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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. LOL you know why I liked this photo then.I would love the MFC to have this design in its jumpers.
  2. That dog kennel is brilliant! But my Rottweiler and Dalmatian would not fit in it.
  3. This one is for you OD. Bananas and a bit of culture as well.
  4. LOL I am celebrating a Grand Final win so I been changing my Avatar. I always seem to pick the under dog teams so everyone is very special. If only we had someone in charge of the MFC who know what they were doing before the start of the 2013 season, maybe I could be celebrating a MFC grand final win tomorrow. WJ everyone loves Frogs so no need to hide LOL
  5. The rule of the Mob (Majority) can be a very dangerous thing. It is easy to create an issue with lies, half truths etc. Look at what Hitler did in the 1930's and 40's or G W Bush Jnr did in his reign of Terror. It can be so easy to get peoples passions running overtime on issues which can have major consequences. For example G W Bush using the 911 incident to invade Iraq which killed millions. Imagine being accused of a crime and having to face everyone in the community who will determine your fate. This clearly would not be a fair trial. If the court disregards the Law and convicts you simply because they think you are guilty and did not care if this could be proved or not. Then you would want a process of appeal / review. The Law is what protects us in a society without it, the Law of the jungle would reign. The strong dominate the week etc. Personally I want a system that is fair and equitable. Communities should have the opportunity to have a say, but if they don't, then they can only blame themselves if things happen that they do not like. I found it interesting to read about Athens when every freeman could vote and have a say. Under that system it was only four years that they were not at war with some other people. Two Athenian Admirals was convicted by a mob and sentenced to death because some accrued them of letting some sailors drown. The accuser convinced others of their guilt. You may say this will never happen but Mob mentality is unpredictable.
  6. But the Maccas store is owned and operated by a Local Businessman, so it is a local business. As the Town Planner at work told me the other day business like this actual create more economic activity in the area. So the truth is local business will actual prosper from such a development. But it is true some may be disadvantaged but overall there will be more employment and profits for the local community. I did look yesterday on Google Maps to see what the Town actually looked like, just to see if the Store would impact on heritage of ecstatics etc. IMO that not an issue at all the store would be suitable in the location proposed. There also would be no major impact on the Townscape of the area when this development takes place as there are a number of tacky looking buildings and structures already there. After seeing the actual town IMO there is no rational reason not to let this development go ahead subject to certain conditions etc. Clearly people are running with their own personal agendas here! However I always suspected the objects was based on self interest and the bias of a small group that actually convinced the majority to support their view. Everyone is entitled to an opinion even if its based on such views. Based on the Local Governments own zoning and Town Planning Scheme this legal right to reject it. Therefore VCAT was only enforcing the Councils own planning laws. This is hardly the State imposing its views on a small local community. The Town planning can be changed to stop future development but this may require the local Council to compensate affected land owners which could cost millions. A system of Veto will not work and IMO cause 1000 times more issues/problems then this one. Having worked in a number of country Local Governments around WA I feel I have a good understanding of local issues. IMO there is two group types of people trying to stop this development. One trying to protect their own businesses and the other who may have left bigger towns/cities to have a quieter lifestyle. This second group IMO would have moved to the area within the last 5 to 10 years. As previously stated I have no interest if the Maccas store is opened or not. This could have been an issue of a person being allowed to build a shed or wanting to open a private cemetery.
  7. I feel the same about Freo Supporters LOL The place is infested by them So I call them the purple plague Did not help that their supports were also thrashing Melbourne this week. Also it does sadden my that my father was a passionate Freo member but past away four years ago so will not see them play let alone win a GF. Go the Hawks!
  8. Would it be Wrong? A man once told me that they wanted to see their team beat my team in a Grand Final by 1 point! This incident happened in the mid to late 90's while we both were working for same Local Government in a North West Mining Town. A Gentleman who made this outrageous statement later went on to be a radio personality in Perth. Would it be wrong to seek Revenge over these comments?
  9. Did he leave his copy of the 1964 VFL Grand Final behind then WJ?
  10. You have to be kidding me! I see the orange coloured Fish and Chips Shop which also sells Suchi, coffee and steak sandwiches. Which is not far from the Mini Mart that sells beer, cigarettes and tobacco, sweets etc. Many of the building don't look that old and appear to be built in the 80's So let me see if I got this right its okay for the children to drink beer, smoke cigarettes. eat fish and chips. But they are not allowed to eat Macca's. Love the fact the Macca's store is planned to be next to a major road. Not sure if the locals think this development will down grade the vision of the road. Or could it be that attractive car wash the so want to protect? The Victorian Police Force should raid this Town as the residents must be on more drugs than a WCE ice party. These protestors are complaining about a shop that going to sell similar foods to what can already be purchased from business in the street.
  11. Never been a big fan of his but not seen alot of his stuff either. Is there a movie worth watching that really shows his talents?
  12. It is surprising that a Maccas would be opened in a community of only 2,000. There must be alot of passing traffic
  13. Who would want to go to Messendon? They are about to crash in a big way soon. At least there is Hope and Roos at Melbourne. Oh well if he wants out let him as it gives us room for someone else who wants to wear the red and blue.
  14. Surely we can do better then getting some hack from Collingwood? Yes I admit I hate that Club, its President, Coach, Fans and Members and finally the players. Even their team colours suck big time. Have we not learnt from Mark Neeld that the place is toxic to us. Better to stay away and spend our money somewhere else.
  15. Someone please tell me its a performance based contract!
  16. So I assume their concerns are health based then? That the town like? Does it have a number of shops? Would a Maccs.s store look out of place there?
  17. I say they can have our Ex President, Ex CEO and Ex Senior Coach and Ex Board Members. But the can leave us our new King.
  18. There would be a number of practical issues with this type of arrangement. First if a land owner is unable to develop their property due to a veto system and the development would have been otherwise acceptable, then they would be due compensation. Who would then be required to pay the compensation? Would it be the State, Local Government or the local community who Vetoed the development. A system like this could cost hundreds of millions of dollars to run. You need to remember the land owner has a legal right to compensation if the State or Local Government changed the zoning or land usage requirements which results in a property valuation decrease. Another is could be the anti completive nature of such legislation. Would a Hungry Jacks Store be more acceptable than a MacDonald's store? If so, I could see business using this legislation to stop competition in their area. I would assume this would not be your intention with this legislation. Also development could be approved or stopped if certain bribes are or are not paid to officials or influential community members. IMO people can be stirred up to support causes that they otherwise may not support if fair, honest and reasonable discussions take place first. So this could easily happen. Who is the community that has a Veto rights and how many votes does someone get? Does some with a number of properties get to vote more then once, Do you need to be next door to the development to vote or hundreds of km away? I understand what you want to achieve but trust me or that will happen is less development in country areas due to increase in costs and red tape. TBH a system that has a Veto in it scares me due to the obvious flaws it would have. It much better to have people participate in the current system then to not get involved but later complain that someone is doing something they don't like , at a later date. I did not a mistake earlier in one of my comments above, the developer was/is MacDonald's. Also it should be stated that development like this one actually increase economic activity in the area, so the comments of loss of business is not actually true,
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