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He's right though. Brock McLean, Travis Johnstone. Both supposed to be champions, that turned out well didn't it.

No, he isn't right.

We are not doomed to do as 'we always have done' for that is a pathetic and self-involved stance that doesn't fit fans of this club.

The Melbourne footy club has won 12 flags, has survived and thrived through 153 years and has the makings of a very successful near future.

This pathetic handwringing is below this club.

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Not below a lot of its supporters, it seems.

I agree, I think it's pathetic & embarrassing.

let's be real for a second shall we?

46 years without a flag

a 22 year stint without playing finals

repeated failure to develop champions

financial issues nearly spelling the end of us on several occasions

and you wonder why the supporter base has a bit of an emotional issue and an anxiety about things going wrong

it's definitely fair to say that right at this moment we are in better overall shape than we have been for a long time but let's not pretend the past isn't real

besides, every clubs' supporters would be reacting like this and the threat of losing this player is very real, so I don't know who you think you are slagging off your fellow supporters for showing a little concern

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Not below a lot of its supporters, it seems.

I agree, I think it's pathetic & embarrassing.

Well i find the over the top optimism, surrealism and inability to contemplate negative outcomes pathetic and embarrassing.

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let's be real for a second shall we?

46 years without a flag

a 22 year stint without playing finals

repeated failure to develop champions

financial issues nearly spelling the end of us on several occasions

and you wonder why the supporter base has a bit of an emotional issue and an anxiety about things going wrong

it's definitely fair to say that right at this moment we are in better overall shape than we have been for a long time but let's not pretend the past isn't real

besides, every clubs' supporters would be reacting like this and the threat of losing this player is very real, so I don't know who you think you are slagging off your fellow supporters for showing a little concern

Take note of this post for a dose of reality

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It is in a lot of people's best interest to de-stabilise the MFC.

yes, it's pretty clear we are going to being a threat to everybody so I think there is a fair amount of fear and jealousy and 'getting off' on watching us squirm over this one.

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I think most people have lost sight of the ball. From day dot Scully's management has said that they won't be looking at any deals until the conclusion of this year. The reason isn't GWS, or maximising his potential under the current Bargaining Agreement/Salary Cap - but rather to wait for the new TV rights deal and the new Collective Bargaining Agreement. No manager worth his socks would agree to terms in the early part of this year without the knowledge of what these 2 things will do to the Salary Cap and therefore the maximum that they can get for their client (& therefor themselves!!) The new proposed Billion dollar TV rights deal will significantly change the landscape for player contracts - the Players association know this and are jostling for an increased Salary Cap... hence bigger pay packets. Why would anyone let alone our own Tom Scully sign anything until this is known.

Calm down people, move on, footy is back Friday night, lets revisit this once the Collective Bargaining Agreement is reached

Well said.

Eddie is acting only in his own interests. He is trying to deflect and destabilise our club.

The stories written in the media are designed to give the authors on going easy articles to write by slipping in new suggestions. Our response should be; we dont care he is with us and we are going to celebrate that.

And finally, Tom Scully has been working his guts out on the track for us, which should tell us something.

He is committed to the team and playing as well as he can for the red and the blue.

As supporters we can actually have an effect on the outcome, if we harp on about how he owes it to us to sign now,etc etc that will not improve our chances.

However if we get behind him in every aspect of his career, make him feel that he is truly at his natural home, do all we can to make his experience at Melbourne POSITIVE, it will have an effect.

Edited by Robbie57
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I think most people have lost sight of the ball. From day dot Scully's management has said that they won't be looking at any deals until the conclusion of this year. The reason isn't GWS, or maximising his potential under the current Bargaining Agreement/Salary Cap - but rather to wait for the new TV rights deal and the new Collective Bargaining Agreement. No manager worth his socks would agree to terms in the early part of this year without the knowledge of what these 2 things will do to the Salary Cap and therefore the maximum that they can get for their client (& therefor themselves!!) The new proposed Billion dollar TV rights deal will significantly change the landscape for player contracts - the Players association know this and are jostling for an increased Salary Cap... hence bigger pay packets. Why would anyone let alone our own Tom Scully sign anything until this is known.

Calm down people, move on, footy is back Friday night, lets revisit this once the Collective Bargaining Agreement is reached

snap ! They said this in August last year. GWS' poaching window was from the conclusion of the 2010 season up until the Pre-Season Draft. So they are not just making this up re: the Bargaining agreement and the TV rights.

Many supporters here let their emotions get in the way. Scully has been at the club for just 15 months. He is blue chip material. Scully is a Demon.

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let's be real for a second shall we?

46 years without a flag

a 22 year stint without playing finals

repeated failure to develop champions

financial issues nearly spelling the end of us on several occasions

and you wonder why the supporter base has a bit of an emotional issue and an anxiety about things going wrong

it's definitely fair to say that right at this moment we are in better overall shape than we have been for a long time but let's not pretend the past isn't real

besides, every clubs' supporters would be reacting like this and the threat of losing this player is very real, so I don't know who you think you are slagging off your fellow supporters for showing a little concern

22 years without finals?!!

