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Everything posted by SaberFang

  1. Would be curious to know if any team who ended Round 1 at the bottom of the ladder went on to become premiers?
  2. A bit like politicians calling speed cameras "road safety cameras." It was an illegal performance-enhancing drugs regime, not a [censored] "supplements saga." I wonder how large the bonus was for the PR spin doctor who pulled that term out of their ass.
  3. Let's be honest, he wouldn't have the job were it not for who his brother is.
  4. Carlton is stuffed. So long as SOS remains committed to his idiotic strategy of exchanging high draft picks for GWS rejects who can't get a game, they'll continue to tread water in no man's land. They need to rip off the band-aid, bottom out and stock up on elite talent while at the bottom. Their current strategy is Richmond-esque -- sustained mediocrity.
  5. We really need the top two teams to have heavy percentage losses this round to stand much of a chance at playing finals.
  6. Ironically it's the other way around nowadays.
  7. It came down to money, it's as simple as that. We weren't prepared to offer him stupid dollars like Richmond were. Richmond were desperately seeking a marketing coup after the Treloar embarrassment. Comparatively, we've been focused on sensible salary cap management for our brigade of youngsters.
  8. First score to the Lions and they kick truly. Makes our 0.4.4 even more cringeworthy.
  9. I think any player deciding to boycott playing for their club would almost be facing career suicide with their coaches. There's no shortage of talented depth players who would happily step up to the plate if someone else in the team was dumb enough to go on strike for a H&A match. They'd also forego any match payments by refusing to play, plus probably breach any number of contractual obligations. It's all hot air.
  10. Ah, the good old days, before "journalism" became endless clickbait and product placement disguised as an article (and usually not declared in the addendum).
  11. I'm also interested in different observations. I'm not interested in reading post after post detailing why someone's opinion is invalid. That's why it's called an opinion.
  12. Well, I think this picture sums it up nicely: We're all entitled to our different opinions.
  13. Just wanted to give a huge shout out to @waynewussell @deeznutz @big_red_fire_engine and @picket fence for their excellent, informative training reports. Thanks guys! Predictably, a civil discussion about player strengths and weaknesses is once again derailed by the usual suspect. Endless grandstanding about "valid" and "invalid" opinions is insufferable, especially on a footy forum.
  14. You know the media has an agenda when they start telling you who and why you should feel sympathy for someone. I reserve my sympathy for people I feel deserve it. James Hird is most definitely not such an individual.
  15. Herald Sun in overdrive taking advantage of the whole situation by running a sustained Hird the Golden Boy narrative. Shockingly transparent stuff.
  16. Despite another attempted thread-derailment, just wanted to chime and thank Six6Six for dropping into training and providing these excellent photos. You've clearly got a passion for photography and your work is superb. As always, hugely appreciated by those who can't make it to training, thanks!
  17. Would they have won all 7 if they did it twice annually?
  18. Not yet, anyway. You know Gil loves his rule changes!
  19. Another gem from Lumumba on the way out. Thanks for costing one of our rookies some senior games next season. Such a team player, is H.
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