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Ox's AD for the Deez


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Herd it for the first time today.

He sounds like hes doing it for the cash and not from his heart but that just my feeling.

Had the Grand ol Flag at the end and I thought geee havent herd that in a while.... nearly forgot what it sounded like.

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Its almost like Melbourne is the Ox's longtime Ex-girlfriend that broke his heart and now he's extreamly bitter. I listen to SEN a fair bit and he rarely speaks very highly of the club. He is in the media and is payed to "Call it as he sees it", but you rarely get very much postitivity from him, ever.

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Its almost like Melbourne is the Ox's longtime Ex-girlfriend that broke his heart and now he's extreamly bitter. I listen to SEN a fair bit and he rarely speaks very highly of the club. He is in the media and is payed to "Call it as he sees it", but you rarely get very much postitivity from him, ever.

Geezzz, if he says or does nothing he cops a bagging, if he does something he cops it as well, looks like no winners here.

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Geezzz, if he says or does nothing he cops a bagging, if he does something he cops it as well, looks like no winners here.

Well come on mate, its a bit rich that he makes an appearance on an ad which pumps up the club's tires, when on his nightly radio show he could be better likened to a vandal whose sole objective is to slash them.

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Guest fatty
Well come on mate, its a bit rich that he makes an appearance on an ad which pumps up the club's tires, when on his nightly radio show he could be better likened to a vandal whose sole objective is to slash them.

I don't think its rich at all. All over this board, posters are asking for former players to come back to the fold and help out. Someone does and he gets caned. He's a better option anyway as he's one of the few exDemons with a high public profile.

I heard him speak at a function a few years ago. Granted, the target audience was MFC tragics but he was very diplomatic in his comments about the club and about Neale Daniher. I lost interest after a while as I was busy scoping out his girlfriend.

There always seems to be something on the tip of his tongue as if he's about to come out but he just won't say it. However, I also think it's because he's not that eloquent for a media performer. To be honest, I don't really listen to him.

But good on him for doing something.

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Ox carries on as much about the Hawks as his former club.

But yeah, I have no complaints about ANYONE trying to get behind the club. It seems he, Gary and Jim - three former team-mates - are the only ones really in the papers.

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I don't think its rich at all. All over this board, posters are asking for former players to come back to the fold and help out. Someone does and he gets caned. He's a better option anyway as he's one of the few exDemons with a high public profile.

I heard him speak at a function a few years ago. Granted, the target audience was MFC tragics but he was very diplomatic in his comments about the club and about Neale Daniher. I lost interest after a while as I was busy scoping out his girlfriend.

There always seems to be something on the tip of his tongue as if he's about to come out but he just won't say it. However, I also think it's because he's not that eloquent for a media performer. To be honest, I don't really listen to him.

But good on him for doing something.

Don't get me wrong. I WANT ex-players to do more for the club that made them who they are (looking at you, G. Lyon). My bone is you have to wonder just what Ox is playing at when he makes so many snide, unnecessary and often damaging remarks about MFC, and then comes out on an advertisement like this. How sincere could he be? At this stage, I'd probably take insincere, but he can still get a tap round the ears for it.

Also have to agree with condemned84... If you needed any more proof that the club's marketing department is based in the primate section of Melbourne Zoo, there you have it.

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I don't think its rich at all. All over this board, posters are asking for former players to come back to the fold and help out. Someone does and he gets caned. He's a better option anyway as he's one of the few exDemons with a high public profile.

I heard him speak at a function a few years ago. Granted, the target audience was MFC tragics but he was very diplomatic in his comments about the club and about Neale Daniher. I lost interest after a while as I was busy scoping out his girlfriend.

There always seems to be something on the tip of his tongue as if he's about to come out but he just won't say it. However, I also think it's because he's not that eloquent for a media performer. To be honest, I don't really listen to him.

But good on him for doing something.

Agree totally fat one.

Don't get me wrong. I WANT ex-players to do more for the club that made them who they are (looking at you, G. Lyon).

Well why dont you take it up with Mr Lyon.

