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Lloyd facing 1 week for shot on Carroll


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Thanks guys, but I'm ok.

It's weird though, the week she passed away in 2002 was after a friday night Essendon vs Melbourne game at the Dome. Essendon won that game by 12 points after being 44 points in front at 3/4 time. The other night, Essendon almost blew a 37 point lead at 1/4 time. Very similar games.

I'll never forget that game in 2002, me and my wife had our tickets ready to go along, but ended up spending the weekend in hospital with Ashleigh and we missed the game.

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Sorry to hear mate, after i read that post i actually said to my wife ive been called a goose by possibly the nicest guy on here, i still think it was soft and it is a shame he will miss hirds 250th, but im still against hitting players from behind, its really only a free but the AFL want it out and if it was during the game i dont think he would have copped a week.

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Geez i was getting sick of hearing all those whining Bomber supporters on the radio toady.

I wonder what the reaction from them would have been if Byron Pickett had of done that to James Hird? Or if Cam Mooney or Matty Scarlett had of done that to a swans player last week? I reckon they would be singing a different tune.

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Well, heres another rant.

Totally agree Jerry. Lloyd is typically Lloyd, got caught out and deserves what he got.

The tribunal has to draw a line somewhere.

In the past he has got away with a far lot more & some I can't believe. Hence his record to date. As far as trash goes, he's up there with Wallis.

Boo Hoo. So he'll miss Hirdy's 250. Like does anyone reckon the Melbourne FAITHFUL give a toss.

The tribunal have made sure this little side show moves on outa here . Hasta La Vista Baby!.

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Geez i was getting sick of hearing all those whining Bomber supporters on the radio toady.

I wonder what the reaction from them would have been if Byron Pickett had of done that to James Hird? Or if Cam Mooney or Matty Scarlett had of done that to a swans player last week? I reckon they would be singing a different tune.

I can't talk for any other Bombers fan, but I for one, and I've said this all along, don't think the incident was worthy of any player missing a game of footy through suspension.

But again, I think alot of the Lloyd hate on this site is contributing to the attitudes of some.

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I can't talk for any other Bombers fan, but I for one, and I've said this all along, don't think the incident was worthy of any player missing a game of footy through suspension.

But again, I think alot of the Lloyd hate on this site is contributing to the attitudes of some.

ash, imo, it was worth one, if only because it was off the play, the incident had settled and the player was running the other way. i would prefer the afl to concentrate on rubbing out this sort of behaviour, off the ball etc, and leave the big bumps in the game. i dont think rocca should have been suspended. it was in play and should have just been a free kick for too high. lloyd snipped someone off the ball. not courages, stupid, and the week will let him think about it.

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ash, imo, it was worth one, if only because it was off the play, the incident had settled and the player was running the other way. i would prefer the afl to concentrate on rubbing out this sort of behaviour, off the ball etc, and leave the big bumps in the game. i dont think rocca should have been suspended. it was in play and should have just been a free kick for too high. lloyd snipped someone off the ball. not courages, stupid, and the week will let him think about it.

At least that is a sensible argument, and I respect that. Rather than the 'Lloyd is a weak dog scum who deserves to get 4 weeks if it was up to me' type of stuff.

When Alan Smithee compares Lloyd to Wallis [i assume it's Dean Wallis he is talking about], any other comments he makes lose all credibility with me.

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ash, imo, it was worth one, if only because it was off the play, the incident had settled and the player was running the other way. i would prefer the afl to concentrate on rubbing out this sort of behaviour, off the ball etc, and leave the big bumps in the game. i dont think rocca should have been suspended. it was in play and should have just been a free kick for too high. lloyd snipped someone off the ball. not courages, stupid, and the week will let him think about it.

I honestly hope that this is the only argument Ash......

In reality the rest is just emotional guff and has no particular logic to it. And I am sorry that Lloyd will miss what will be a very important and memorable game to the Essendon Football Club, in James Hirds 250th game and Adam Ramanaskus's return match........

