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Victorian Liberals $200k bill for taxpayer cash


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Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/victorian-liberals-200k-bill-for-taxpayer-cash-20150825-gj7o9i.html#ixzz3jpvtETBT follow us: @theage on Twitter | theageAustralia on Facebook

The Victorian Liberal Party will hand over almost $200,000 to the Victorian and Federal Parliaments after an internal audit found taxpayer money was used in an alleged kickback scheme linked to disgraced former state director Damien Mantach.

It is alleged Mr Mantach advised a mail house that was used by the Liberal Party, to overcharge state and federal MPs. The printing company was allegedly paying kickbacks to Mr Mantach.

On Tuesday evening, Victorian Liberal Party president Michael Kroger wrote to party members informing them of the "reimbursement". He said the party had a "moral obligation to settle the amounts in question".

The latest blow to the Liberal Party follows allegations last week that Mr Mantach had embezzled $1.5 million worth of party funds over four years.

As the party's funds scandal grows, Mr Kroger said Liberal MPs "have been appalled by what they have learnt having at all times acted in good faith".

"No member of parliament was aware of Mr Mantach's direction to the mail house and are disgusted with what has happened."

The Liberal Party has written to the Department of Finance in Canberra and the Department of Parliamentary Services in Victoria to advise them $196,037 would be paid back.

"The party is currently taking legal advice about whether this reimbursement should actually be made by a third party but in the meantime the party feels a moral obligation to settle the amounts in question," Mr Kroger said.

The decision to reimburse the money comes before Victoria Police have completed their investigation into Mr Mantach, and Mr Kroger said the amount due back to parliament could change following the investigation.

The Liberal Party have recouped $450,000 selling Mr Mantach's share portfolio, and decided not to sell his family home.

The party is facing questions over how Mr Mantach was able to secure the position of Victorian state director in 2011 after he had repaid $47,981 to the Tasmanian branch after leaving in 2008.

On Tuesday, Senior Federal Liberal Eric Abetz was drawn into the scandal, with claims he had been briefed on the Tasmanian debt long before Mr Mantach alleged embezzlement in Victoria.

In his letter on Tuesday night, Mr Kroger apologised to Victorian state and federal parliament members for "allowing them to be drawn into this matter in circumstances where they had no knowledge or involvement whatsoever.


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Isn't it refreshing to see a political party take a stand against corruption. Federal Labor should take note.

You don't think their hand was forced somewhat? Would they have done anything if this had not seen the light of day? The fact that it was an internal audit makes no difference by the way, once the audit was completed, it was on record and would be difficult to conceal.

What corruption has actually been exposed/proven beyond a doubt that Federal Labour should be dealing with?

Edited by hardtack
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  • 3 weeks later...

You don't think their hand was forced somewhat? Would they have done anything if this had not seen the light of day? The fact that it was an internal audit makes no difference by the way, once the audit was completed, it was on record and would be difficult to conceal.

What corruption has actually been exposed/proven beyond a doubt that Federal Labour should be dealing with?

The whole union movement stinks but if you want specifics Craig Thompson has been proven to have been corrupt by a court and we all know he was looked after like a cup favourite by the Labor party because they were worried about losing power if he fell.

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The whole union movement stinks but if you want specifics Craig Thompson has been proven to have been corrupt by a court and we all know he was looked after like a cup favourite by the Labor party because they were worried about losing power if he fell.

speaking from somebody who knows that union & has been inside it, hey wrecker ?

No, you have not, have you ? but that won't stop you from making your mind up, will it. Do you use twit a as well wrecka, to spread your mis-information?


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Isn't it refreshing to see a political party take a stand against corruption. Federal Labor should take note.

yes, its nice indeed!!

Especially the corruption of abused children being tried by the Royal Commission.

Now that's real corruption wrecka, abusing kids.... & concealing the facts, both at the churches end, & the police end, & government ends as well.. takes Labour to tackle to the too hard basket of filth, left alone by your mates, hey wrecka.

