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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. No they are all good as I found them in a bin at the back of Windy Hill. They were in a box that had a label saying these are not banned substances which was signed by J Hird and S Danks. So they look legit to me.
  2. And I thought I was in hell when my father (my he rest in peace) became a Dockers members. But I am hearing that many people are much worse off then me. They actually have Collingwood supporters in their family. BB you are a Saint! Having found a nest of Pie supporters and you are still there trying to convert them to the Light (MFC). Now all you need is for the MFC to build a team that is capable of smashing Collingwood. I am afraid I would have the 1964 GF permanently playing on the TV with Its a Grand Old Flag playing in the background, if I was in your shoes, every time the family came for a visit. Plus every Xmas I would buy the wife a MFC Membership, if she complains I would get her two members. One for her dog as well. Football is war and there no time to smell the roses or show the enemy any fear! LOL
  3. Yes but he will make back the shortfall once he releases his new book "How to Successfully Negotiate Players Contracts in the AFL" As clearly he a genius and us simple minded MFC Fans are not up to the task of understand his logic.
  4. You know I just having some fun. I always enjoy a little Club banter. Missed the banter when I was working for an Accounting Firm that had a large number of employees from other countries. For some reason they enjoyed rugby and soccer over Aussie Rules Football.
  5. One coloured pill will grant the MFC a GF victory in 3 years. The other coloured pill will result in 3 more years of misery for the MFC. You don't know which coloured pill does what. So which colour pill will you pick?
  6. You do understand 100m placed kicks are no longer part of the game?
  7. Two things to do here Plan A email back and say who are you and what have you done to my daughter Plan B Send her a MFC Membership form with a Picture of Roos and a copy of the Drug report and say only until they complete this report her
  8. Loved Elephant Man when I saw it over 20 years ago. Off too watch the latest Robin Hood movie with Mr Crow. Hope it better then his Gladiator movie.
  9. I hear you Comrade, now lets go to the collective farm so we can practice more Democratic centralism. :rolleyes:
  10. That is also my favourite song just after Its a Grand Old Flag! As I don't object to my wife traveling around the world for work, while I stay at home looking after our four legged children. There was a comment many years ago about supporting Collingwood but I put down my foot to stop such talk. So I buy her MFC or Red & Blue clothing. A husband does what he must to protect his family from Enemy Clubs.
  11. Not sure but OD may. He has something special going with Caro you know!
  12. Your post about your husband and where you put his MFC membership card was one of the best in 2013. It still makes me laugh. If only my wife was as committed to the cause.
  13. So lets see I have this right. WJ its your fault the MFC was worse the hopeless this season? :blink:
  14. Now come on Comrade someone got to play on the left wing!
  15. Oh then you would have got heaps of bonus points with the GF then. The Trailer looks good for a black and white show.
  16. A modern Black & White Film, I hope you scored big time with the wife Is this the film? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBn5dgXFMis
  17. Don't disagree but throwing money at an issues is not always the best way to solve it. So my question is could the ALF achieve the same result but spend a lot less to achieve it? If Yes, then there would be more funds available to other Clubs.
  18. Really? Neeld got paid out the remaining time on his contract, so what could he sue for? Schwab also got a payout and accepted his dismal, did you not watch the press conference? McLardy was never an employee and he resigned from his position. Connolly I thought had a contract extension but not sure what has happened with him, so someone else could answer this one. IMO the AFL is poorly run and if it was not for massive TV revenues which can easy hide bad performance, where would the league be? The AFL is not a fair or equitable competition. Many teams currently get an competitive advantage from advantageous fixtures to cash hand outs and favourable picks. It is my view that without the MFC there would not have been an Australian Football Code and therefore not one of the other Clubs would exist today. No other professional sporting club has ever lasted as long as the MFC and it still remains a members owned Club. This is something we all should be proud of. Yes the Club is having so issues and needs support at this time in its history but it in the best interest of all the other Clubs that there is a strong and healthy MFC. I do however understand that we can not play the victim card forever, but as the owners/members of the Club we were kept in the dark as to what was really happening within the management of the MFC. So there does need to be improvements within the Governance of the Club as well. Aussie Rules football has withstood competition from many other sports over the years and needs to continue this trend into the future. My worry is the lack of loyalty to players and Clubs will cost this code in the end. Although its important to maintain strong cash flows this should not be done to the determent of the long term good of the League. For example the meat market called the national draft IMO is a system that only encourages football mercenaries. There is a need to create a Clubs identity as well as better encourage investment into the games at a grass roots level. Is Vlad up to the challenges ahead? IMO he only appears to look after his own self interest and that of his AFL mates. He always appears to be interested in power and self promotion. So I would say NO. What PJ doing after he leaves the MFC?