But it doesn't matter which player performed the act, as I have already said much (much) earlier in this thread. The way I see it, it was worth the week for the action happening well after the play had stopped, and for being a forceful snipe, coming from behind, and at a player who obviously had no expectation of contact.

To me that is not tough football, which is something I really like to watch.

I would hate to see the good old fashioned bump and tackle removed from the game, but that was little more than a cheap shot.

And Ash I am so sorry to hear about what you had to go through, you and your wife have my thoughts and, for what it is worth, best wishes.

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FWIW, I dont think Lloyd should have got a week. Its no worse than Goodes. Good heavens if Hall got off hitting Maquire in the 2005 finals then Lloyds was nothing.

The AFL tribunal is continually confusing in its deliberations.

However what I do find puzzling is the condemnation and snide retorts delivered to Lloyd on this site.

Lloyd is a champion and IMO the premier full forward in the AFL over the last 10 years.

My thoughts are with your Ash on your personal experiences and I agree with your assessment of the Lloyd incident.

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At least that is a sensible argument, and I respect that. Rather than the 'Lloyd is a weak dog scum who deserves to get 4 weeks if it was up to me' type of stuff.

When Alan Smithee compares Lloyd to Wallis [i assume it's Dean Wallis he is talking about], any other comments he makes lose all credibility with me.

Lloyd is a shrewd thug. Got a bit of cunning about him that boy. Sprung this time and hung out to dry .He's an idiot.

Wallis played like a thug but he was just not as subtle. Why compare?...Both have same spots. Same jumper. & play for the same scumbag class suburban outfit.

But I digress.........................

Ash, I couldn't give a toss what you think about my comments , other Demon posters comments, the Mfc or that bogan club that is Essendon. No one on this site needs your approval. Don't kid yourself.

Whatever gets you through the day Ash is your business. Just try keeping it to yourself.

And WTF haven't you moved on like you intended?

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What Lloyd did (and I watched him throughout the lead-up and beyond) was dumb. It reeked of adolescent 'get even' stupidity. He had ample time to rethink his impulsive first reponse. The over-riding thought I had at the time was what is the Essendon captain doing retaliating in such a petulant manner. Would Hird do this, would Clarke do this, would Daniher (take your pick) do this, would Neitz do this, would Buckley do this, would Harvey do this, would Kernahan do this????? He had no right being there and he should never have given such a poor example to his team (as leader). We all know that Lloyd is not a hard man. A great FF, yes... but hard at it, no. He looks silly when he pretends to be a hard nut, and in this case he was a man who had gone beyond his limitations. Running into the back of a player who was making his way to the coaches huddle has always been a reportable and inflamatory act. One week is a small price to pay for a brain fade.

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exactly WW..exactly.

put it in context superbly.

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Ash, I couldn't give a toss what you think about my comments , other Demon posters comments, the Mfc or that bogan club that is Essendon. No one on this site needs your approval. Don't kid yourself.

Whatever gets you through the day Ash is your business. Just try keeping it to yourself.

And WTF haven't you moved on like you intended?

It's an interesting attack Al. I sense through your Lloyd comments and this that you have an obvious hate for all things Essendon. That's understandable, you must be very jealous. Or did Fridays night result especially hurt you.

I'm not kidding myself. I'm not here to give approval. But like most here, if I agree or disagree with someones comments I'll say so. I have just as much right to share my thoughts here as anyone. I've said all along that I realise I am an outsider, and if the majority of posters want me gone, I'll disappear. But I'd like to think I can contribute to a Melbourne website positively even though I am an Essendon supporter.

If you don't give a toss about what I say, and want me to keep my thoughts to myself, I have a pretty simple solution. Don't read my posts.

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I have just as much right to share my thoughts here as anyone. I've said all along that I realise I am an outsider, and if the majority of posters want me gone, I'll disappear. But I'd like to think I can contribute to a Melbourne website positively even though I am an Essendon supporter.

