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Everything posted by DubDee

  1. where carlton are is down to hundreds of decisions - mostly bad ones. not just this one, albeit big trade. meanwhile, i'm loving them being cr-ap :-)
  2. Yeah they'd be much better with Masten running around. Theyd love to have Kennedy but Judd has him beat for value
  3. I love how people on here are horrified at us offering pick 2 & 3 but would happily offer pick 2 and toumpas. Anyone remember being a very highly rated pick 3 two years ago???
  4. Looks like we've been Goodwin Hunting
  5. Why the hell would Danger want to come to us? he'd get good money wherever he goes/if he stays
  6. i know he went over the top and it seems a harmless remark. but at the end of the day whoever wrote the mardi gras comment was putting someone down by insinuating they are homosexual. things like that is the reason not one player/coach comes out. We have not one player than would be classified as a running half back that is decent. if we can get him for a second rounder, we definetely have to go for it. massive gap in our team would be filled i personally like characters in footy, everyone is too robotic.
  7. interesting to see the difference between the demonland b&f and the MFC one. We tended to vote for our favourite players (eg Viney, when he didnt have a great year) and tended not to vote for players that have talent but expect more from (watts, frawley). I think we are (subconciously?) trying to convince ourselves that chip is no good. he played in a new poisition and finished 8th in the b&f. stacks of marks and did alright with a pathetic amount of inside fiftys. around 2010/2011 I had him as our best player on the list. a drop in form and interest says a bit about him and the club. I still think he is a big loss and pick 3, while it is overs is still a lottery pick. With Clark gone and Dawes not being as good as I had thought and now Chip gone. Key Positions has gone from our strength to a weakness. we certainly need to top up in the draft/trade. add to that our rucks arent great either ok im depressed now
  8. I hear what you are saying. we have definately drafted the wrong sort. But I think you can trade in stars. Apart from Hogan I see Tyson as the player with the biggest star potential on our list. So I reckon a combination on good trades and kids in draft is the go. unless no-one trades reasonably and if so, we hit the draft and hope for some stars. Lets hope the draft is more 2001 and less 2003 (although I get the feeling it more 2003)
  9. I can't believe after the last 7 years people are still talking about Petrecca etc as 'guns' when he is a potential gun. how many times should we get burnt by assuming these kids will be a Judd or Dangerfield? Im not saying we should trade out all picks but we need to treat all picks as a risk. With top 5 picks you have about 50% chance of a very good or star player. the other 50% are either just ok or injured or just no good. (not basing this on any evidence :-) ) so the question is, are these guys good enough to warrant us taking the risk on, or is there better players on AFL lists we can trade in? Is petrecca as good as a Whitfield/Treloar or more of a O'rourke/toumpas. glad im not making the call!!
  10. In Riley and Mckenzie. should bring some much needed pace and skill into the side. God I couldnt care less about this game but for some reason im going to be there tomorrrow night. will be good to see what Salem, Mitchie, Fitzy and Gawn can do esp up front. hopefully we can gt the ball up there more that 20 times
  11. The reason Strauss doesn't get a game is that he is no good. He can't play well as VFL level consistently. The guys that get into the AFL side play well for Casey so therefore anyone playing yesterday is way better then Strauss - even though he 'can kick'. He has no awareness and can't defend. So while people say we have nothing to lose, I say we have nothing to gain in playing him. I'd prefer to see someone like Clisby who showed something last year but he is also struggling at Casey. I would not like to see Hogan come in as some sort of saviour this week. If he gets a kick for Casey this weekend, then maybe bring him in for the last round. Might cheer us fans up a bit
  12. The question is: is this bloke as highly rated as Morton and Toumpas were? if yes, we need to grab him!
  13. anyone that can say we are playing rubbish primarily because we tanked in 2009 is full of it. there are 3 players (and zero coaches) from that year playing and they are 3 of our best players - even on the weekend. Roos has been saying that we lack belief as we havent been successful for years which makes sense - we dont know how to win. But to align that with tanking is rubbish from Caro who continually harps on about her 3-4 favourite topics. Tanking hasn't seemed to have affected WC or the Pies too badly has it?