  19. Just watched Spartacus (as mentioned above) last night. It was not as good as the first two seasons.
  20. I remember the family shame when my father changed his support to the Perth Demons in the WAFL. This was the man who gave birth to a son who had one red and one blue eyes. Just because he lived a few doors down to Lathlain Park (now its the WCE training ground) which is Perth's home ground IMO is no excuse to change teams. Now if you want another team which will not win a Premiership with in the next 20 to 50 years that will be Perth. Its last Premiership was in 1977 and that Club can lose close to its entire League team from one season to the next. When my Father was alive and the MFC had real AFL players, I loved calling him when we beat the Shockers. I am not sure if it was my singing voice or if he was too busy at the time, but I did hear him say to Mum "I don't want to speak with him" when I called after the games. I even played the 2008 You Tube video of the 51 point come back from behind victory on my TV for him when he came to visit. It these special family times that makes all the difference. RBB I would link borrowing the car etc to how many MFC games your children attend. This works equally as well on the amount you spend on their presents as well. I know some may consider it a little harsh, but if you love them it these little things that's important and you don't want them to support Collingwood! If you have daughters grab a few MFC Membership Forms for when they bring boys home. You can never be too prepared and a great test if they are truly committed to the potential relationship.
  21. I am still looking for an Avatar which has blue in it as well as the red. But I have to take into consideration changing my Avatar too often upsets some Banana Fans.
  22. I can feel your pain as to the lack of success. My first passion being a Western Australian was the West Perth FC and I remember the 20 years wait between the 1975 and 1995 Premierships. I had the hunger that was growing year by year. The day they won the 1995 (they won three more since) was special as the day before and the day after the victory I had a 12 hour drive to get to and from the game, it was worth every second of the 24 hour drive. The only Grand Final since 1975 that the WPFC was not the under dog was the 1993 (the year the Club relocated its home ground from Leederville Oval) which it was the minor Premiers. On the VFL and AFL front, I did not support any particular team until the WCE entered the competition. As a supporter of the WCE they gave me two Premiership wins before I moved my support to the MFC back in 1999. I had enjoy the 2000 Grand Final which the MFC was clearly the under dog and the EFC was clearly the outstanding team all season. Unfortunately the MFC has a history of being up one year and down the next. Although it been pretty much down over the past seven years. The MFC has never won a Premiership since I was born, which was in the late 60's. My hunger for success would not be as great as your OD with regards to the MFC for obvious reasons. But when the Club does turn things around on field as it must do (see the Hawkes) and wins its 13th Flag. That will be a very special day indeed for you. I can honestly say that will mean more to you then the 11 Hawks Premierships combined means to their supporters. So keep keeping the Faith and remember all good things come to he who waits. Plus what other team could you possibility support? I had a look in 1999 at what AFL team I could support and IMO there was only one, the MFC. I like Under Dog teams and think its a poor supporter who only picks winning teams. The MFC has done all it can off the field in 2013 and as supporters we are all waiting to see what the Club can do on the field in 2014 and beyond.
  23. No Way BBO that can not be true. We all love you on the DL forums.
  24. BBO I tied to focus on his shopping issue only because even I was in denial of what I read after that. It must be the wife's fault or the Education System. There is a lot to be said for home schooling these days. At least all my children support the MFC as I ask them daily, just before I feed them.
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