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Dustin Martin - total [censored]


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3 hours ago, ManDee said:

You can decry both, and we all should. But when the original issue is with a group that is disproportionately affected then to add other affected groups tends to diminish the original problem.  

If you are talking disproportionate you are correct. 64% of all homicide victims are male.


Just sayin...


2 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

If you are talking disproportionate you are correct. 64% of all homicide victims are male.


Just sayin...


And what percentage of that is male v male? Silly comment Junior, and shows little understanding of the actual issue.

Women are the victims of male violence 4 times as much as men.


I'm just worried that Dill McLachlan may be forced to make a decision of some sort (anything really) rather than default back to his 'Simon the Likeable of the polo set' routine.

2 minutes ago, Rafiki said:

One In Three

Nice website that has all the statistics together for a good read. #violenceagainstwomen

Yeah, real "nice" website that has already been exposed as factually incorrect.



54 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

If you are talking disproportionate you are correct. 64% of all homicide victims are male.


Just sayin...


jnr, we have been talking about violence, based on Dustin Martin's threats, ( A female patron of Windsor eatery Mr Miyagi has accused the 24-year-old of threatening to stab her in the face with a chopstick after she told him to settle down. http://www.afl.com.au/news/2015-12-07/dustin-martin-apologises-after-restaurant-altercation


Now I don't doubt your statistic but is is disingenuous to suggest that your statistic is in any way related to the Dustin Martin's threats against a women. 

19 hours ago, stuie said:

If we are being meticulous, they are all factually incorrect. Domestic violence is just a political football. Experts like Murray Straus and Donald Dutton have already 'absolutely, and utterly destroyed' the hysteria around these 1 in whatever's (men/women). You really are a sucker for a good story Stuie.

4 minutes ago, KingDingAling said:

Domestic violence is just a political football.

Wow. Tell that to the 78 women who have died from family violence in Australia this year. That's a factual number for you. You may choose to ignore that if you wish and continue with your head in the sand (or the 1950s, whichever you prefer).

Police figures show that women are the victims of domestic abuse 4 times as much as men. Are you going to dispute their figures also?

7 minutes ago, Rafiki said:

Is the Australian Bureau of Statistics factually correct enough for you?

Experience of Partner Violence

Did you even read the articles I replied with?

"It seems to have first appeared on a Men's Rights Activist website, which claims a source is The Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Personal Safety Survey (PSS).

At first glance, the data in Table 3 of the PSS does appear to suggest that males are 33 per cent of people who have experienced an act of violence from a current partner in the last 12 months. That number, however, is clearly marked with a warning that states: "Estimate has a relative standard error of 25 per cent to 50 per cent and should be used with caution."

You'll also note the figures with a ** have a probable 50% error rate, and that those figures are 4 years old.

19 minutes ago, ManDee said:

jnr, we have been talking about violence, based on Dustin Martin's threats, ( A female patron of Windsor eatery Mr Miyagi has accused the 24-year-old of threatening to stab her in the face with a chopstick after she told him to settle down. http://www.afl.com.au/news/2015-12-07/dustin-martin-apologises-after-restaurant-altercation


Now I don't doubt your statistic but is is disingenuous to suggest that your statistic is in any way related to the Dustin Martin's threats against a women. 

There's an awful lot of hyperbole on this thread about violence towards women. No-one doubts its an issue. I was simply reframing the statistics quoted here with some fact.

10 minutes ago, stuie said:

Did you even read the articles I replied with?

"It seems to have first appeared on a Men's Rights Activist website, which claims a source is The Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Personal Safety Survey (PSS).

At first glance, the data in Table 3 of the PSS does appear to suggest that males are 33 per cent of people who have experienced an act of violence from a current partner in the last 12 months. That number, however, is clearly marked with a warning that states: "Estimate has a relative standard error of 25 per cent to 50 per cent and should be used with caution."

Nah sure didn't, half working and half doing this. I'll pull up some more articles when I get home. Other first world countries have very in depth research about this. Unless you're going to say that those arn't relevant.

29 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

There's an awful lot of hyperbole on this thread about violence towards women. No-one doubts its an issue. I was simply reframing the statistics quoted here with some fact.

Unrelated fact though. Where did you get that number? How many of that 64% were killed by females? How many of that percentage were that males partner?

Don't frame your loose unrelated statistic as something that relates to the issue at hand when it's pretty plainly not.

2 minutes ago, Rafiki said:

Nah sure didn't, half working and half doing this. I'll pull up some more articles when I get home. Other first world countries have very in depth research about this. Unless you're going to say that those arn't relevant.

Post as many biased articles as you like, the fact is if you are denying those actual numbers (from the police) and trying to deny this as an issue then you're ignorant. And going by the website you chose to try and use as an example that's a pretty obvious conclusion.


Good to see the AFL still silent on this issue..

Alot didn't like Andy Demetriou but at least he was always a voice on the issue and tried to get on the full front of things..

Dill is an absolute marshmallow.

20 hours ago, stuie said:

Wow. Tell that to the 78 women who have died from family violence in Australia this year. That's a factual number for you. You may choose to ignore that if you wish and continue with your head in the sand (or the 1950s, whichever you prefer).

Police figures show that women are the victims of domestic abuse 4 times as much as men. Are you going to dispute their figures also?

And of these so called 'animals', how many of these savages are just re-cycling abuse? Australia is a fatherless society, and these so called animals (men), are growing up under circumstances that are less than ideal. How many of these perpetrators come from broken homes? Its all good and well to point the finger at men, but when you do point the finger at men, please do not forget - WHO is raising these men! Its certainly not men raising them.