If you don't give a toss about what I say, and want me to keep my thoughts to myself, I have a pretty simple solution. Don't read my posts.

i'll throw my weight in behind you ash, if you're asked to leave this site im gone too.

and i will point out, alan smithee, that ash has been posting on here for years, much longer than his joining date suggests because there was an old board, and the majority of demonlanders appreciate his outsider views. he is an astute observer of the game, even if he does barrack for the wrong team. and you, alan smithee, have been here one month.

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It would seem to me that Ash has been here as long as I can recall, and his opinions are pretty fair.

Someone who has only been around for a month shouldnt really have the say on who can come and go.

stick it up your jacksee Alan.

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I also throw my support around Ash. Makes very good comments about certain things and they are fair. Although i joined this site about a yr later than he did, i like his thoughts. What wrong with having another perspective on things, eg how the other team felt. Mind you Alan Smithee he is not the only poster from another team that posts here. There are some from St Kilda (this was in regards to a forum game last year)

Ash i dont want you to disappear

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Although i joined this site about a yr later than he did, i like his thoughts.

i think you'll find his been on this forum more than a year longer than you jezza. before this board demonland existed on an aimoo forum for years. many of the people who signed up around october 2005, november 2005 were actually posters from years before hand. i believe i first got on the board about 2003, and im sure ash was already here then...

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i think you'll find his been on this forum more than a year longer than you jezza. before this board demonland existed on an aimoo forum for years. many of the people who signed up around october 2005, november 2005 were actually posters from years before hand. i believe i first got on the board about 2003, and im sure ash was already here then...

I understand, i was talking about the current board

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Ash, I don't wish for you to disappear either.

If you are convinced that Lloyd was treated unfairly, so be it. Move on. Yes, I am not fond of Essendon. Good insight. Yes I am saddened, in particular, by 2000. But I look forward to astute football discussions mate. But if I disagree with you, don't get upset.

Deanox, I read & participate with Demonology.Yes I am new here. In respect of Ash's comments, I will lead by example and not labour my point too much.

Jezza, I know a few of Saintsational members and even a 'fat' filth poster. Not known for their wingeing. Kudos to them.

Frankly Franky, I appreciate your thoughts. My jacksee aint big enough bud. But I hear you've worked on yours and is a perfect fit.

Stay Ash!

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I've said all along that I realise I am an outsider, and if the majority of posters want me gone, I'll disappear. But I'd like to think I can contribute to a Melbourne website positively even though I am an Essendon supporter.

Plenty of people should be leaving here before you do, Ash.

You are generally more rational than most (even me).

Having said that I reckon Lloyd is still way ahead of the system.

His hit on Carroll was hard enough to snap his head back.

That, IMHO, fully fits the criteria for a charging offense. The player was not involved in play & would not reasonably be expecting any contact.

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Back on the Lloyd discussion...

I used to be very critical of Lloyd. I thought he was just a dumb overated footballer. I am now a little older and wiser and I realise he is a fantastic player whose record speaks for itself.

There has also been two times this year where I have been very impressed with him:

- SEN interviewed most captains the day of the season launch. Lloyd, in my opinion spoke the best. He was very complementary to the other captains and explained some of the issues better than the others

- I also though Lloyd shaking Daniher's hand after last Friday night was a fantastic gesture, he didn't have too, but he did it out of respect, and that sits well with me

Having said all that...

I have noticed over the years that Lloyd has managed to get away with some cheap shots. I for one am happy to see him miss this game. One week was the right wack. It was soft, but it was uncalled for and unneeded.

Don't forget Ash and RR, these sort of incidents after the siren are the ones that set off a mellee, and the Captain (and a good one in my opinion) of a club should know better.

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Ash, hang in there - don't let the rough stuff get to you.

Anyway, people should leave Lloydy alone, he's tried to do his bit for the MFC. At the MCG r17 in 2003 he astutely realized that the Demons were getting on a roll, and were in danger of winning the game that would lose them the priority pick in the draft (pick 3). He then took it upon himself to do a double Louganis in the goal square in front of Nicho (and Goldspink ?) to add 2 quick goals to the margin. Probably saved us losing our next captain.

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