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Everything posted by dazzledavey36

  1. Neil Craig said that he will wear shorts to training for the rest of the year in cold conditions to probe and try and instal mental toughness. I want craig kept even if he doesnt get the coaching gig.
  2. They just showed footage on Game Day of Neil Craig giving the boys an absolute ROOST and i mean it was an almighty spray! It was good to see and something i havent seen from a coach for melbourne for a while.
  3. The year thorp trained with us we also had Tom Rockcliff and Kane tenace plus couple of rookies. Tom hislop never trained with us.
  4. Highly doubt tom hislop trained with us mate.
  5. http://www.afl.com.au/news/2013-07-24/demons-could-talk-to-walsh
  6. Peter Jackson doesnt beat around the bush. Il expect he will give him a buzz.
  7. Dont think we have moved on just looking at other options aswell. Still in the hunt but being saying it all along he wont coach us. Chocco for me and he can bring Dustin martin with and tell him to give taylor adams a call aswell.
  8. Everyone is talking about the emotions he showed whwn subbed. I didnt watch the game but can anyone tell me what sort of emotion and body language did he show?? Seems to be the talking point ATM
  9. Can you give me a copy of the print please?
  10. They will give an oponion if they are ready or not but if the player puts a strong case and say that he feels 110% right the medicos will go with the players call. Fact.
  11. Did you ever think that maybe clark could have told them that he felt 100% right to go and his ankle was good as gold. Takes two to tango HH
  12. Can someone give a run down on the Roos saga if anything else gets mention on The Couch? cheers
  13. The team bailey had going could really push the top sides. And to think under bailey we were far better developed then Richmond and now look where they are heading. Finals..
  14. The way bailey press confrence was handled was quite disgraceful. Compare it to the way how Neeld was handled it summed up our leadership back then.
  15. Just admit it, you were stoked to have Morton at the time.
  16. Viv Michie is another player we should target. Tall midfielder who is a ball magnet at WAFL level. Young player too.
  17. Wow such exciting names that have put there hand up for senior selection next week..
  18. Do we have to start a new thread about cale Morton every time he plays!? Time to seriously get over it and move on. We stuffed up our pick, happens everywhere we now just have to live with it and move on. Mods please delete this stupid thread..!
  19. So you want a swap with Daniel cross...???!!
  20. WYL he had a lot of Soft Tissue problems during the 2011/2012 pre season. Mainly calf and quad problems. And your being silly in regards to that incident which happened early on that year he went on to have a fine year and a consistent one as well. Your really getting over the top here.
  21. WYL Trengove missed the whole pre season and that affects your ability and power especially at AFL level. I have cousins playing in the AFL and they will tell you that its a massive step back in preperation, fitness and condition if you are unable to do a full pre season and it affects you season because you are trying to play catch up to the rest of the competition. If you ask a joel selwood or shane crawford on how importan a full pre seaaon is they will tell you how much it sets you up for a big year. Especially when your playing one of the hardest position on the ground in the midfield. Just remember trenners didnt get back to full training till febuarary. And if your expecting to come out all guns blazing dominating and kicking 2-3 goals a qtr and 20 plus touches with ZERO pre season base then you are kidding yourself and need to support another sport because that how AFL is now days. Even now trenners will be still be playing catch up footy. This is his pre season now.
  22. He has been battling knee problems the last couple of weeks. Fact.
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