My bone is you have to wonder just what Ox is playing at when he makes so many snide, unnecessary and often damaging remarks about MFC, and then comes out on an advertisement like this. How sincere could he be? At this stage, I'd probably take insincere, but he can still get a tap round the ears for it.

Ox is a football commentator not a full time bleeding mouthpiece for the Club. He is paid to express opinions and give his understanding of events. You dont have to agree with them.

Its the peak of naivety that some spectators expect MFC to get a free ride of sorts just because ex-player is in the media.

Also have to agree with condemned84... If you needed any more proof that the club's marketing department is based in the primate section of Melbourne Zoo, there you have it.

Good work and nice touch.

The Club is down its cash strapped, had high staff turnover is likely to have costs cuts over functions and a "supporter" goes and has a cheap shot at the marketing department.

But yes the ex players should be doing more for the club while the supporters take anonymous slags at an under resourced marketing department.

Sorry, but I can see where the real chumps are.

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Agree totally fat one.

Well why dont you take it up with Mr Lyon.

Ox is a football commentator not a full time bleeding mouthpiece for the Club. He is paid to express opinions and give his understanding of events. You dont have to agree with them.

Its the peak of naivety that some spectators expect MFC to get a free ride of sorts just because ex-player is in the media.

Good work and nice touch.

The Club is down its cash strapped, had high staff turnover is likely to have costs cuts over functions and a "supporter" goes and has a cheap shot at the marketing department.

But yes the ex players should be doing more for the club while the supporters take anonymous slags at an under resourced marketing department.

Sorry, but I can see where the real chumps are.

Got to admire your mettle Rhino. Did you mean chimps?

Time to come down off your high horse and smell the vile stink of reality though.

What position are we, the average supporter, in to help the club out in any especially helpful capacity? I buy a membership and attend every game I can possibly get to. I even pay the ludicrous food and beverage prices in the Hassett room at half-time. I imagine you do the same. Compare this with the position of ex-players, particularly those who hold illustrious positions within the media. The scope for promoting the club is immense for them. You imply they have no obligation to promote the club. Perhaps, but is it that hard to take 10 seconds of air time to help out the club that made them what they are?

As for Ox. I'm not saying he has to support the sodding club all the time. I don't think I ever said that. I merely said I find it a bit bizarre that he should feature strongly in trying to attract people to the club when he spends much of his time potting it. I don't care what forum he pots the club in. The fact is he does, and often dredges up dirt that really needn't be heard by every Tom, Dick and Harry. Bit of an about face, don't you think? I'm glad he's helping out, I wish more would, but for mine, the sincerity has to be questioned. That's my opinion though. You needn't agree with it.

How much does it cost to buy a dose of common sense? I would have thought draining money on what would have otherwise been the most stirring marketing campaign thus far would have been avoided by our under-resourced, underperforming club. The campaign is largely neutralized by our rancid start to the year. No wonder we're so bloody poor when we go fritting our money away on marketing campaigns that are 2 months too late. If pointing out how daft this all appears to be constitutes a cheap shot, then I humbly, humbly apologise to the club and the other members who all nod their heads and agree with this sort of futile endeavor.

Stop kissing the club's posterior and see this for what it is.

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Got to admire your mettle Rhino. Did you mean chimps?

Time to come down off your high horse and smell the vile stink of reality though.

If you had read many of my posts on this topic, I am actually more realistic than you ever dream of.

What position are we, the average supporter, in to help the club out in any especially helpful capacity? I buy a membership and attend every game I can possibly get to. I even pay the ludicrous food and beverage prices in the Hassett room at half-time.

Congratulations on your level of support. I would not touch the food though! :unsure: However I just cant understand what an anonymous slur against the marketing team or seeing an implosion of interest in the Club, wave after wave of really bad press achieves. Does it achieve anything? Its got nothing to do so with realistic assessments of where we are at. Its a cheap shot and does little for the Club. You ask about the average supporter and what they can do? Well, they might hold the guns on the Club when its copping it and left right and center. Its not a matter of accepting medicrity but sticking fast with the Club. There are some real problems down there but some of the slag offs on the site do little to address the problems.

