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Chris Judd - A retrospective


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I never once expected Chris Judd to pull on the MFC jumper next year. Although he said many times that "money was not a factor", I couldn't help but consider his business aspirations in fashionable, cosmpolitan Melbourne. Along with his gorgeous partner in Rebecca Twigley, Chris Judd, quietly, strongly considered a life after football; what would it consist of and where would he be?

Chris Judd is the Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Theiry Henry of AFL. There is no doubt about that. He is easily the greatest player of the past 10 years and would be an easy induction into the Hall of Fame if he retired today. He is, actually correction, was, one of the most beloved and fancied players in the league; people paid to see this guy play.

Today, he is one step closer to becoming one of two things. Firstly, he has lost some credibility. His "nice guy" personality that was perceived within the general football public is all but gone after his "decision" not to pick Melbourne as his club of choice. Such a personna would have been maintained had he chosen his boyhood team, the team he grew up idolising and loving; what person doesn't dream of leading their supported football club to glory? Today, he is a step closer to becoming a hypocrite. If Christopher was to choose Carlton in the following days, it would demonish any credibility in his reasoning not to come "home" to the MFC. Carlton have had no success and won't have any in the immediate future, and while they have a consistent training schedule and ground, they don't have state of the art facilities.

Secondly, if I were a Melbourne player, I probably wouldnt have cared much if he had of come to Melbourne. I understand what its like to play in a football team and, albeit not quite as professional, I know how hard it can be to lose a mate. Furthermore, I would have been offended with his decision not to come to Melbourne. Not because he didn't choose us, but why. To say our facilities do not meet his standards is an insulting, pretentious and arrogant comment. Chris Judd is not god and I don't think he will make any friends with that reasoning. By coming out and saying such a thing, he indicates that he believes he has more power than he thinks. Will a groin injury heal quicker at the Lexus Centre than it would at the MFC? If he does a hammy, will he be back quicker at Collingwood than what he would be at Melbourne? The reason is also naive. If Christopher was to choose Collingwood, he would be a sell-out. There is no doubt in my mind, and many other people's minds, that the off-field reputation at WC was a minor reason for his leaving. So why then would he be considering a move to a team that is the most hated and publicised in the city where AFL is at its strongest? He would be moving to the WC equivalent of Melbourne. However, Chris did mention that had WC been named the East Coast Eagles, he wouldn't have left, indicating it had nothing to do with the team itself but rather his family. This does seem somewhat suspicious though, as Judd's involvement in the media was never quite as influential as his old teammates and he has never seemed like the type that shines in the spotlight of paparazzi. There is something brewing between Chris Judd and Collingwood and unfortunately, it will never come out, but it lies beyond the simple "facilities" reasoning. Chris Judd needed more and he will get more either way.

Today, Chris Judd is one step closer to one more special thing. Something that has been passed down through the ages, and many other legends of the game have had this tag beside their name. For the day Chris Judd chooses Collingwood, he will no longer be the player everybody wants to watch, but rather the player everybody wants to beat. He will no longer be "that cute guy" or "the guy with that girlfriend", but rather "that good player for Collingwood."

The day Chris Judd chooses Collingwood will be the day Chris Judd becomes the most hated player in the AFL.

I'm not angry that he hasn't chosen Melbourne. Like I said before, I never believed it to be so. But I'm disappointed and insulted. Soon, Melbourne will be a force and he could have been a part of it. Today, as has been said before, is today and tomorrow is another day. As I'm sitting here writing this, I'm looking up at a little framed photo above my pool sticks. It's a photo of the 1900 MFC Premiership Side. There were no Judd's in that team. No Goodes'or Abletts. But rather players who played football to play football. They didn't care about what they had or where they trained. They played for the jumper and for each other. It's just not the same anymore. Chris Judd loves the MFC still, he just convinces himself that he doesn't. And today, he ended a relationship that lasted even through his WCE years. And I will be damned if he ever steps foot into a Melbourne facility, as a player, coach or trainer. For today, he become a life-long enemy.

