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Moloney on FC


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I went through the pain again last night and watched the match. It doesn't look good for Brent the amount of times he was caught on camera just jogging with no real purpose or token chasing was alarming. Beames constantly ran away from Moloney with no effort to chase.

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I am with you Harcourt the media are becoming a real circus very un professional what was thomas thinking when he jumped on that word coach from Beamer ,what a bozzo seriously such a comment really borders on the ridiculous .

Then he retracts his comment on Mark Neeld with regards to the indigenous situation i would like the afl to step in and force Thomas to reveal his source it came from someone i believe associated with the club or is in the circle, some one that thomas holds some crediblity to or he would not had stuck his neck out like that it was a slur on Neelds character, (hence his comment of i am hurt) and the mfc, this should not be tolerated at all and the afl should step in if they want to be seen as being pro active on these hot topics .

Its getting to the stage that not a week goes by without the MFC coping it in the neck soft target we are .

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I think we need to ease up on bashing our players for their struggles to learn and implement the new game plan. Neeld has said that learning the new game plan will be difficult and the players will take different amounts of time to adapt...

The old adage about old dogs and new tricks applies more to players who have played a certain way for longer... i.e. the old guard.

Beamer and others will adapt.

They are our players and I want them to be successful. Tired of this weekly"sack them", "last game for MFC", blah blah blah. Lots of chest beating by frustrated supporters (me being one also) may be ignoring the challenges of what Neeld is trying to achieve even with the 100% support of all the players.

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Grant Thomas said it shows something that Moloney referred to the coach as 'coach' and not to his name.

What an absolutely stupid comment.

Talk about reading way too much into a comment.

What's wrong with saying 'the coach'? What difference does it make if he says his name or 'the coach'? You cannot read anything into that. Thomas is just looking for a way to back up his opinion, because at the moment he has nothing to support his criticism of Neeld.

Anyway, I've heard Brad Green repeatedly say "Neeldy" in a number of interviews, so there's Grant Thomas' theory down the toilet.

There is nothing that can be read into saying "Mark", "Neeld", "Neeldy", "coach", etc., especially in a one-off comment.

I think he's onto a small something, but an important one, even if he knows it, or doesn't.

My take is that the 'coach' is a little aloof, or a Lot.

This can suggest that past coaches have been closer to the players, 'buddy buddy'. 'To chummy', 'Soft & Fuzzy', too friendly? But where & how do you discipline the players?

I'm not sure if that is where grant was alluding, but the Coach should be at arms length, of those who don't give 110% all the time. Those who need to be disciplined need to be kept at arms length.

Those who are real leaders, can be kept closer. In the bosom of the clubs Inner, 'Inner Sanctum'.

There's a real parallel with Melbourne & the Saints over the last 40 Years. Its a cultural connect. It's time things were different.

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I went through the pain again last night and watched the match. It doesn't look good for Brent the amount of times he was caught on camera just jogging with no real purpose or token chasing was alarming. Beames constantly ran away from Moloney with no effort to chase.

After reading scoop Jnr's thread, it's sounding like maybe Beamer doesn't have his head in the right place.

Maybe he is in line for the chop.

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As do the umpires when he received 19 brownlow votes last year......

I think alot of Demonlanders over rate them selves.......

No! Shock, Horror! How could you make such a hurtful, racist remark like that? Go and wash your filthy mouth out immediately.

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Who has claimed the older players are against the coach????. It is all heresay, reported by jurnos trying to get a story. I know that they didn't play well and am inclined to believe that the whole club (as well as supporters) were flat as a whole after the two weeks we've just gone through. The older players propably find it harder to adapt to a new game plan, JS passing,and the events of last Tuesdays funeral. Fair dinkim some of the so called supporters on this site begger belief. If most of you had your way the whole playing list would be sacked, the coaching staff would be sacked, the cleaners would be sacked, the bloke who changes the light bulbs would be sacked.

I have followed this club since 1962,so I have seen good times but mostly pretty awful days. I will defend this club and it's players until the day I die. If you don't like a player then get out and do better yourself or find better players yourself. Just don't sit at your keyboard and critisise the whole club willy nilly. Don't type. Do...

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As do the umpires when he received 19 brownlow votes last year......

I think alot of Demonlanders over rate them selves.......

Agree entirely.

There are a lot of keyboard heroes here.

Moloney had a shocker, that's for sure. He is not an A Grader, but there's nothign new there. He is a very solid footballer, who finished top 10 in the Brownlow. That is a result not to be under-stated.

But for crying out loud, he had one shocking game. The idea of writing him off after one bad game is ridiculous. Also, show me any evidence that he is sooking. Grant Thomas saying he said "coach"? Please, that evidence wouldn't pass year 11 Legal Studies.

