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Everything posted by SaberFang

  1. Exactly, very favorable draw due to 2016 ladder position and have beaten up on very ordinary teams for the first half of the season. They're enjoying another false sense of accomplishment, as they did in 2014. Their list is very ordinary once you get past Ryder, Wines and Gray. Wingard epitomises their downhill skiing mentality.
  2. Yep. Had a funny feeling after listening to Hinkley on 3AW earlier raving about how underrated their players were and how improved his coaching was this year. Melbourne consistently struggles to put away BOG ordinary teams, so fortunately the last label you can give us is downhill skiers (unlike Port, Adelaide, West Coast, etc.)
  3. That was my interpretation. He certainly makes little impact on games. Is he not ready or simply not good enough? Have the Saints bought themselves a lemon?
  4. Elliott strikes me as a really good kid. So much talent crippled by injuries.
  5. Exactly. Shiel, Kelly, Cameron, Greene, Mumford, Shaw, all playing.
  6. Imagine being the poor (probably unpaid) volunteer who went to the trouble to set that all up for the team, then probably ended up the one who had to clean it up. Massive [censored].
  7. Just when you couldn't despise this [censored] any more: http://www.afl.com.au/video/2017-06-03/angry-goddard-lashes-out-in-game-300 Epitomizes my disdain for that filthy, drug cheating club.
  8. I'll throw up if the Bombers finish tonight 6-5 on the ladder. They are awful.
  9. This commentary is insufferable. Mute button hit.
  10. The barracking from the entire commentary team is disgusting. The deranged, gutteral mutterings of Bruce is disturbing, to say the least. Just commentate the [censored] match you halfwits!
  11. I'd love to know the possession to scoring ratio. We would have to be the worst offenders in the league. So much midfield domination which achieves absolutely nothing without score conversion.
  12. Embarrassing, soft, leaderless and predictable. Worse, we show absolutely no willingness to learn from our mistakes. That first quarter handballing into traffic is about the dumbest I've seen a team play.
  13. Just makes that loss on Anzac Eve even more infuriating. But Christ it's enjoyable watching Richmond lose. And it's likely they never learn from their mistakes. Priceless!
  14. This season feels like two steps back for every step forward. Losing to all the teams we defeated last year (Geelong excepted) while ratcheting up unconvincing wins against the mediocre teams we lost to. Where's the consistency? Last year we comfortably defeated Richmond, Fremantle and Hawthorn by a combined 84 points. This year we lost to all 3 by a combined total of 18 points. [censored] infuriating! Three goals is all that's separated us from sitting equal first on the ladder; instead we're staring down the barrel at another wasted season.
  15. Other teams must laugh at the execution of our game-plan. They just have to sit back, watch us handball backwards/in circles under little pressure, turn it over with a hospital handpass to a stationary target, then score against us on the rebound because our defensive zone leaves their forward line wide open (and all our defenders are concentrated within a 5 meter radius going for the mark). Betts is going to have a field day.
  16. Working out who to bring in and drop from ANB, JKH, Bugg, Melksham and Hannan is just shuffling deck chairs. These are commendable but ultimately mediocre players who lack the talent required to take us to the next level. We're really getting exposed for the glaring deficiencies on our list. I hear a lot of raving about our depth but it's barely VFL standard.
  17. The only solace I take from today is Fremantle beating the drug cheats.
  18. This one is going to get ugly. We barely get over the line against cellar-dwellers; good luck playing against the team averaging 135 points per game (especially after they suffered an embarrassing loss -- sound familiar?)
  19. Where is this quote from? And if accurate, I'll be even more [censored] livid with this team than I already am. When will they stop drinking their own bathwater?
  20. I'm just so tired of finishing my weekend completely deflated about another avoidable loss. That one really felt like the dagger through the heart; once again we had our chance, once again we [censored] it up. Our window of opportunity for finals is fast closing for 2017, so we're ending up with another wasted season when we could've been 7-0, were it not for the stupid brainfades.
  21. Yep, it's been a predictable result for years now. I'm frankly staggered we didn't give away the Carlton and Essendon wins as well.
  22. Only Melbourne could lose by under a goal to a team with an average losing margin of 75 points. Who was the idiot at that last centre clearance who decided to handball into traffic rather than kick it into the forward line, right after we got the final clearance? FMD.
  23. It was still immensely disrespectful towards us. We win that Anzac Eve match comfortably without those injuries in Q1, no question.
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