.... now what about a royal commission into corruption & ripoffs, of $millions at the Federation Square building site... would you be in for that one wrecka ??? I doubt it because your party's doners are in it up to they're arm pits.

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yes, its nice indeed!!

Especially the corruption of abused children being tried by the Royal Commission.

Now that's real corruption wrecka, abusing kids.... & concealing the facts, both at the churches end, & the police end, & government ends as well.. takes Labour to tackle to the too hard basket of filth, left alone by your mates, hey wrecka.

.... now what about a royal commission into corruption & ripoffs, of $millions at the Federation Square building site... would you be in for that one wrecka ??? I doubt it because your party's doners are in it up to they're arm pits.

Perhaps look up the meaning of bi-partisan support.

Also suggest you learn how to spell the name of the party you are incorrectly giving all the credit for the RC too.

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Perhaps look up the meaning of bi-partisan support.

Also suggest you learn how to spell the name of the party you are incorrectly giving all the credit for the RC too.

if thats the best you've got then you havn't got anything have you, your highness hasn't any pants.

& by the way wrecka, would you be into an Investigation of corruption of companies working the Federation Square job site ??? hmmn. Would you be up for that one wrecka,,, & maybe jeffrey would be beyond blue over it ; & your other mate, 'eyebrows without a face', your blue ribbon party mate?

that would be very interesting...

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if thats the best you've got then you havn't got anything have you, your highness hasn't any pants.

& by the way wrecka, would you be into an Investigation of corruption of companies working the Federation Square job site ??? hmmn. Would you be up for that one wrecka,,, & maybe jeffrey would be beyond blue over it ; & your other mate, 'eyebrows without a face', your blue ribbon party mate?

that would be very interesting...

I'm ot even going to pretend I have any idea what you are talking about. But to answer your question I am all for an investigation of corruption on the companies working on Federation Square if there are allegations of corruption. You see I want corruption stamped out on principal and don't turn a blind eye to it to fit some political narrative. I find it incomprehensible the way Labor is kicking and squealing about the umpire to try and drown out the findings a widespread union corruption in the Royal Commision.

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speaking from somebody who knows that union & has been inside it, hey wrecker ?

No, you have not, have you ? but that won't stop you from making your mind up, will it. Do you use twit a as well wrecka, to spread your mis-information?


Actually I was a paid up member of the CFME for years when I was at uni because I worked part time on construction sites and membership was compulsory. They stank then and they're worse now. I've been on strike because there wasn't traffic lights between the free parking lot (paid for by employers) across from the site and you had to walk (no more than) 50m up the road to cross at the lights. The construction company in charge of the project employed a lolly pop lady the following day to appease the union but we went on strike again because they wanted traffic lights not a lolly pop lady.

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I'm ot even going to pretend I have any idea what you are talking about. But to answer your question I am all for an investigation of corruption on the companies working on Federation Square if there are allegations of corruption. You see I want corruption stamped out on principal and don't turn a blind eye to it to fit some political narrative. I find it incomprehensible the way Labor is kicking and squealing about the umpire to try and drown out the findings a widespread union corruption in the Royal Commision.

there is corruption everywhere wrecka, & it mostly starts from the top.... of all industry's, see banking, wrecka.

its very widespread, & increasingly so, including unions, because when those people with the power, at the top, start new rules of engagement, its starts a snow ball running down hill, which eventually picks up the unions as well, wrecka.

this is the nature of competition, & being competative.

...see the Multi-National Companies double Irish Sandwich, wrecka. & other so-called creative Tax avoidance scheming's.

its the struggle of life to keep up.

#So wrecka, have you EVER worked on a BIG building site with Unions active there ???????

I grew up on them, & learn't that they were workers best friends... except some time in the mid 80's, a lot of political games started to creep into the play..

* I wasn't a huge fan of Norm Gallagher, as he caused too much damage, from my young minds perspective. Too aggressive at the companies, but that was straight after the workers were just experiencing the feeling of strength.

