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You see, the thing is they're not a free hit. A lot of resources need to go into to developing a player from scratch. We are not in the position to do this at the moment. We need to pick and develop the ones with a head start first.

A free-hit in terms of spots on the list.

The next part which you didn't bold was a fair part of it, someone willing to train as hard as Cross and put in all the extra miles is the type of candidate that would be suitable. On top of having the natural talent to get recruiters interested. It might take some time to recruit someone who fits that criteria but it'd be well worth the punt whenever an option like that is available (regardless of where the club is at).


A free-hit in terms of spots on the list.

The next part which you didn't bold was a fair part of it, someone willing to train as hard as Cross and put in all the extra miles is the type of candidate that would be suitable. On top of having the natural talent to get recruiters interested. It might take some time to recruit someone who fits that criteria but it'd be well worth the punt whenever an option like that is available (regardless of where the club is at).

...and I will make my point again that it is a risk and at this time we are not in the position to take it.


One of the biggest issues with the Irish is that nearly all of them has gone through periods of extreme home sickness. This cannot be addressed by quick trips across the country.


One of the biggest issues with the Irish is that nearly all of them has gone through periods of extreme home sickness. This cannot be addressed by quick trips across the country.

We can whizz them down to Bridie O'reilly's for some guiness and some crap food then take them to hear a tinny fyfe band or just put on a Sinead oconnor album.

Problem solved.


We can whizz them down to Bridie O'reilly's for some guiness and some crap food then take them to hear a tinny fyfe band or just put on a Sinead oconnor album.

Problem solved.

Good to see you have recovered from the OD Biff. Re the Irish. One sunday a few years ago I was in Cricklewood in London. I went into this pub and there were a couple of paddies playing a tin whistle and a fiddle.. The audience (all micks) were crying in their beers and longing for home and a feed of potatoes. Dumb bastards didn't think to take a 45 min plane flight.


Good to see you have recovered from the OD Biff. Re the Irish. One sunday a few years ago I was in Cricklewood in London. I went into this pub and there were a couple of paddies playing a tin whistle and a fiddle.. The audience (all micks) were crying in their beers and longing for home and a feed of potatoes. Dumb bastards didn't think to take a 45 min plane flight.

Dont suppose you were a big fan of Michael Flatley's "Riverdance" shows then?


We can whizz them down to Bridie O'reilly's for some guiness and some crap food then take them to hear a tinny fyfe band or just put on a Sinead oconnor album.

Problem solved.

Could even tell them a few Irish jokes to lift their spirits......


Could even tell them a few Irish jokes to lift their spirits......

Go on.

This place could do with some cheer.

Before somebody starts a thread on gardening or needlepoint.


Go on.

This place could do with some cheer.

Before somebody starts a thread on gardening or needlepoint.

There must be an Irish joke involving gardening and needlepoint, surely...


A man goes to the doctor for his wife's test results.

Mr Smith : "I'm here for Mrs Smith's test results."

Receptionist : "Oh, I'm sorry Mr Smith, there's been a problem. We have two sets of test results for a Mrs Smith and we don't know which belongs to your wife..... I'm afraid it's bad news or terrible news. One test shows Alzheimer's Disease, the other shows Aids!"

Mr Smith: "That's awful! What should I do?"

Receptionist: "The doctor suggests you drop her off in the middle of town. If she finds her way home, don't shag her."

(Found this on an Irish joke website, doesn't really have anything to do with Ireland or the Irish, oh well).


Go on.

This place could do with some cheer.

Before somebody starts a thread on gardening or needlepoint.

I'm sure you could tell us tales of needles and horticulture from your days at the Gat, Biff. The exact same concepts may not come into play but there would be a cursory resemblance to each of those hobbies. ;)


And the fact that the girls were good Irish Catholic virgins.

BBO they may have told you that but it wasn't true


Is Maia Westrupp the only New Zealander to cross the ditch? Surely there have been others. (I know Wayne Schwass is part-Maori, but he may have been born and raised in Australia.)

Trent Croad was a kiwi if I recall correctly


Rather work with us athletes

Bigger pop base

Bigger bodies

Basketball or nfl backgrounds


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