  14. surely we cannot lose to the bears. we have had a long down patch where Tyson etc have been tired. we looked better against port and have had a break. i reckon we will win by 3 goals in a fairly comfortable win Gawn, Strauss and Cross to come into the extended bench along with blease, tappy, Kent and Riley. ending in no change. Cross will come back next week i reckon Carn the Fracken Dees!
  15. awesome. he is the most important figure at the club at the moment cant wait for 360 tonight. interesting to see if he elaborates on the decision
  16. 4 wins and 13 losses. good run with injuries most of the year, we lost ones we could have won and we won ones we could have lost clear fail for the season as we are entrenched in the bottom 4 as always and could well win the wooden spoon. I dont know how anyone could argue otherwise. I guess it depends on your expectations pre-season. or maybe people are just comparing us to last season when we performed as one of the worst sides in AFL/VFL history not really interested in excuses, we are young and tired - port were younger on the weekend. still think we are on the right track but itll take a long time to be a challenger for the 8 at this rate
  17. Yeah I reckon those have to come in. Salem needs a rest, gawn out as well
  18. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2014-07-08/vfl-player-review-round-13 didnt realise Tappy didn't play? what is the Go with him? Looks like Blease and JKH are locks for this week and Riley a good chance.
  19. I too am surprised that Salem is still in the team as he looks to me to need a week off. But the toumpas v Salem debate is an easy one. Salem goes in hard and looks comfortable at afl level. Toumpas doesnt attack the ball and gets pushed off it too easily. he is not dominating at vfl level like salem did so why gift him a game? God i wish Roos had of been here last year to handle Toumpas's first year, we threw him in too quick on JKH he had one very good game and before that some very poor ones. I'm sure if he backs it up he'll be back in the ones clearly Roos doesnt give a stuff about how many disposals people have. its running, defending, what you actually do with your disposals and playing a team-game that counts
  20. I seriously think Tyson is the one. I see some of Simon Black and Hodge in him. Its easy to forget he is a kid - if he played a few less games last year he would be elligible for the rising star this year he is slowing down in the past month but the scope to improve is massive. Also he has that x factor about him in that he has that confidence (bordering on arrogance) that all champs have and that i havent seen from a Melb player in years. another preseason and tidy up disposal and watch out We'll be popping a bottle of Dom when he wins a brownlow in 2018
  21. Just booked my Tickets for the adeliade oval! standing on the Hill, hopefully propped up against the bar. looking forward to it. tickets went on sale this week, so get on it if your keen as hopefully it will sell out just have to think of something to do on the saturday. what does the city of churches have to offer i wonder?
  22. so he shanks a few. have a look at the stats on the melbourne website. 1%ers he is double anyone else on our list! that double cross/viney etc. he is a great stopper and still so young. didnt hear anyone complain about his decision making in the last minute of the Dons match when he took a risk and ran the ball through the corridor to help set up salems goal. i like how he takes risks and he will get better with this. we have a lot bigger problems than tommy mac
  23. What a good example of players taking a (bloody) long time to develop and mature. 7 poor years and now 2 good to very good years. So sometimes players are not list-cloggers, to reluctantly coin a Hutchy phrase, they just take time, especially players over 190cm. How good could Watts be by his 9th season i wonder. That doesnty mean to say we should keep players on the list for 7 years to see how they go. its critical to have experienced coaches to assess their future worth and potential. And when we are playing decent footy ts amazing how much better the same players look As I yell at the footy: WELL DONE DUNN!
  24. there are 12 games left and only have one saturday day game prior to 3pm at the G, and ZERO sunday day games prior to 3pm at the G. wtf! Its all away games, etihad or twilight sunday games. sunday twilight eqauls no atmosphere, getting home at 8:30, very hard for families to make it - kids usually in bed by 7-7:30 and they wonder why they have the lowest attendences for years? as if they give a toss!
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