Compare this with the position of ex-players, particularly those who hold illustrious positions within the media. The scope for promoting the club is immense for them. You imply they have no obligation to promote the club. Perhaps, but is it that hard to take 10 seconds of air time to help out the club that made them what they are?

There is scope when they are off camera and microphone. I think the expectation of on air plugs is lacking a dose of realism.

As for Ox. I'm not saying he has to support the sodding club all the time. I don't think I ever said that. I merely said I find it a bit bizarre that he should feature strongly in trying to attract people to the club when he spends much of his time potting it. I don't care what forum he pots the club in. The fact is he does, and often dredges up dirt that really needn't be heard by every Tom, Dick and Harry. Bit of an about face, don't you think? I'm glad he's helping out, I wish more would, but for mine, the sincerity has to be questioned. That's my opinion though. You needn't agree with it.

He has a profile at the moment as a commentator. Rightly or wrongly he is seen a player who bled for the Club. I dont have a high regard for what he says but it is great he helps. And his comments of criticism. Well, he makes them on SEN and it is pitched at the LCD numbnut. While I dont agree with his view he is entitled to echo it because the SEN demographic seem to get their rocks off on it.

How much does it cost to buy a dose of common sense? I would have thought draining money on what would have otherwise been the most stirring marketing campaign thus far would have been avoided by our under-resourced, underperforming club. The campaign is largely neutralized by our rancid start to the year. No wonder we're so bloody poor when we go fritting our money away on marketing campaigns that are 2 months too late. If pointing out how daft this all appears to be constitutes a cheap shot, then I humbly, humbly apologise to the club and the other members who all nod their heads and agree with this sort of futile endeavor.

Its great Diablo the Club has copped it for not have a marketing campaign and when it does seek to fight against the damning tide they are labelled cheap shots.

We are at point where membership sales have dried up. Our takings at the gate are at risk of being appalling for the rest of the season. Carlton after a win are likely to get some numbers at the game. This season we could have a belter of a loss exacerbated by the cut off of funds from the AFL and the MCC. Why not maximise ithis game and seek to create some interest? Do you agree or do you have a better suggestion? No should the marketing department just sit on it hands then?

Surely primates can do that. The Club are in a no win position on this. But go ahead join the ritualistic slur on the marketing efforts that is all to common on this site.

Heavens knows what good it does but go right ahead.

The Club is close to stuffed so why not get it in while you can.

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Surely primates can do that. The Club are in a no win position on this. But go ahead join the ritualistic slur on the marketing efforts that is all to common on this site.

Heavens knows what good it does but go right ahead.

The Club is close to stuffed so why not get it in while you can.

Perhaps everybody slates the club for the inexplicable incompetence which it continues to demonstrate in the face of damnation. Should we just fumble our way into oblivion? Because thats the way its going.

I can see how this is kicking the club when it is on its knees. Thats unfortunate. But if people don't speak up now then nothing will change and we WILL die. I don't subscribe to the comparisons with Fitzroy; we aren't that bad yet. If the club continues to make poor decisions, however, we are going to find ourselves in that situation sooner rather than later.

I understand that some of the older supporters would have a sense of resignation, and probably a good dose of skepticism; on the whole, the club has given them little to cheer over the last 40, a few brilliant players notwithstanding. But the last thing the club needs in this dark hour is sympathisers and sycophants who, in genuine agreement or just apathy, nod their heads and continue to accept the bloody mediocrity that perpetually condemns us.

I apologise. This is talk, and talk is cheap. If there was something tangible I could do that could save this damn club and reverse its fortunes, I would. Its hard to take when the club continues to defy something as simple and abundant as common logic, though, and people should speak up.

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But the last thing the club needs in this dark hour is sympathisers and sycophants who, in genuine agreement or just apathy, nod their heads and continue to accept the bloody mediocrity that perpetually condemns us.

Its a poor and incorrect asssertion to deflect from liking the Club's employees to primates.

It is indeed a dark hour.

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Its a poor and incorrect asssertion to deflect from liking the Club's employees to primates.

It is indeed a dark hour.

I'm sure they won't lose too much sleep over it. Should they be exempt from appraisal?

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