The same people who bag him, say he is sooking, say there is no place for him any more.... I'll bet you will hide yourselves when he comes out and delivers again.

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He just didn't pay the "kid" any respect thats all.

And if you not going to give them "any respect" by manning up on them and giving them "hell" etc. then you have to make sure you dominate them in contests, disposals etc. And unfortunately he did not.

But i have faith he will bounce back.

Judd, Pendlebury, Ablett and Swan pay no respect to their opponents either. They rely on running the tagger off their feet. Not saying for a minute that Moloney is in that league but you could forgive if Moloney had 25 possessions and so did his opponent. What hurts is when our playmaker gets none of the ball and his opponent who is meant to be blanketing him gets 25 touches !

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I think we need to ease up on bashing our players for their struggles to learn and implement the new game plan. Neeld has said that learning the new game plan will be difficult and the players will take different amounts of time to adapt...

The old adage about old dogs and new tricks applies more to players who have played a certain way for longer... i.e. the old guard.

Beamer and others will adapt.

They are our players and I want them to be successful. Tired of this weekly"sack them", "last game for MFC", blah blah blah. Lots of chest beating by frustrated supporters (me being one also) may be ignoring the challenges of what Neeld is trying to achieve even with the 100% support of all the players.

Saturday made me feel sick again but I agree I want all our players to be successful and for Neeld to be give the time its going to take to do it.

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Saturday made me feel sick again but I agree I want all our players to be successful and for Neeld to be give the time its going to take to do it.

The Inbuilt Culture that haunts us, needs to be smashed straight off, first up to Bat, before it gets past Neeld & his entourage.

The Time is Nye, or we'll miss this chance whilst Jimmas memory & driving force are still fresh & keeping us all Honest.

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Judd, Pendlebury, Ablett and Swan pay no respect to their opponents either. They rely on running the tagger off their feet. Not saying for a minute that Moloney is in that league but you could forgive if Moloney had 25 possessions and so did his opponent. What hurts is when our playmaker gets none of the ball and his opponent who is meant to be blanketing him gets 25 touches !

But relax- it's only one bad game.. he will be at Casey next week, redeem himself- have a great one against the Tiges then stink it up against the Doggies again. Or if not the Doggies someone else.

What is wrong with this guys head?

I'm not singling him out as we have many mentally weak players, but this is a Moloney thread.

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I missed the first half Hour, would anyone have recorded it, maybe, some kind heated soul could put the Beamer thing on youtube??? cheers, dl...

It really isn't worth seeing or thinking about dee-luded. Completely beat-up load of rubbish.

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Agree entirely.

There are a lot of keyboard heroes here.

Moloney had a shocker, that's for sure. He is not an A Grader, but there's nothign new there. He is a very solid footballer, who finished top 10 in the Brownlow. That is a result not to be under-stated.

But for crying out loud, he had one shocking game. The idea of writing him off after one bad game is ridiculous. Also, show me any evidence that he is sooking. Grant Thomas saying he said "coach"? Please, that evidence wouldn't pass year 11 Legal Studies.

The same people who bag him, say he is sooking, say there is no place for him any more.... I'll bet you will hide yourselves when he comes out and delivers again.

Everyone wants him to do well - in fact they expect him to do well - the issue on Saturday is that he didn't fire a shot - pantsed by a kid who got 20 more possessions ! It is not unreasonable to expect him to play with some passion and impose himself on the contest - he's a 10 year player
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I think we need to ease up on bashing our players for their struggles to learn and implement the new game plan. Neeld has said that learning the new game plan will be difficult and the players will take different amounts of time to adapt...

The old adage about old dogs and new tricks applies more to players who have played a certain way for longer... i.e. the old guard.

Beamer and others will adapt.

They are our players and I want them to be successful. Tired of this weekly"sack them", "last game for MFC", blah blah blah. Lots of chest beating by frustrated supporters (me being one also) may be ignoring the challenges of what Neeld is trying to achieve even with the 100% support of all the players.

Sorry but I'm not copping this. There was a categorical lack of effort from several players, Moloney being one. Nothing to do with learning a gameplan when it's the fundamentals - chasing, tackling, second efforts. It's not excusable.

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I'm starting to really think the media saturation of AFL is slowly turning me off the game.

There's simply too many journos all trying to outdo each other with any tiny piece of irrelevant c rap they can lay their hands on. So Beamer said "the coach" BIG #$^$#ing DEAL! Neeld said "i" instead of "we" - are you serious??

