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Beg to disagree.

Knowing how to do something is one thing. Knowing how to repeatedly do it under all circumstances and with consistency takes time. Otherwise known as experience.

This Guy is now experienced snd has learned nothing!

He appears arrogant enough to believe he doesnt have to try

P... him off for someone who wants to play

Most of the people i attend the agem with have given him the benefit of the doubt for a long time while he is developing

I havent seen him do anything worthwhile and he appears as if he is pea hearted

No more excuses

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Does anyone attend training sessions?

I heard we had a pretty intense training session during the week. Morton got singled out for not putting his head over the ball in the 1 on 1's and was made to stand on his own while the rest of the squad ran at him, apparently he had to try to tackle them or somthing?! haha

That must have been interesting

Any body observe the results?

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I'd love to know what players don't get along, and I'd also love to know why certain players don't like the actions of the FD.

Firstly, we obviously miss Jnr's leadership, but I will not believe that him playing htis year would have been a smart decision. The only thing he would've brought to the team this year was his leadership, which in hindsight, may have been worth its weight in gold. However, I think he would've been a liability. He was slowing down terribly last year, and his body was struggling with the demands of modern day football. He took 6 or 7 weeks to get over a hamstring injury FFS.

If anyone watched the last game against the Kangaroos last year, you would have noticed just how far behind the benchmark C Bruce is. He wanted 2 years, we only wanted to give him 1. To me, if he had've had faith in his ability, and pulled out a Top 5 finish in the B&F, he would've gone close to getting an extra year on top of that. He wanted insurance and we weren't willing to offer it. Smart decision by the Club, and as it turns out, smart decision by Bruce as he got the 2 years he wanted. Now that he has done his knee, he'll possibly scrape through the 2nd year of his contract, as he will have played a reduced season this year. Based on the events of this year, we wouldn't have offered him an extra year. It will be interesting to see how long it takes him to come back from this 6-8 week injury (see me point re. Junior).

Miller failed to live up to the early hype, and had ample opportunity to perform at senior level. If playing Watts (based on draft pick number) over Miller (prove to not make any impact at senior level) has created a bad culture among some of the senior players, well, who is accepting mediocrity? Us who think Watts needs game time, or those who think that Miller playing a few good games at Casey here and there should be elevated with the continual results of underperforming at the next level.

Reading between the lines, I would think the senior players with the concerns would be Flash and Green. I'd like to think Moloney plays for the jumper regardless, although his recent lack of judgement shouldn't be made by a player of his experience. Sylvia I don't think is in this category either. The concern for Green and Flash is that they are approaching 30, and if they continue to play ordinary football, they will get hit with the same bullet that Bruce, Miller and Jnr got hit with. But let's have a good think about one thing, will green and Flash help win us a flag playing the way they currently are? Absolutely not. The whole team needs to lift, moreso those 2 guys.

Without being in the inner sanctum, I think there is a strong culture at the footy club, but it's the guys that have been there for 4 years or less that are building it. Jones, regardless of what you think of his ability, is a big driver of it, and it appears has great respect from all age levels at the Club. Then the likes of Frawley, Garland, Grimes, and Morton, they need to step up and ensure that the following 2 years of recruits are aware of the attitude and endeavour required to be accepted in this group. Bull Tapscott already is building that bond with the draft picks of his year by meeting once a week for dinner at their homes, and I believe this group is growing in size?

I'm being quite harsh, and I have no doubt that people will disagree with a lot of my comments (especially early on in the post), but, regardless of if DemonWA's post is true or not, it has really annoyed me.

I ask again, are we accepting mediocrity by not playing "older" players who have had ample chance to prove themselves, for what return??? If it's blokes like Bate and Newton that are being treated unfairly, then I honestly don't care, and it may appear that the coach has a similar theory. They have had ample opportunity to consoldiate their spot in the 1's, but haven't taken it. It's now time for the kids to be given the opportunity to consolidate their spots by giving them the 50-odd games at the top level. But, some will argue that playing juniors that don't deserve their spot is also accepting mediocrity. Very, very fine line that will always upset some people.

Would we be better off having Bruce playing instead of Tapscott? Or Jnr instead of McKenzie? Bailey didn't know Jordie was going to be out for as long as he has been this season when he tapped Jnr on the shoulder. How about if we had've been playing Newton and Bate instead of Jurrah and Watts? Wait until guys like Cook, Howe and Fitzpatrick start playing consistently good footy for Casey, then I would like to think that the players they could replace will go to another level.

Edit - Put the last paragraph in!

Edited by billy2803
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Absolutely agreed. I cringed when I read that. Not because of the lesson itself, but at who needed to get it. No problem with the baby faced Morton and Wonaeamirri being educated, but it's downright embarrassing that Davey and Green were deemed in need as well.

I'm rapt to hear this. Sure, it is embarrassing to think that leaders need this, but it does fairly neatly reflect reality. IF the leaders cannot set the example, then the example needs to be set with them. The only way they'll earn the respect and authority over the group is if they do what they ask of others - and they are so bad at it that we need to train them at it.