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I like it....

I like it a lot!!

Great post dude....

I am hurt that we have been strung along by the so called "Messiah"

Screw him and screw Collingwood!!

As for the future.... It looks just as bright as it did 3 weeks ago.... We are in for one helluva ride people!!

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Chris Judd = the new Nathan Buckley.

Let's hope he has the same success as good old FIGJAM has had with the Pies.

Disagree. I never once disliked Nathan Buckley. I thought he got too many media oppurtunities that he should of (ahem, Eddie), and I don't remember what it was like when he was leaving Brisbane to come to Melbourne (in reference to the bidding war), but Bucks never came off as an arrogant, cocky guy to me. In fact, I'm mates with Ricky Dyson at Essendon who says he is a top bloke that's willing to give advice to anyone, anywhere.

Judd always just seemed like the shy type, but today it showed the complete opposite. He is rather a pretentious arrogant pr**k that doesn't speak because he knows he doesn't need too; he knows how good he is. He is practically Michael Jordan.

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Judd always just seemed like the shy type, but today it showed the complete opposite. He is rather a protentious arrogant pr**k that doesn't speak because he knows he doesn't need too; he knows how good he is. He is practically Michael Jordan.

Jordan never walked out on the Bulls to go play for the Pistons or the Lakers. Judd does not deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Jordan.

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its not the fact that he isnt coming,

its the fact that he paid out our club and its facilities.

to quote bailey - a weight is a weight no matter what colour it is boys.

that stings twice as much cos we havent got good facilities, and the boy has a point.

but for ffs....clearly he will go to collingwood. well, i already hate that lot.

just wait for the first matty whelan hip and shoulder on the bloke qb next year!

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Jordan never walked out on the Bulls to go play for the Pistons or the Lakers. Judd does not deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Jordan.

It's in reference to his arrogance. Frequently quoted that Jordan wasn't the best team mate. Not saying Judd wasn't, but I think he has been far too picky, and like Lethal said, this whole fiasco has played out with little-to-no class, with Judd interviewing clubs instead of the other way around. As a sportsman, no, there is no comparison between the two, but Judd is Jordan to the AFL; wherever he goes, eventually, success will follow.

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It's like Jessica Alba asked me out on a date but never showed up. Instead she was seen walking around with K-Fed.

I had a lot of respect for Judd, but I have now lost all of it. As much as I would of liked him at Melbourne, I still don't like it when a champion like himself walks out on a club.

I hope someone, no matter what colour their jumper, kicks him in the osteitis pubis. He is a dis-honest, money hungry, dog.

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It's like Jessica Alba asked me out on a date but never showed up. Instead she was seen walking around with K-Fed.

I had a lot of respect for Judd, but I have now lost all of it. As much as I would of liked him at Melbourne, I still don't like it when a champion like himself walks out on a club.

I hope someone, no matter what colour their jumper, kicks him in the osteitis pubis. He is a dis-honest, money hungry, dog.

Really, of all people, why K-Fed?! :lol:

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Above our club or any club? Id say his almost acting like his beyond the AFL. When Scott Thompson did it it was nasty enough, but at least he didnt flirt with port or conduct interviews.

I reckon in all honesty we are better off without him. My Collingwood supporter mates don't want him and frankly fear what they will give up for him.

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Above our club or any club? Id say his almost acting like his beyond the AFL. When Scott Thompson did it it was nasty enough, but at least he didnt flirt with port or conduct interviews.

I reckon in all honesty we are better off without him. My Collingwood supporter mates don't want him and frankly fear what they will give up for him.

Please don't compare Judd to Scott Thompson.

Thommo left for personal reasons that everyone can sympathise with, and he wanted to make sure we got the best deal possible, which is why he ended up at Adelaide when he was a Port supporter growing up.

I know a lot of Melbourne supporters hate Thommo for leaving us as he was about to hit him prime, but it was never about the money or the facilities. He left because he needed to go home, and I don't begrudge him for it.

