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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. Are you applying for the vacant recruiters position RL?
  3. My money is on BBO as Senior Assistant. He may not be a great coach but he always quick with a come back or two!
  4. Remember OD we are the real Demons, everyone else are fake!
  5. Is that because you see the end of the pain from being a MFC supporter / Demonland poster?
  6. Oh I thought it was because you had to give up Drinking, gambling and worst of all Bananas!
  7. Its DL do I really need to ? But really I could not give a toss about TA or anyone one else having that particular qualification as IMO it does make anyone more intelligent person as you are trying to imply. I value actions greater then words and words greater then paper qualifications. So you may be a true believer in TA which is your right but I am not.
  8. LOL there was something missing in the movie so I never actually watch the end of it!
  9. He was on a 9 year $10 million contract but something stop him playing a game lol
  10. Did you feel ill after talking to them? Never underestimate what you can catch from the Collingwood FC. IMO worst Club in the AFL. But good to hear from you RL, I would suggest changing bars as they let anyone in there.
  11. OMG there proof that there was drug taking at the MFC! Read the about CS post Finally, really pleased with how the football structure and personnel has come together. Capable, committed, directed and passionate, with clear standards and expectations that have been set very high. Importantly, they are loving our club.
  12. Agree but who The Big [censored]? Never seen him or her post!
  13. But we have to pay close to the cap is my understanding of how this all works. But I do agree with you. It should be performance driven payments.
  14. Not his politics I have an issue with as I would vote for Turnbull in a heart beat. People like Abbott can be dangerous just look at what G W Bush did. It never any good to elect your parties Head Kicker as Leader (Mark Latham). May be he not stupid but he says and does very stupid things. So IMO he is not that bright and it just shows how bad the ALP are if they could not beat him in the last election.
  15. How about West Fuchsias? I was only just speaking to the ex MFC recruitment manager Barry Prendergast about the trades and he thought they would be an excellent idea. So he made all the necessary arrangements as he has vast experience with this type of negotiations. However there is still a chance we can get them back under the free Agency rules once they spent sufficient time in the Messendon Forums, which to me would only be 30 seconds. Barry did say without this trade the Buddy (Sydney) deal would also be off if this trade did not happen. But there is some doubt if the AFL/ Uncle Vlad will approve this deal as he not sure that the Demonland Forum can lose three of its posting stars. OD are you sure don't want the 9 minute for 10 banana deal as Sydney will be paying for it, as they are the only Club with money these days.
  16. Did not OD and BB tell you the news? During Trade week we managed to turn this thread into an Apple loving thread and you been traded to the Messendon Forums with BBO and Moon. Hope you are enjoying your trip and the Wedding.
  17. RobbieF is that you mate? Just because you have a Degree does not make you smart, general it means you can retain information long enough to pass an exam or two. Personal all I need to do is listen to what he says or does not say to determine his level of intelligence, There is an excellent video above that shows this. My favourite clip is where he denied reading a report, then later denied he denied it. But the one about dead Australian soldiers is one to remember. Bring back Turnbull before its too late!
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