Maybe Bails has stopped waiting to see if they'll grow into their role and he is just going to beat them into it?

Bailey has formed a crucible and will force out the truth...

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I'd love to know what players don't get along, and I'd also love to know why certain players don't like the actions of the FD.

great post IMO

You mentioned that the player in question might be Green or Davey. IMO the players who fit the bill are more like Matty Warnock, Bate, Newton and Joel MacDonald? at least thats the impression i had when i read it on BigFooty

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great post IMO

You mentioned that the player in question might be Green or Davey. IMO the players who fit the bill are more like Matty Warnock, Bate, Newton and Joel MacDonald? at least thats the impression i had when i read it on BigFooty

Well no greater incentive to perfom when they get their chance then .

Hard to drop someone who is producing the goods .

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The session was a hell of a lot of 1 on 1, and a hell of a lot of tackling. Repeat efforts of 1 on 1 contests up to 10 times. At one stage Cale Morton was told he wasn't putting his head over the ball and needed to harden up. He was then put out in front of the group for 10 minutes as they all ran at him and he had to stick tackles.

Glad to see his tackling efforts against West Coast didn't go unnoticed.

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Does anyone attend training sessions?

I heard we had a pretty intense training session during the week. Morton got singled out for not putting his head over the ball in the 1 on 1's and was made to stand on his own while the rest of the squad ran at him, apparently he had to try to tackle them or somthing?! haha

Excellent news...Bails is going Hardcore. Should have done this earlier...but at least it is being done. Now in the coming weeks we may see Cale Morton push himself, so that his "Potential Talent" may be reached.

It is a Tough Game Football... A simple game, but certainly tough. That's why the clubs pay so much for our list. Cale has got to earn his money.

That day he shat himself against Port Adelaide still haunts him i have no doubt...Maybe this week on the track will finally clear his mind of it.

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That day he shat himself against Port Adelaide still haunts him i have no doubt...Maybe this week on the track will finally clear his mind of it.

The day that Lade went after him but instead Morton went and chased after the football?

Morton has been soft on many occasions, that was not one of them.

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The day that Lade went after him but instead Morton went and chased after the football?

Yeah, that's the day. That Vision was shown all over Australia, and was comedy to most who saw it.

Cale would have been Gutted.

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Cale would have been Gutted.

No, he'd have been Rolling his Eyes and Groaning [capitalisation sic]. If they'd shown the next 10 seconds of footage you'd see that Cale took off to chase the ball which was coming in his direction. Are you suggesting he should've watched the ball shoot over his head and stand there and keep fighting?

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No, he'd have been Rolling his Eyes and Groaning [capitalisation sic]. If they'd shown the next 10 seconds of footage you'd see that Cale took off to chase the ball which was coming in his direction. Are you suggesting he should've watched the ball shoot over his head and stand there and keep fighting?

No i am not, but he did get bullied-and i still think it plays his mind.

I am yet to see him play a good game....waiting.

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Guest 36DD

Demon WA your first post was sweet music to dees followers after last weeks debacle, the second of your posts seem to be just some long winded story which lead to your conclusion that Bailey should be given the arse.

I think the problem we have now is that the soft underbelly of the playing group is now being exposed, hopefully Bailey et al can weed it out, otherwise we will forever be alligned with the Western Bulldogs and St Kilda.

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Gets singled out at training for hard tackling work , then gets dropped .

Woulda thought they'd give him another week to show if he'd learnt anything.\

Talk about double whammy .

Maybe they weren't happy with his efforts during the drill .

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Guest bonjohn

It has been mentioned a few times here that it iritates us to hear that the players have "learned" after a loss.

Cale Morton tweeted yesterday " Have learnt a fair bit individually so far this week from the loss to WC. Hopefully its a turning point for us moving forward".

I took the opportunity and tweeted back to him - "you havent learned anything. You have only heard. How you play going forward will dictate whether you have learned or not"

To my surprise I got a reply !

"thats a good point . I may claim that off you haha."

Lets hope what he has heard this week translates into a learning that we can all see.

he may have learned he was not up to the standard he believed he was.you can learn a lot about yourself after a loss,to get him on grammar was a little silly.get used to a colloquial language taking over what snobs may refer to as the queens.this is not 50/50 herald sun.u new wat hee ment.

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Guest bonjohn

Beautifully trumped Nutbean!

Love the sarcastic way you added the word "learned" numerous times in tha tpost too. Mr Belzebub59, our resident Elnglish professor, would be ripping ones hair out reading your grammatically incorrect posts!

nobs and 2 bob snobs,

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heres another juicy one;

Usually I am not one for starting baseless rumours and starting threads for the sake of stirring the pot, however, I have been informed by a friend who is a business associate of a player on the current list (don't ask me to name the player, won't happen) that the problems at the MFC go beyond just a lack of game plan.

My source, who is not a football follow at all, tells me the said player described the problems at the MFC in the following ways:

- Many of the senior/older players are [censored] off at Bailey and the FD. They feel that they are not getting opportunities and are more or less being forced to play at Casey simply because the FD is solely interested in getting games into the younger blokes.