4 hours ago, McQueen said:


If a normal bloke had have gone up to Martin there may have been a confrontation, maybe even a scuffle.

If a big burly Islander bouncer had gone up to Martin and told him to pull his head in he probably would've.

On this occasion, a female took it upon herself to do it (just like the woman at Subiaco oval) and got threatened to be stabbed in the face with a chopstick.

Make sense?

It does make sense as thats how the animal kingdom works unfortunately. Easy for a weak bloke to threaten a woman. Very wrong .


Have worked in the Courts for the last 12 years in areas that include Family Violence & Victims of Crime and i can tell you all that since 2003 when i first started, the numbers of family violence complaints (vast majority men as the accused) have gone through the roof!


Violence in our society full stop is an issue, but violence against women is a huge issue in it's own right. Recent examples like Jill Meagher, Sarah Cafferky*, Renea Lau and Masa Vukovic show that.

What Martin did was totally unacceptable.  I know he didn't kill her, but clearly he felt a sense of entitlement that the filth who came across the women mentioned above also felt.

For me, if Richmond want to stand for anything (AFL also) it should be a minimum 12 week suspension with a 20K donation to a womens charity, which you'll find a lot wont accept when coming from someone who's committed an act of violence against women. Found this out during my time working in diversion.


National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (2010)  -  Relevant Table

Partner Abuse (2010) - Ten Examples of ~200 Studies Showing Gender Symmetry in Assault

Homicides, Firearm Offences and Intimate Violence 2010/11

"Intimate Violence
According to the 2010/11 BCS, seven per cent of women and five per cent of men
experienced domestic abuse in the last year, equivalent to an estimated 1.2 million
female and 800,000 male victims.

In 2010/11, estimated levels of domestic abuse experienced in the last year were at
the lowest levels since 2004/05 when the self-completion module was first included in
the BCS. There has been no statistically significant change in the level of domestic
abuse since 2008/09

Around six per cent of women and four per cent of men experienced partner abuse in
the last year, equivalent to around 900,000 female and 600,000 male victims.

Non-physical abuse (i.e. emotional and financial abuse) was the most common type of
abuse experienced by both female (57%) and male (46%) partner abuse victims.

Female victims of partner abuse were more likely than males to suffer from nonphysical
abuse, threats and sexual assault, but apparent differences between the
sexes for abuse involving force and stalking were not statistically significant.

Around a quarter (27%) of partner abuse victims suffered a physical injury as a result
of the abuse. Among those who had experienced any physical injury or other effects
(such as emotional problems), around a quarter (28%) received some sort of medical


Is the government doing anything to help male victims of domestic abuse?

"New funding was announced in March 2015 for the National Awareness Campaign to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children. This new campaign is to receive total funding of $30.0 million over three years."

That's fine, surely they have some kind of help on their government website for men.

Oh dear

Source: http://dcp.wa.gov.au/CrisisAndEmergency/Pages/Men%27s-Domestic-Violence-Helpline.aspx

7 hours ago, mauriesy said:

It was imposed by the AFL under their Anti-gambling Code (six weeks were suspended).

I'm waiting for the police to charge Martin with a range of offences. We'll see what the AFL and RFC do then.


6 hours ago, daisycutter said:

jane i'm surprised the police don't seem to be proactive in this case without waiting for a complaint

after all they are running a campaign against violence towards women and making a lot of public statements. now when they have an opportunity to change words to deeds they have gone all lead-footed

maybe i misjudge them and they are in fact doing something behind the scenes that will be soon revealed, but i'm not holding my breath


4 hours ago, stuie said:



I suspect that the police have be told to stay out of it...after all ...."no injury" ...  just a bit of drunken / drugged play.....etc etc etc


stuie's picture could be any or all of Gil,  the Victorian Police, or our Premier and state government.


There is a lot of hypocritical hand wringing and uttering of platitudes on the issue of general violence in our society, violence against anyone, men, women, children.  


When push comes to shove our "authorities" and our judiciary behave in a pretty impotent manner, but continue to try to pretend that they care.


The introduction of cage fighting by Dan surely must send the wrong message to those in our society who have a violent streak - I saw some clips of the event at Doglands, and the blood lust in the crowd was really plain scary.


I'm thinking more of extended supervised community service in women's organisations 

16 minutes ago, monoccular said:




I suspect that the police have be told to stay out of it...after all ...."no injury" ...  just a bit of drunken / drugged play.....etc etc etc


stuie's picture could be any or all of Gil,  the Victorian Police, or our Premier and state government.


There is a lot of hypocritical hand wringing and uttering of platitudes on the issue of general violence in our society, violence against anyone, men, women, children.


When push comes to shove our "authorities" and our judiciary behave in a pretty impotent manner, but continue to try to pretend that they care.


The introduction of cage fighting by Dan surely must send the wrong message to those in our society who have a violent streak - I saw some clips of the event at Doglands, and the blood lust in the crowd was really plain scary.

6 hours ago, ManDee said:

Topic title is apt.

I am so glad we did not pick him.

The fact that the woman accepted his apology and that he's an AFL footballer are the only things delaying any further action. The cops would love to get in on this and still might if the AFL or RFC keep progressing at their current rate.

1 hour ago, KingDingAling said:

And of these so called 'animals', how many of these savages are just re-cycling abuse? Australia is a fatherless society, and these so called animals (men), are growing up under circumstances that are less than ideal. How many of these perpetrators come from broken homes? Its all good and well to point the finger at men, but when you do point the finger at men, please do not forget - WHO is raising these men! Its certainly not men raising them.

Wow. You're just coming across as a woman hater now.


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