It's partly my fault for watching 360, Footy Classified, twitter, forums like this etc so I guess I only have myself to blame but honestly, some of the absolute c rap that passes as a story these days in quite staggering.

Amen to that.

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Everyone wants him to do well - in fact they expect him to do well - the issue on Saturday is that he didn't fire a shot - pantsed by a kid who got 20 more possessions ! It is not unreasonable to expect him to play with some passion and impose himself on the contest - he's a 10 year player

Do you perform every day at work? I would like to say I do, but I have good days and better days. Hopefully not too many bad days! But then again, no-one exists in my workplace with the sole aim of making me look bad and beating me (that special job goes to my wife!!!), and unlike Beamer, satisfactory performance of my job doesn't rely so heavily on so many variables.

I just think we should give the guy some slack. He has historically worn his heart on his sleeve for the club. He has been one of the first, not the last to fly the flag. Yes, he had a shocker. Let's cut him some slack.

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I'm starting to really think the media saturation of AFL is slowly turning me off the game.

There's simply too many journos all trying to outdo each other with any tiny piece of irrelevant c rap they can lay their hands on. So Beamer said "the coach" BIG #$^$#ing DEAL! Neeld said "i" instead of "we" - are you serious??

It's partly my fault for watching 360, Footy Classified, twitter, forums like this etc so I guess I only have myself to blame but honestly, some of the absolute c rap that passes as a story these days in quite staggering.

The same thing is happening in every facet of life, with microblogging and the ease with which someone can have and voice an opinion.

The key is not to get despondent because of it, rather to learn how to sort the noise from the legitimate and valuable contributions.

Grant Thomas = self-promoting noise. It's so easy to pick a word and give it significance. But what value does that have, except an ego trying to stay relevant.

Valuable = what our coach says, because he is our coach, and his choices and way of thinking are directly relevant to how our team will fare.

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Some of you lot are weak as milquetoast.

Maybe Beamer called the coach "the coach" because he is the coach? Are you seriously going on about something like that?

And the way some of you are kissing Neeld's feet like he is the messiah while crucifying Beamer is as big a betrayal as Judas... (Sorry, it is easter)

Moloney is a long time professional footballer, whatever you personally think of his intelligence (which is really not a relevant thing to discuss) he's been around footy a long time and would have no problems understanding coaching instructions. Maybe you should be asking different questions? Maybe Neeld isn't a good teacher or communicator with the players? After all, didn't the WHOLE TEAM look a rabble on Saturday.

Or maybe you should just give last years B & F the benefit of the doubt seeing it's just been 1 game... Sure he might get dropped (along with many others) this week, but to start making claims his career is over just labels you a "shock jock poster" in my books and makes me more aware who to ignore here.

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BB I have a bad feeling the he only knows one way or can only play one way.

Sad because I geniuely believe his heart is in the right place but we could be seeing the last on him.

I would not be surprised to see him leave at the end of 2012.

It cannot be any fun for Beamer at the MFC at the moment.

He could be a great pickup for another club, still young enough to have an impact for a couple of seasons at the right club.

Sadly I think the future looks poor for him at the MFC.

I sense there is far too much chance of you being correct Old :((I take heart that over the last couple of years ol Beamer has changed ( or at least mollified ) his one trick style play intomaybe a two trick game. He DOES now look pand downand around before blatantly unloading. He doesnt try to stand EVERY pack. But he still plays a littel too one dimensionally for what is looming as a multi faceted style gameplan under Neeld.

There is NO question to loayalty, none to heart nor bravery but smarts (footy ) may not be a lay down misere here. Hes more than capable but will need to grow his game to remain relevent to any plans for 2013 onwards.

Quite simply Melbourns has changed from 2011 where he had a definite role. New broom etc

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I sense there is far too much chance of you being correct Old :((I take heart that over the last couple of years ol Beamer has changed ( or at least mollified ) his one trick style play intomaybe a two trick game. He DOES now look pand downand around before blatantly unloading. He doesnt try to stand EVERY pack. But he still plays a littel too one dimensionally for what is looming as a multi faceted style gameplan under Neeld.

There is NO question to loayalty, none to heart nor bravery but smarts (footy ) may not be a lay down misere here. Hes more than capable but will need to grow his game to remain relevent to any plans for 2013 onwards.

Quite simply Melbourns has changed from 2011 where he had a definite role. New broom etc

Really? This talk about how "multi-faceted" the gameplan is is interesting... So far we've seen one game where we bomb it long along the boundary and THAT'S IT! Yet you guys are talking about our reigning BnF's career being pretty much over at MFC cos he's a "one trick pony".

Just feel like I'm in the twilight zone with how much some of seem to love Neeld when really on evidence so far all he's done is talk.

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