- Many of this group feels that this is unfair and are disenchanted with the coaching teams attitude. They feel that if a player is not performing and is not the best player on form, they do not deserve a spot in the team. I tend to agree.

- A lot of the senior group were angry at the decision to let Junior go and also to move on a couple of other members of the playing group.

- A lot of the players do not get along with each other. There is no sense of unity (it shows on the park). I am led to believe that there is a core group of 'friends' at the club but others that are not within the group do not feel that they are part of the 'team'. We do not have a team of mates who want to be alongside one another. This scares the hell out of me. Reason: I have had this feeling just from seeing the players on the field and in warm-ups.

- Th players don't like the style of play that the coaching staff ask them to play. What **** me! as if this wasn't obvious. You see Moloney, Watts and others all throw there hands up in the air when they extract the footy, look up and have not a ****ing thing ahead of them, so they retreat and handball to a flat footed opponent who is under even more pressure, he looks backward again....you get the point!

- The said player has indicated that he is seriously considering giving the game away at season's end .... what a worry!

I was really shocked and angry to hear this info from a source who nI trust and who would have no reason to throw fuel on an already burning fire. However, was I suprised? Not really! This had been my casual observations for a while.

So, what can we do? Well if all of what I have said above is true, and I have no reason to believe that it isn't, Bailey has lost the playing group and failed in his role of mentor and needs to go at season's end. He has failed to get the fire in the belly, the desire to win, the passion to play as a unit and build the passion for the MFC. The last sentence is the biggest worry. Those 40 something blokes on our list should appreciate, respect and care about pulling on that famous jumper everytime they run out. I don't see it. Bailey doesn't know it, so how can he teach it!

We have united this club in so many ways in recent years. Off field we are a united group. The on-field story is different. We need to sell the passion to the players. This passion can only be sold by one, the auctioneer if you like; THE COACH.

DB you may be a nice fella and all, but you just ain't got the fire, the passion, the plan, the desire and the credibility to go beyond this season.

If I am wrong, and DB takes us to the next premiership, i am happy to have eggs thrown in my face. We NEED to bring MFC people into our FD department and coaching team. Those that have experience good and bad teams, those that bleed red and blue, and Bails ... that just ain't you!

Most of the senior / older players playing at Casey are not regarded as being in the best 22 anyway or have been given plenty of opportunity and have not delivered consistantly. Seems like your source comes from one of these

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Demon WA your first post was sweet music to dees followers after last weeks debacle, the second of your posts seem to be just some long winded story which lead to your conclusion that Bailey should be given the arse.

neither of the posts are actually mine....

Just some interesting ones which i read on the melbourne section of Big Footy forums and thought were interesting enough to share with Demonlanders!

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We will see...

I think it is pathetic that a Captain and VC have to be singled out at training.

They should be doing the singling out...

If Bailey goes, so does the Leadership Group.

Look to trade them, I don't care.

I just want to move on.

We shouldn't be led by those that have no idea how to lead.

And I am looking in the Moloney, Green, Davey, Rivers, and and to a lesser extent, Jones direction.

Grimes is almost like the the emissary for the talented and reliable youth in the LG...

Moloney has had a good season so far and Rivers has been ok. The other two pathetic.

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Guest Artie Bucco

Gets singled out at training for hard tackling work , then gets dropped .

Woulda thought they'd give him another week to show if he'd learnt anything.\

Talk about double whammy .

Maybe they weren't happy with his efforts during the drill .

You're right.

What they really should have done is drop him, and not focus on fixing his deficiencies at training at all.

If he fixes them on his own, then he may get another game.

Otherwise, it's playing out his career at Casey (or west Sydney).

Clever strategy.

You have a wild imagination.

Don't read things into it that just aren't there.

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Moloney has had a good season so far and Rivers has been ok. The other two pathetic.

I would agree that they both have played some great footy, but they have also gone missing for stretches, and that shouldn't happen to 27 year old players in the LG. The difference between their best and worst footy is still too great.

I'm marking them harshly (aside from the fact I have a major problem with our 'senior' players) because they chose to be seen as leaders, and they don't show much leadership when it is needed.

Edited by rpfc
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In regards to the post saying some players are unhappy with the FD and some are not "friends", well are you really surprised.

DO they all need to be friends? They dont get to choose who they are selected by, so why would they all be with their friends. I will guarantee (not sure how I could prove it) that every team has its groups of mates and people who dont see eye to eye. Are you friends with all your work colleagues?

The thing is that you need to hope that players can put their differences behind them when they play together.

I have played footy in the VAFA for 14 years and I am not mates with all my teammates, and I CHOSE to play at the club I am at!

Also there is no team in the AFL, let alone any other league, that has all players happy with the FD. DO you think the guys who cant get a game at Collingwood are in love with the FD?

As I stated earlier, we just need to hope that all the players work together on and off the field to improve and give their best which hopefully gives us some better results or at least a better effort.

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