* And I am definately not a fan of the Grotto companies underhanded ways of managing things with onsite spying & threats of violence against workers. (the ruffiano) spying on peoples actions & conversations. concete boots & such

what have you to say about that brick wall collapse which killed innocent pedestrians wrecka ?

& what about the anything goes queenslanders on sites, dropping crane loads thru footpath protecting gantries? they just do anything up there, without much control on them.

my sites were very very safe, wrecka.

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Actually I was a paid up member of the CFME for years when I was at uni because I worked part time on construction sites and membership was compulsory. They stank then and they're worse now. I've been on strike because there wasn't traffic lights between the free parking lot (paid for by employers) across from the site and you had to walk (no more than) 50m up the road to cross at the lights. The construction company in charge of the project employed a lolly pop lady the following day to appease the union but we went on strike again because they wanted traffic lights not a lolly pop lady.

oh is that it; so you had a militant shop steward on a site, & formed your opinions there after.

yes unionism is compulsory & I worked in the industry over 4 decades starting early 70's, wrecka, working on the tools. And when drinking water was from hessian sack water bags, & having to use dunny paper, that was closer to bake & cooking paper than a toilet roll.

it is easy for someone like you to just cast aspersions with little knowledge of really what goes on, from both sides of this industry... I have worked as a foreman on sites, as a tradesman, as shop steward, as first aid officer, as a safety officer, as a safety Rep. worked from inside the union office, & also been a company man, wrecka.

I have even had a shopkeeper give me a present; for helping him get into his business on a Friday night before his store opening, as the companies foreman were denying him access to his shop, & final works for his clearance weren't getting done, because of the companies political games, so he couldn't get his staff in to stock the shelves, before a 9.00am opening.

I took the responsibility, went across the mall at 9.00PM Friday night, & threatened the Sprinkler Fitters boss with a ban on the major tenancy he was working in on that Friday night, unless he went into that small tenants shop to finish the works,,, 30minutes worth of work was done, & the job was finished, & the tenants was in,,, on my say so, & I took all responsibility.

about 18 months later he approached me whilst in his store, & told he told me I could select any car HIFI in his stock, & buy it at cost price. that was genuine appreciation for my efforts helping him. nothing was ever asked for... nor expected.

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oh is that it; so you had a militant shop steward on a site, & formed your opinions there after.

yes unionism is compulsory & I worked in the industry over 4 decades starting early 70's, wrecka, working on the tools. And when drinking water was from hessian sack water bags, & having to use dunny paper, that was closer to bake & cooking paper than a toilet roll.

it is easy for someone like you to just cast aspersions with little knowledge of really what goes on, from both sides of this industry... I have worked as a foreman on sites, as a tradesman, as shop steward, as first aid officer, as a safety officer, as a safety Rep. worked from inside the union office, & also been a company man, wrecka.

I have even had a shopkeeper give me a present; for helping him get into his business on a Friday night before his store opening, as the companies foreman were denying him access to his shop, & final works for his clearance weren't getting done, because of the companies political games, so he couldn't get his staff in to stock the shelves, before a 9.00am opening.

I took the responsibility, went across the mall at 9.00PM Friday night, & threatened the Sprinkler Fitters boss with a ban on the major tenancy he was working in on that Friday night, unless he went into that small tenants shop to finish the works,,, 30minutes worth of work was done, & the job was finished, & the tenants was in,,, on my say so, & I took all responsibility.

about 18 months later he approached me whilst in his store, & told he told me I could select any car HIFI in his stock, & buy it at cost price. that was genuine appreciation for my efforts helping him. nothing was ever asked for... nor expected.

Great. So why don't you want the Craig Thomspon's of this world who are giving unions a bad name brought to justice?

