctive. Jack Watts wasn't born with a footy in his hands like Scully he's a basketball convert. There's a lot of similarities between the games, but his natural inclination is to wait for the right option. He'll be a very, very good KPF in time, but like Spunj said he won't be a Jonathon Brown... same, but different.
  3. To those wondering about why Ricky was the sub, my view is that Maric completed 90% of the preseason and was rated by the club as one of the top three trainers. Ricky had a reduced preseason due to a slight tweak in his hammy. It's entirely fair and reasonable in the first match of the year to reward consistency and effort. Ricky will probably start next week after today, that's also fair and reasonable.
  4. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I agree with Gerard Healy (err I feel so dirty). Jack should be played off half back/wing for a while. I thought his field kicking was outstanding today. He picks the right option and hits targets consistently whether 20 or 50 metres away. I thought overall he had a reasonable game today, but what he needs is to get is plenty of ball in his hands. I can see why he went pick 1. He's lightening quick off the mark. Once he gets a little stronger and more experienced he's going to be a weapon.
  5. One of my all time favourite demons. I played around the same time and chose to wear #27, I could never emulate his courage or skill, but at least I wore his number. He'll be in my prayers.
  6. Well they went for Cook instead of Darling who slid to 26... I'd say that there were more than just a few concerns as to Darling's extra curricula activities. I like the sound of Cook (but then I've always liked the quiet, humble types who play for the team rather than themselves.)
  7. My take is that while Cam and DB (although in reality it's probably more to do with Chris Connolly) are the main protagonists, their agents are very savy and experienced negotiators in Tim Harrington and Ricky Nixon (albeit that Nixon appears to loves to see his name in the papers more than the average player agent). I don't know the specifics of how long the contract was on the table, but I doubt that either Cam or the Club were really surprised by the final result. The papers are mooting Hawthorn, but I see GC as a far more likely destination. Their last pick in the draft is 48 which is still before Hawthorn's third pick. They will have already stockpiled a plethora of young talent all from the same cohort, what they lack is experience. We may have been able to trade him for that pick, but that's on the supposition that before the end of the trade period that all of the MFC, Cam & GC (you can insert Hawthorn here if you wish) were in agreement that he'd be traded. I don't think either Cam or Nixon are the villains here, but I think it's a little fatuous to claim they thought the club would have a change of heart on the contract that'd been offered. Cam's got a business degree, I think he's done his sums and at the end of the day he'll be getting more money somewhere else, that's why he's left. BTW I think this is where free agency will be heading, players who are best 22, but aren't top tier at a club who see greater opportunities (such as money) elsewhere.
  8. The story also mentioned that it wasn't so much money or length of contract, he was seeking assurances of his place in the team.... business decision in a business world. He'll get more money and a longer contract elsewhere, but the club remains consistent in developing a 'team first' attitude.
  9. Wonder if they'll opt for a split round again this year with a twist? You could effectively have 7 teams with a bye one week and 7 teams with a bye the next week. Of course it's not even meaning three teams miss out, but it's a fixture and not a draw. Gives you 14 byes over two rounds leaving 20 byes for 20 rounds.
  10. Maybe, but then maybe it's not a test match either, but a 20/20. As for Hampson as you say IF Jacobs had stayed, everything else after that is academic and that's where the reality of footy is different for a club than for a fan.
  11. Well yes, but it depends on what the sticking point in terms of negotiations might be. I wouldn't be offering any more unless it was the deal breaker, (but then you'd be also looking at reducing the payments). I'd love North to pay a % of his wage, but clubs hate doing this and will want to free up their books. 400K may seem steep when compared to what other's might be getting, but the club has had to front load contracts anyway so I doubt this is as big an issue for the club as it is for many supporters who don't think that Hale should get more than another player (insert name here).
  12. This post makes no sense to me whatsoever.... You're not concerned about getting a tall foward/ruck in the short term, so we don't need to give up something now... what about next year or the year after? You'll be OK with the trade if Hale addresses the need identified, but otherwise we've been burnt... I think it's safe to say that's a pretty unadventurous assumption you've made there. You don't want to give up anything or pay too much in terms of money or years.... safe to say the only players you'll get to the club on that basis will be players other clubs would otherwise delist.
