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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. BBO you are the richest man in DL can't you pay for it? We would make you a thank you thread if you do.
  2. I feel your pain but the Shockers are much worse then Methcoast. Col will need to stay out of Freo at night as its a rough place.
  3. And yet we went backwards in games won and ladder position. You can hardly call the 2013 MFC players list a functional team
  4. I can do it for you BBO and glad to help you in your hour of need 2013 3rd B & F har idag offentliggjorts som gawn i vår lokala tidning Grattis Dean & Georgia Kan som ryktats att han inte behöver coacha Osborne för tidigt & Roosey ger honom en go. Mycket hellre se honom gå tillbaka för att se om han kan odla druvor i SA. Oss lokalbefolkningen har tillräckligt med bekymmer med Gackt kommer tillbaka för att spela med BBSAINTS årets Premiers!
  5. He gets lots of practice as the ball is in his area 70% of the time!
  6. So they will be great against Collingwood and Carlton then?
  7. TBH I have mixed feeling having been a WCE Supporter in the past. The period that I was a supporter, I still have a soft spot for the Club and players but have little interest in the current team. My passion against Freo (purple plague) had come from the feral attacks on WCE when I was a WCE Supporter but grew during my period as a MFC Supporter. As a young boy , back in the days before the AFL I had a strong support for a local WAFL Club which I still do today. Both the local AFL continue to screw around with the WAFL which had cost my team at least one Premiership in the past and there is likely to be future losses as well. So not sure where the WCE sit in my list currently but its very close to the bottom.
  8. In reading a number of the posts here it appears to me that a reminder of the Sites Code of Conduct is required by certain members Code Of Conduct The Demonland Code of Conduct covers all matters relating to the posting of messages on DEMONLAND Forums. The Code of Conduct is not designed to be a negative "don't do this, don't do that" statement, but rather a guide for which all members of Demonland abide by, in the interests of the well being of the Forum. Demonland encourages its members to put forth their opinion, but in doing so asks all members to be considerate of other people's opinions. Football brings about high emotions, and members will have differing opinions over a variety of issues. In order to allow all people to have their say and debate to take place in a sensible manner, Demonland asks all its members to keep a cool head and remember that above all we all support the same team, and all want to see that team succeed. With regard to posts on the Demonland Forums, the Demonland Administrators and Moderators reserve the right to edit and/or remove posts that are considered to be: Acts of personal abuse Slanderous Indecent Knowingly false information Any other matter deemed inappropriate Articles from newspapers, afl.com.au, sportal.com.au* must not be copied and pasted in full on Demonland.com. Members who paste full afl.com.au, Sportal articles etc. will be warned by Moderators and potentially be prosecuted under Copyright laws. Advertising posts made in the name of commercial interests may be removed by the Moderators at their sole discretion. Spamming and Flaming is also strongly discouraged, be it via the Forum of via the PM Service. Posters that continue to flaunt the Code of Conduct regarding these issues will receive warnings or bannings, depending on the severity and regularity of the offences committed. Discussion of illegal activities for example software and music piracy and other intellectual property violations are not allowed." Administrators and Moderators reserve the right to remove any post that purports in their opinion to discriminate on religious, political, sexual or ethnic grounds. Each member is allowed one login account. Registering with multiple accounts is not allowed. Nor is it permitted to register under a current or past player's name unless that name is your own. While we expect to have some constructive criticism of The Board, Coaches, Players, and Staff, we will not tolerate blatant attacks towards these individuals or the spreading of knowingly false information about them. The Board, Coaches, Players, and Staff, should be accorded the same respect that the posters on the forum are accorded - nothing more, but nothing less. The Demonland Administrators and Moderators wish to express that they are not inclined to rule the Forum with an iron fist, but rather place it in the members hands to take these guidelines and suggestions on board while they post. The Administrators and Moderators will only act when necessary, and will not influence or stop debate or discussion unless rules have been broken and steps must be taken. Finally, any unauthorised advertising material placed on this site will incur an advertising fee of A$1,000.00 per advertisement plus GST and will be billed to the advertiser even if the advertising post in question is subsequently removed by a Moderator in the course of carrying out his/her duties as a Moderator. By signing up as a member of Demonland you hereby acknowledge your liability to bear the cost of such advertising and to pay the amount due within seven (7) days of billing. Demonland is a place for supporters of the Melbourne Football Club to discuss issues relating to the Club and to football in general. If you have any questions regarding these conditions, feel free to contact any Administrator or Moderator via the PM Service at any time.
  9. They just love the pain and suffering. There is a name for this condition!
  10. In his day there was no one more enjoyable to watch. I have a soft spot for Aaron.
  11. OD you convinced me. I ill go as a free agent to the highest offer. I know Mrs Frog will pay a couple of dollars for me.
  12. You and Old Dee both have a thing for her then?
  13. This is the type of player this Club needs. Someone passionate for the jumper. There is only a few players I would keep in the Club and this guy is one of them. Therefore I am not fussed if other go, but him and Viney need to stay. Hogan is another that could be a great player but he had not played a AFL game as yet and is still very young so the jury is still out on him at this stage.
  14. RL would be upset with us that this thread is now on the second page. WJ how is his travels going? BB anymore good Banana products out there?
  15. In my list of hated Clubs there is Collingwood then Freo
  16. That all good and all but the real question is does she play in the mid field?
  17. 现在,老迪,你给两个中国的鸣响的墨尔本足球俱乐部
  18. Fast cars, faster women and living above your income level. As they say "A fool and his money are easily parted", just ask the Sydney FC http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/controversial-former-brisbane-lions-star-brendan-fevola-has-gone-bust-over-building-dispute/story-fnii5v70-1226731414097
  19. They are called Helstra for a reason
  20. LOL Just shows how confused you are having a family full of Buckley (FIGJAM) worshippers. But we here in the Banana Republic are here to save you. Not to worry OD as fools are easily parted from there money. Buddy is a player who could only score 1 goal in the GF after a 50m penalty and they want to pay him $1.4m a year with not protection if he retires early. ROFLMAO then let them have him. What do you think the rest of the Sydney Team will think about the lack of money that they can now get? I would rather have a champion team then a team of champions any day of the week. Nothing has changed as we still need to build our team and now we have half a chance of doing that with an A Grade Coach. Goo the Dees
  21. WOW 9 years 10 Million Dollars I hope the Swans have a contract that protects them.
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