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Great. So why don't you want the Craig Thomspon's of this world who are giving unions a bad name brought to justice?

of course, I want any & all who cheat our systems to face the justice... but not like Peter Slipper, who was taken thru the media, & the courts, because he dared to stand up to liberal party bullies; so they treated him to the cops, to the law, & the courts, so as to make an example of the poor bloke. Just for a few hindered dollars of petty cash fares.

that was Liberal Party political retribution of the worst kind... wrecked his marriage, life, career, & everything... just to make an example of him, so not to cross the rabbott, when he should have been made to pay back the money, & then lose his job, without all the murdoch lynching & who-hah.

now we see speaker Brony Bishop taking many expensive travel expence claims,,, is she being investigated by the police, will she be charged for her slimy actions?

Do You want her charged, for doing a similar thing to Slipper, but on a grander scale ???

I think she should be charged for her actions.

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of course, I want any & all who cheat our systems to face the justice... but not like Peter Slipper, who was taken thru the media, & the courts, because he dared to stand up to liberal party bullies; so they treated him to the cops, to the law, & the courts, so as to make an example of the poor bloke. Just for a few hindered dollars of petty cash fares.

that was Liberal Party political retribution of the worst kind... wrecked his marriage, life, career, & everything... just to make an example of him, so not to cross the rabbott, when he should have been made to pay back the money, & then lose his job, without all the murdoch lynching & who-hah.

now we see speaker Brony Bishop taking many expensive travel expence claims,,, is she being investigated by the police, will she be charged for her slimy actions?

Do You want her charged, for doing a similar thing to Slipper, but on a grander scale ???

I think she should be charged for her actions.

Bronwyn Bishop isn't facing any police charges because everything she did was within the rules. That is why Abbott said the rules need to change to become more inline with community expectations.

Peter Slipper faced dishonesty charges because he tried to hide the fact he was on an all day winery tour courtesy of the tax payer by filling out fraudulent and misleading cab charges.

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Isn't it refreshing to see a political party take a stand against corruption. Federal Labor should take note.

Meanwhile, Arthur Sinodinos has been resurrected from the political graveyard and is the new cabinet secretary.

No, he wasn't involved in corruption, and the ICAC is not expected to find against him (although he may well earn a rebuke over his testimony and a dereliction of duties as a company director).

But in my mind, what he did with AWH, Sydney Water, and donations to the Liberal Party is no different to Shorten and the AWU fleecing that company for $40,000 to bankroll a staffer in Shorten's office.

As I said, neither instance is corrupt, but it's just more proof that self-interest, pork-barrelling and rorting are commonplace on all sides of the political fence.

Look at Hockey; about to be parachuted into a plum diplomatic post for which he has no credentials whatsoever. Beazley and Downer at least had foreign policy experience when they were given similar jobs.

And who could forget Labor Senator Trish Crossin cracking the sh*ts when she was replaced by Nova Peris, because Gillard didn't offer her an ambassadorial role or an appointment to a Government board.

"I said, 'Is there something for me - a board position, an agency, an ambassadorship'," Ms Crossin said.

"She said, 'I am the Prime Minister, I don't get involved in organising those sort of arrangements'. I said to her, 'Well, that can't be possible you are just about to organise a Senate preselection unilaterally. And surely if you wanted people to go willingly you would arrange for life after politics for them'.

"That's when she said to me, 'I've got nothing to offer you. I am offering you nothing'. People have said to me, what are you getting from this? Where are you going? And when I have said to them 'well, nothing, absolutely nothing', they are quite surprised.

Here's a bit of advice Trish - get your head out of your bum and go and get a real job like the rest of us!

/end rant

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Bronwyn Bishop isn't facing any police charges because everything she did was within the rules. That is why Abbott said the rules need to change to become more inline with community expectations.

Peter Slipper faced dishonesty charges because he tried to hide the fact he was on an all day winery tour courtesy of the tax payer by filling out fraudulent and misleading cab charges.

I see, but the liberals weren't charging him when he was liberal,,, but when he went against them, & then became an independent, they tried to crucify him, just over a couple of hundred measly dollars...

you keep believing your delusions wrecka, but its plainer than the nose on your face, that it was all politically driven to get him out, & to send a message of what will happen to liberal turncoats, & also to change the numbers in the house.


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