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Scotty left in the best possible circumstances. He even said that if Melbourne couldn't get a deal they would be happy with he would stay. Met him a few times at the B&F's and guernsey nights and is a stop bloke. He didn't leave Melbourne because it was Melbourne, he left Melbourne because he needed his family. Judd doesn't need his family, he needs Melbourne (the city).

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sorry was that out with K-Fed..or F-cuk ?? :lol::rolleyes:

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Today, as has been said before, is today and tomorrow is another day. As I'm sitting here writing this, I'm looking up at a little framed photo above my pool sticks. It's a photo of the 1900 MFC Premiership Side. There were no Judd's in that team. No Goodes'or Abletts. But rather players who played football to play football. They didn't care about what they had or where they trained. They played for the jumper and for each other.

Fan-farkin-tastic paragraph. This is the mentally I hope the MFC has in future.

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I get some similar emotions from this post, I wouldn't exactly go so far as to call him outright arrogant, but the way he's done it (starting off with a group and publicly narrowing it down like Oz Idol or something) is kind of disrespectful to the prospective clubs. It does give that air that he's bigger than the clubs.

The fact that he's got Carlton and Collingwood as his final clubs of choice has hurt his persona though. Melbourne was always seen as the battler club in all this and the emotional choice, by chosing the Blues and Pies as his two picks has made sure that this is pure business and, as calabreseboy said, has shed his good guy persona.

By a hairs wisker, i'd prefer him to go to Collingwood. Because they will have got him through being successful and everything that a player would want. If he goes to the blues they will have got him through failure, nothing more. For 5 years they've have been the worst team in the AFL, they should not be able to get the best player in the league because of that, as least Collingwood have been able to dredge themselves up to the top of the AFL pecking order. They are fast becoming the Man Unt of the AFL.

It'll still be a bitter pill to swallow when he runs out on QB Monday in a Pies gurnsey.

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Rule #1.. Nothing shall ever benefit Collingwood

Rule #2.. Consider everything in light of rule 1

id rather he went to carlton...he can join Stevens on the scrap heap that is carlton !!

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If I was Ryan Lonie I'd be geting very nervous !! lol

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An open letter to C. Judd:

A little boy once ran around his backyard, kicking his football and dreaming of doing so in Melbourne colours.

He dreamt of high marks, freakish goals and after the siren heroics to hold aloft a premiership cup with MELBOURNE inscribed upon it.

This little boy was you, Chris Judd. This little boy grew into man who has given his dreams away for the charms of the dollar.

You have broken the heart of your inner child, and I can only hope his tormented crying over coming so close to his dreams keeps you awake at night.

You have stated you wanted to leave Perth to come home. I inform you that you have missed coming to your spiritual home and will be just as unhappy at the pies or the blues as you were at the eagles.

I wish you nothing but misfortune at your selected new club, may you only watch any future grandfinals from the stands.

Melbourne will better off with out you, our new coach will take us to lofty new heights whilst you lie at the ladder's bottom.

Goodbye and good riddance.

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Bloody top post CB... i wish we could go back to the days when footballers played for no money at all and only for the love of the jumper

Totally agree that was an excellent post CB......

The whole thing is not particularly surprising to me, but the lack of respect is quite staggering from a player that has always traded on being the "nice guy".

I will never understand why there was any need to take a [censored] poor pot shot at a club (any club) who was doing its best to make you as welcome as it could. I can understand Collingwoods allure (although I hate the "what Collingwood wants Collingwood gets" attitude that permeates this entire competition, but that is for another day), you would have to be blind deaf and dumb not to, and if you want to be a Maggie then fine, but I do have real issues with the "facilities" excuse.

The reason given and the fact that it was a reason at all says a hell of a lot about him as a person I think. And what it says to me is that despite all his god given talents the easy road is possibly the one he wants to travel and that is going to be extremely underwhelming to a hell of a lot of people both now and in the future.

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