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Everything posted by dazzledavey36

  1. Been saying it all year he will not coach us and when he says he is not interested he MEANS it
  2. Anyone with Foxtel can give us a rundown on if anything gets brought on the couch regarding Roos? cheers
  3. Mark Stevens on game just said jungle drums are beating and its nearly a done deal. 1 mill a year llus his own coaching group. Still not confident.
  4. Isn't that what Magner is suppose to be here for?
  5. have you ever played in conditions like that and expect every kick and handball to hit a target? When conditions are like that it will be a scrap and meaning just get quick kick to ball.
  6. Look I know It was wet and groggy but il take this. Yes we still got flogged but would have been double if Neeld was coaching. Look at the positives: Toumpas played well Gawn was good Matt Jones was good Kent had a good first half but faded in the 2nd. There is something there to work with.
  7. Thank god you have nothing to do with our list..! unbelievable..
  8. 21 disposals 7 tackles and was clean today. Was by far jimmy's best game this year and starting to look like he is adjusting to the tempo. Will be a very good footballer for us for many years to come. Another pre season, bigger, faster and more confidence will do him well. Keep it up Jimmy! Was just interviewed on triple M and said that he had little pre season and found it hard at the start but now he is getting more confident and running out games well.
  9. Because he had already planned before he got appointed CEO and told the AFL he had it already booked.
  10. Jimmy toumpas hasn't touched it this qtr. And I turned the radio on at the start of the 3rd. has he been moved or injured??
  11. been saying it all year bloody get rid of Dunn!!
  12. Wouldnt say he potted the club thats more of a honest assessment of where we are. I have watched the full interview and he even says that he enjoyed playing for the club and only has himself to blame for not being the player we all expected him too. I love how he is honest it shows where we are as a club and where we need to get to in terms of fitness and setting the standard.
  13. Have said it all along. Luke Dunstan for me.
  14. who cares, he's doing my supercoach great wonders!
  15. No he told the AFL before appointed that he was going on holiday back in May. Just means don't expect any announcement till september maybe even early October.
  16. Don't know if it's been reported but Peter Jackson is going on holidays from mid August to September sometime.
  17. i remember Ross Lyon dropped to $1.90 and hot favourite to take the Melbourne job after Bailey. Doesn't really mean anything.
  18. Yes but its a massive credit to Dean to be seen by one of the greatest clubs in the modern era that he is someone they have to put a close check on him. But also no disrespect to dean it says a lot about our club.
  19. http://www.geelongcats.com.au/news/2013-07-11/cats-must-deter-terlich
  20. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2013-07-12/nathan-jones-timeline
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