  13. Hampson I rate as a good ruckman, but what information have you to suggest that he's cheaper than Hale or going to be a better forward (remembering that Hale at least has several games that he's kicked multiple goals in). From the little that I know Hampson is rated highly at Carlton as you'd expect from a first round draft pick. Have you heard he isn't happy and wants to move? The difficulty in trading isn't identifying the type of player you need, but having them available at an affordable price. I'm not sure Hampson is.
  14. Every trade is a risk, just ask St Kilda about Andrew Lovett or Brisbane about Fev, you just have to understand what you're getting. Our trading has been judicious because we've got picks in return for players. - At some stage you need to address inbalances on the list. Hale does that. I take every thing I read on here with a large pinch of salt. After all it wasn't so long ago that a large bunch of Armchair experts were lambasting the club for picking James Frawley ahead of James Sellar in the draft. If the footy club are targetting Hale, it's probably because they are using their knowledge and experience in footy to come to an informed decision as opposed to DT rankings or such like.
  15. Disagree, but it depends on your definition of grunt. Morton's stamina is elite. It was when we drafted him and it will only continue to improve with more preseasons.
  16. The Hun today has said it seems Hale maybe heading our way in exchange for a second round pick, but Hawthorn are still circling. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/dons-get-tough-on-bachar-houli/story-e6frf9jf-1225933062920
  17. That was actually the second occasion. The first time he did it training on a sub-standard suburban oval/paddock where his foot got stuck in a rabbit hole! I remember the second time because he'd done the whole rehab thing and I was at Lavy when he did it (last time I was there there was still a dent in the interchange shelter where he'd punched it). Nothing to do with the ground because Lavy was a bowling green. The third time he came back early and made it through one match only to have his knee buckle under him against the Swans when he was starting to look dangerous. Fortunately it was then third time lucky when they tightened up his 'loose' joint.
  18. Adrian Anderson also stated that in an effort to even the ledger that next year the Umpires would wear a traditional white strip to more closely resemble the extra men the Bulldogs played with all night!
  19. Spot On Redleg!!!! According to Il Duce, AKA Jabba the Hut, AKA Vlad, "It's unfortunate that it happened and I know Adrian Anderson yesterday apologised for the incident. I think unfortunately it has detracted from what was a fantastic event." hmmm that's a backhanded apology if ever I heard one... more so considering the club had protested before hand in an effort to get the umpires to change their strip, but were denied. Unfortunate... Nahh, how about stupid, moronic, cretinous, & puerile!!! To add salt to the wound they said it was too late to change their stip... what their mums hadn't washed their, yellow, orange or green stips???
  20. But had two goal assists and twenty hitouts.... shocking performance what were they thinking.
  21. agree, he'll come back via Casey, Morton will also probably get one more game to get some conditioning back. No change unless Gysberts plays a blinder for Casey. I don't think Dunn will be dropped and like most (probably none more so than Lynden himself) I'm frustrated at his lack of finishing. Dunn is working his butt off to play the other high half forward role and get to the right positions. He got 19 possessions (6 contested) in tough conditions - he was far from disgraced.
  22. Just to clarify, the interview was done at half time - it wasn't the post match interview... said something like "we've just got to keep f...ing kicking it in their" - referring to F50 entires.
  23. yep - hilarious. The universal adjective - actually in a coaching context he probably didn't even realise he'd used it.
  24. Yeah - Nahh. It's a question of process. Goal umpires are trained and paid to make those the decisions, they're in the best spot to judge. I have no problem with the umpires conferring, and with the central umpire over-ruling the goal umpire if they 'know' that the ball has been touched, but in both cases you can clearly hear that the umpire's either didn't see or 'thought' the ball had been touched. In cricket you don't give an LBW if you 'think' the ball is going to hit the stumps - only if you 'know' it will. In both cases the person paid to make the decision and standing in the best spot to make the decision was over-ruled based on speculation.... not good enough.
  25. Nup... he handballed it to the umpire.... ridiculous strip to be wearing... was just one of three occasions in the last quarter alone that players went to the umpire thinking it was a team mate (Bate and Green the others). Plus they over ruled the goal umpire in better position because they 'thought' the player had touched the ball, and they didn't pay Trengove's mark.... other than that they had a pretty good game.
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