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pineapple dee

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Everything posted by pineapple dee

  1. Easy Marry me, we saw him first !!!!!
  2. Not before, but I reckon I could work it out now. Cheers Pro !!
  3. I remember the Hawthorn game and I recall Oliver lining up on Breust in the centre at the start of the last quarter. I thought to myself, well how's this going to go? Soon after the bounce, Breust was on his knees and nowhere and Clarry had dished out the ball to a team mate in space. This is the precise thing we can expect Oliver to do an awful lot this year. The thicker the traffic, the better he likes it. Oliver will have a massive year this year! ( and I shook his hand in the supermarket ) The previous AFL player whose hand I shook was Buddy Franklin, and he's turned out OK.
  4. Interesting info about the history of Tasmania, thanks demonlanders. You learn something every day! I can't recall too much about Australian history from school. The only thing I remember is that Matthew Flinders sailed down the east coast from Sydney. He entered Port Phillip bay through the heads and went on to mount Martha. That surprised me because I had thought Martha had stayed home in England.
  5. I believe that Petracca's kicking is already above average. He can improve of course, but he will be putting the ball on a sixpence in no time flat ( that's 5c for you young people ) He is cool under pressure and usually selects the right option.
  6. Can someone amongst the cognoscenti suggest to me how Wagner gets back in our best 22 ??? He is a player I think has the qualities to be an excellent foot soldier for us but his chances of a half back role seem limited.
  7. We have to suffer the dross they serve up at the tennis, the racquet smashing, the squealing, the tantrums, the nonsense and after that's all over we are free and clear to the footy. I for one will be at the first women's game at Casey. Looking forward to knocking the Saints over as well. It's going to be a wild ride folks, strap yourselves in !!!!!!!
  8. And yet we doubled our lead in the last quarter against Port after they had got a head of steam up and got back in the game for a period of time.
  9. 12 and 11. Must say I'm pleased cos they were quite tough.
  10. And .......... Shuey from West Coast. His possession count is halved at a stroke. Let's see whether he has the class or skill to overcome this change. This rule change is 80% on account of Shueys tactics.
  11. In year 9, I was in the top 90% in my class in Maths. After that, I started to drop away.
  12. CBDeees, you sound like a colleague of mine who used to make appointments with clients for 12. 32 or 4.08 or some silly time. He was so specific with numbers, we thought him odd.
  13. I followed Dandy and loved going out to Shepley oval on the odd freezing Sunday arvo. There was always a bit of friendly banter between the fans and the players. On one occasion, a fan called out to one of the Dandy players " why don't you run faster Shinners ? " to which he replied, " Why don't you go and ' F... yourself ? " Great days !!!!!
  14. Dear Jobe, " The time has come, to say fair's fair To be a gent, not be a lair. The time has come, a facts a fact, You don't deserve a Brownlow, Just give it back !!!!!! "
  15. I told my wife to stay away from training! She only wants a pic of Bernie.
  16. Yes I remember that too. Not Watts finest moment. Those days are long gone, inshallah !!!
  17. How about a steady " female impersonator " influence ??? Could that be the thing??
  18. You are very new to Demonland, Demons1858, and you still have a shred of care and concern for another team. Most commendable, but don't waste any concern for the likes of North Melbourne. This is a team which has had the dees in a death grip for what seems like an eternity. If we beat the kangas by 20 goals next time we meet and their midfield has a collective 20 possessions for the game, I for one will be celebrating like there's no tomorrow. And if I'm any judge, so will everybody else in this madhouse called demonland.
  19. Hey Bin man, I threw those scarves out!!! I want them back !!!!
  20. You've got me on that one Red. Dont forget, " Be it ever so humble, there's no place like Rome." Or should that be Romsey ?
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