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Everything posted by dazzledavey36

  1. Good work has pin point disposal and gives good run out of defence. I dont think strauss will get another contract at the end of the year..
  2. David teague won a best and fairest at carlton? Do you honestly think carlton would have him up there as a true club champion...
  3. I think we can actually elevate a rookie atm? If so it looks like its Clisby. If that was the case where does that leave magner and couch??
  4. One thing i liked about his presser was that the way he answerd about the coaching regarding who would want to go for it. Was pretty critical in saying if a another inexperienced coach was thinking of putting there hand up to think twice and pretty much forget about it. I think he even knows we MUST go for a experienced coach.
  5. Worst post of the year.
  6. Why the eff is Paul Gardner getting his say everytime something happens to the footy club!? Get that [censored] away from the media in regards to Melbourne!
  7. Please lets just get behind craigy.. From what I heard the player actually love him and see him as a mentor father figure. I don't know if anyone saw but what I was really happy to see was against hawthorn Dean Kent kicked a goal went to the bench and Craigy gave him the biggest pat on the head like a proud father to his child and I thought that was really encouraging. I never once saw Neeld do that at all. I still reckon we should hang on to him whoever becomes our new coach. PJ even said that NG was one of our most experience people in the football department so I cant see why they would try and move him on.
  8. Wowee what a complete turn around! This is our chance make it happen melbourne!
  9. I honestly think Roos is more then happy just being a hardcore Swan supporter in which he is and that's fine. I think the way he see's it is that couldn't see himself ever coaching against the Swans.
  10. You can add Dawes to that.. could you imagine his reaction would be? especially coming from somewhere like Collingwood where buckley and malthouse wouldn't stand for that.
  11. http://www.sen.com.au/audioplayer/Audio/Derm-Neeld-wasnt-a-very-good-senior-coach/8267 If its true what he said at the start that is quite disgraceful
  12. Screw you Austar on Shutting my foxtel down tonight for some unknown bloody reason!!
  13. pfft did you know David Teague once won a best and fairest for Carlton? He was part of the group that cancelled the time trials under bailey because it was too hot! FFS get a grip tonatopia that 186 game was the most disgraceful what Moloney did, and he was part of that toxic culture that's imbedded into the Melbourne Footy club. Should not ever be allowed at the footy club ever again! I Never saw James Mcdonald pot shot Bailey when he got given the ass! and that's why he captained our club and is regarded as a champion in the eyes of the Melbourne Football Club. Schwab and Moloney can go dig themselves a 6 foot hole for all I care
  14. If Peter Jackson became our CEO after Bailey got the sack would we have still appointed Neeld.
  15. Tigers supporters love him because the way he has turned Dustin Martins life around and also the guidance he has shown to the younger players. He was also praised for the vast improvement of the GWS youngsters last year, and now you look at richmonds young guns now and seeing how well they are going. Has people skill, PASSION, leadership, development skills and plus a witty side to him..
  16. Love Robbo because unlike other journo's he has actual sympathy for us and never sticks the boot into us! I have seen David King and that other [censored] Mclure lay it into us and you will always find Robbo sticking up for us, pointing to the little positives. For an Essendon supporter too he isn't biased like some other people in the media.
  17. Took the words right out of my mouth! Do your research tonatopia FFS!
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