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pineapple dee

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Everything posted by pineapple dee

  1. This trip does appeal. I am usually selective about who I travel with. Can you assure me that there are no dangerous deviates in the party. I speak Italian if that helps and I can say " you are beautiful" in Arabic. ( and "thank you" ) .
  2. As long as I can get a shawarma and a can of coke, i will go there.
  3. If any of these things happen, my first step will be to up the medication. If that proves ineffective, a course of ECT could help. Perhaps I'll take a holiday........... maybe Aleppo or Wangaratta might be good. Seems popular at the moment.
  4. True Bitter. We've worn the crown of thorns for long enough. I've thought of a couple of more candidates for the new board, Ben Cousins and Dusty's dad.
  5. It's a tough time for our Richmond friends. Lets help them out with a few nominations for their new board. My nominations are - The toothless pensioner who holds up the 'TIGER TOUGH ' sign in the cheer squad. - The drunken bum from the front bar of the 'Spread Eagle Hotel' ( any one of them) - The Richmond chapter president of the ' Under the bridge wine appreciation society ' - Dustin Martins chopsticks - The guy who signed off on Dimmas contract extension - Harambe
  6. I will out myself and declare Pineapples have always been my preference over bananas, though I do love a banana thick shake.
  7. Not long ago I read this thread and I was concerned because I didn't have the first clue what youse were on about. Now I'm actually more worried because I'm reading this thread and I think I actually get it. In my addled mind that is more of a worry.
  8. Geez our no. 26 reminds me of Ross Dillon !!!!!! Great mover !
  9. They have to get the little kids out of the licensed areas and leave that space for the adults. That's the first step. That balcony area should be sacrosanct. Hate to repeat myself but get them out of the Grey Smith bar. That area is not a creche. When one of these rug rats is crushed and killed one day all hell will break loose. It wont be the parents copping the flack either. The club will get it in the neck. This whole business with children running riot is because someone threatened to sue the club if they weren't allowed access to the balcony seating area. Talk about the tale wagging the dog !!!! The MCC has many advantages and good qualities. Since the pursuit of profit has become the guiding principle of the club though, it has gone to hell in a handbag !! I have been a member since 1977 when it was a treat and a privilege to be a member. Now just about any boofhead can get in, dressed any old how and the club couldnt care less about the ambience and the match day experience for members. Rant just about over , but I could go on if you'd like.
  10. Body language ????? Give us a break !!!! Are you going to read the tea leaves and the coffee grounds as well ?? I've read all of those things as well as the entrails of a couple of chickens. All of which are telling me clearly that Jesse is staying.
  11. One off fee. 240,000 or so on the waiting list. Preference will be given to those prepared to wear rubbishy denim jeans into the enclosure or those who bring their tiny, annoying children into the Grey Smith bar to inconvenience the adults in there who are trying to drink and socialize on game day. They have to stop allowing these little brats into the bars in the members !!!!!!
  12. Dont waste money on drugs!!!!!! Just give me the money so I can go to the casino.
  13. How about Wayne Campbell. He was sitting in the back of someones coaches box on the weekend. He's a Tiger stalwart. Let him have a crack.
  14. True but it was family issues that caused him to want/need to leave for Adelaide. Little we could do about that.
  15. All this talk of mirkens has left a nasty taste in my mouth !!!!!
  16. Dont sack Buckley yet. He hasnt quite finished the job.
  17. Get rid of him. It's clear the players are not responding to him anymore !!!
  18. What about the demonlander whose dog barked at Jesse in the park?? What does he think will happen? ( or was it the girlfriend of the hairdresser whose dog played in the same park as Jesse once went to ?? ) I'm confused now.
  19. Trade yourself out to anyone. How about we keep Hogan and you get lost. I'm sick of people like you going off half cocked with negative drivel. You would have next to no idea what you're talking about.
  20. Either Tangambalanga or Upper Cumbuckta West. Both a good fit for Dawes I would think.
  21. Can anyone tell me why he walked to the half back flank at the start of the Carlton game ?? For the life of me , i couldn't work that out.
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