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pineapple dee

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Everything posted by pineapple dee

  1. If it's gold and brown bra and panties, you can safely wear those for a bit of fun without being identified as a Hawks fan. If it's something to wear on the outside and there's no hididing it then, no , not under any circumstances.
  2. What you're saying is correct America but people who frequent Demonland remember umpires applying the long standing rules of the game. We are entitled to be upset when we see blatant infringements ignored on a regular basis. This is borderline cheating by the umpires. Umpires are human beings and subject to making mistakes like everybody else. Their job is near impossible to carry out but even so, they could perform a damn sight better that what they're currently doing. This is not umpire bashing, it's simple frustration about the "Chook lotto " approach we have at the moment.
  3. Correction Pipe, that bald pretender of an umpire did give us one free in the third quarter. I was watching the play over the top of his shiny bald head and blow me down if he didn't call a free to us from 60 metres away. His partially sighted colleague, standing near the wing and a couple of metres from the action missed the bleeding obvious and it fell to umpire knucklehead ( sorry Nicholls ) to look into his black soul and give 1 free to the dees. He was therefore responsible for paying at least 10% of Melbourne's frees. Let's not bad mouth Umpire Nicholls please !!!!
  4. But in a positive for the Pies, they are following Buckley's game plan to the letter.
  5. What good players have ever come out of Myrtleford for goodness sake ??
  6. In my pre season unusual predictions for the Dees, I suggested we would [censored] either or both of Saints and North. We didn't " [censored] " the Saints so ........ we will [censored] North.
  7. The best way to increase supporter and member numbers is be a successful club and win premierships. As trite as that sounds it is critical to the future. The key age for youngsters to latch on to a team is 7 years old. I'll bet you any amount of money that there'll be a big spike in doggies supporters of this age group after last years heroics by the Bulldogs. Win a flag and win the hearts and minds of a new generation.
  8. Tyson has his short comings but if I see him lay 2 monster tackles in 5 minutes like he did last week, that'll do me.
  9. My only change as well. I dont want to see Hannan go out and I think just for safety, give Hunt a week more to recover. Stretch is quick and a quality user.
  10. No, no I reckon it's different this time. My overriding feeling is one of hope and expectation that something positive will happen. Not a fleeting sense of euphoria caused by a memorable win against expectations.
  11. For the first time in any number of years I feel calm and confident about the direction the club has taken and in our chances of success in upcoming games. All sorts of bad things have happened to the Dees this year, culminating in this shocking news about Jesse's health. I wont list everything else but I have an overwhelming feeling that we'll cope and more than that, prosper. Each tragedy or setback seems to be leading to new ways to overcome and get better. Are we truly at the start of some golden age of Demon success ???
  12. Totally agree on the Tyson tackling. He laid two massive tackles in about 5 minutes at one stage. Super impressive!!
  13. I'm tipping 42,500 by the close of counting this year. Especially if we can win the next 3.
  14. If the AFL really believe that a player intentionally makes contact with an umpire, the player should be banned for life. No player would ever intentionally make contact with an umpire ( with the possible exceptions of John Bourke of Collingwood and Phil Carman of Collingwood) The accidental contact between the umpire on Saturday and Bernie was a shame but not deserving of a sanction. How often are umpires obstructing and baulking players in their legitimate attempts to play the game. The umpires are responsible for 90% of collisions between players and umpires.
  15. Well, if it's good enough to be tattooed on the arm of every adult member of the Moran clan, then it's good enough for the dees.
  16. Is this the appropriate thread to make a suggestion on a Latin motto for the club after Saturdays belting of the Crows under lights at Adelaide oval. The Saints have " Fortius quo fidelis" , Carlton, " Men's sana in corpore sana " What about " Lucent en tenebris" for us. If I am not very much mistaken, it translates to " They shine in the dark"
  17. Just had a look at the Adelaide big footy post Mortem on game. Gee they seem to be a little upset about the result. I think a demonlander has infiltrated their post game chit chat. He / she said " It's a comforting feeling when apathy replaces passion" Love it !!!!!
  18. Boom boom !!!!!!! Give that man a cigar!
  19. Let's not stick the boots into the Catholics !!! What have we ever done to anyone to anyone??
  20. Bullies tonight. They find a way to win. Plus they benefit from the Bontempelli effect.
  21. As some astute poster has said, the "Vickery effect has struck Hawthorn this year. Similar in some ways to the Malthouse effect and the Buckley effect at Collingwood over many years.
  22. We will not get flooged by 70 points like Richmond were. It wont happen , more like 15 - 25
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