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Everything posted by dazzledavey36

  1. My mistake RTG. I do hope he becomes a good player but im still very confused why we didnt pick Honeychurch or Templeton.
  2. RTG im not trying to be harsh on him but like I said he has very poor skills, poor decision making and poor awareness aswell. He is a battler and thats it. Exactly like Magner was for us. Fill a role for a year or two and hopefully by then some one more talented can take over. Love his work ethic but for me he makes far too many mistakes and is quite slow aswell. We just cannot afford to keep carying blokes like him Terlich, Jetta etc.. They are nothing but just genuine VFL SANFL battlers who aren't up to AFL standard.
  3. The sooner we get Garland in the better chance Geogiou will be out. Look love his work ethic but he has horrible skills and poor decision making aswell. Will always be an honest battler and thats it. Cant afford to keep having blokes like him and Terlich keep turning it over in our back half.
  4. I too was very surprised and so was the Footballing world we had taken him so early. He is every much as a project player has what Machsy mentioned about that guy. Hunt didnt even make the cut for his TAC which is bit of a worry. Played a few bit of school footy here and there and played tennis a bit more. From the footage he is very quick and alright skills but surely he would have last till our rookie draft. I was a Templeton fan and I trully believe its the one that got away. If its not that then its Langdon or Honeychurch aswell. Sick of these picks we keep wasting on smokies aswell.
  5. Im pretty sure last year I read a mini artince on Sinclair saying that we were very interested in him but was a toss up between him and Fitzpatrick and we decided on Fitzy instead?
  6. James harmes played first two qtrs and already laid 7 tackles.. impressive!
  7. Ahh because Garry Lyon was a former Melbourne champion player that wore number 3.. *facepalm*
  8. Does anyone know if Garry Lyon presented Salem with his jumper before the game?
  9. If thats the case Watts isn't good enough to be in the side and deep down you know it. Two weeks in a row I have seen Watts disgraceful attempt at a chase. Roos says he will cop skill errors but not effort. He hasn't shown effort since round 1. I saw Toumpas in the two games try and chase and put pressure on his opponent. He was seriously stiff to get dropped compared to what Watts is dishing up.
  10. Tom Mcdonald missed a week with a punctured lung in 2012.
  11. Why did he get dropped though.
  12. Obviously you haven't seen Luke Dunstan play.
  13. Poor bloke. Get him right anx healthy. No rush as Dawesy said he is a 10 year player for us.
  14. Agreed Chip will leave at years end. And to be honest we are doing quite well without him down back. But will be a massive loss indeed.
  15. If I was Jimmy Toumpas I would be absolutely livid if jack Watts isn't dropped this week.
  16. Give me guy like Geogiou and Pedersen who bust their ass and show courage over the soft [censored] Jack Watts. One of the most pathetic game from an AFL player I have ever seen. Even in country footy you don't get away with some of those insipid efforts he put out on the weekend.
  17. Great debut from Salem. Looking forward to a full game next week hopefully. A complete footballer that thrives on 1%. I thought Adam Yze had pulled on the boots again. Tough little bugger too.
  18. He was also reported on the Hogan injury first and said he was going to miss at least 6 weeks when Dave Misson said he was still a chance for round 1.Turn it up PSD, he was spot on right from the start and our club needs to pull its finger out in keeping us supporters in the loop first instead of hearing it off the footy show.
  19. We bring in more experience with Jamar and Byrnes. I have a feeling Mckenzie days as a footballer are nearly finished.
  20. Hang on a minute..! I started the thread just in regards to why wasn't Hogan name read out on the Dave Mission Injury list.. I thought it was a bit odd thats all. Hows that sensationlising it?
  21. Forgot to add ROK is just as hard at training as is Cross is. Crazy about his diet so would be a valuable leader in driving those standards.
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