That was 24 years ago, FFS!! Let it go...

We have talent, we're debt free, we got the facilities, we are called the Demons still, and we are the Melbourne Footy Club.

If you can't shake off the syndrome the way many of us have - you're in trouble.

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Well i find the over the top optimism, surrealism and inability to contemplate negative outcomes pathetic and embarrassing.

I don't think anyone other than a few doomsayers would call my position, and a few others who have confidence in this club, over the top optimism or surreal.

I just refuse to believe the doom purely based on the fact that doom has been in our past.

Edited by rpfc
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This situation is no longer destabilising for the club. IT HAS DESTABILISED THE CLUB. I don't think the club or any other club for that matter can withstand the current publicity barrage without avoiding serious damage and hope to get on with playing decent footy for the season.

The statement from Toms manager yesterday was unbelievable and incredibly dismissive and insulting considering all the heat this has generated. Stating that Tom won't be entering contract discussions till the end of the year so that he can concentrate on his footy. Surely by now Tom and his manager should be aware that by their stonewalling and selfishness they have created a monster. If Tom is inclined to stay with us he will realise the damage this has caused and will endeavour to sort out this situation quickly. On the other hand if has already signed with GWS there is nothing much he can do but ride out the storm and keep on pretending.

I think now that Bailey has to make a strong stand for the clubs sake and kill this cancer one way or another. If he doesn't get a firm commitment from Tom then make it clear to him and the rest of the world that he won't be playing with us anymore. This will clear the air but not without pain. It would be a sad loss but any other way out will be a sign of weakness and resignation. We don't want to be Sheedy's proxy star player development team.

Edited by america de cali
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This situation is no longer destabilising for the club. IT HAS DESTABILISED THE CLUB. I don't think the club or any other club for that matter can withstand the current publicity barrage without avoiding serious damage and hope to get on with playing decent footy for the season.

The statement from Toms manager yesterday was unbelievable and incredibly insulting. Stating that Tom won't be entering contract discussions till the end of the year so that he can concentrate on his footy. Surely by now Tom and his manager should be aware that by their stonewalling and selfishness they have created a monster. If Tom is inclined to stay with us he will realise the damage this has caused and will endeavour to sort out this situation quickly. On the other hand if has already signed with GWS there is nothing much he can do but ride out the storm and keep on pretending.

I think now that Bailey has to make a strong stand for the clubs sake and if he doesn't get a firm commitment from Tom then make it clear to him and the rest of the world that he won't be playing with us anymore. This will clear the air. It would be a sad loss but any other way out will be a sign of weakness and resignation. We don't want to be Sheedy's proxy star player development team.


It would have destabilised the club IF Bailey confronts Scully.

The statement from management yesterday was fine, they are Tom's reps not ours.

Let him play his footy, don't listen to 'us' and deal with the contract when he is ready.

We will keep him if we don't act like we will lose him.

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De cali : the statement says he hasn't signed, they decided a while ago to wait until matters outside their control that may effect a deal were finalised and they have put that on the record.

Surely he is entitled to do that much.

Our club management dont want anything else from him other than to discuss the matter in private which seems pretty reasonable and his desire to do so is far from selfish.

Your suggested approach in my view is not the correct way to proceed and is a bit I will take my bat and ball and go home.

That will not help the situation at all.

So can we all get off his back based on dumb rumours and the speculation of the mob.

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It would have destabilised the club IF Bailey confronts Scully.

The statement from management yesterday was fine, they are Tom's reps not ours.

Let him play his footy, don't listen to 'us' and deal with the contract when he is ready.

We will keep him if we don't act like we will lose him.


The outpouring of MFCSS and hysteria is in plague proportion and serving no useful purpose.

Thankfully the Club has cooler and wiser heads to deal with the issue than the "we're doomed" brigade.

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De cali : the statement says he hasn't signed, they decided a while ago to wait until matters outside their control that may effect a deal were finalised and they have put that on the record.

Surely he is entitled to do that much.

Our club management dont want anything else from him other than to discuss the matter in private which seems pretty reasonable and his desire to do so is far from selfish.

Your suggested approach in my view is not the correct way to proceed and is a bit I will take my bat and ball and go home.

That will not help the situation at all.

So can we all get off his back based on dumb rumours and the speculation of the mob.

Al this is weasal words from both parties akin to dodging immediate bullets.

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This situation is no longer destabilising for the club. IT HAS DESTABILISED THE CLUB. I don't think the club or any other club for that matter can withstand the current publicity barrage without avoiding serious damage and hope to get on with playing decent footy for the season.

The statement from Toms manager yesterday was unbelievable and incredibly dismissive and insulting considering all the heat this has generated. Stating that Tom won't be entering contract discussions till the end of the year so that he can concentrate on his footy. Surely by now Tom and his manager should be aware that by their stonewalling and selfishness they have created a monster. If Tom is inclined to stay with us he will realise the damage this has caused and will endeavour to sort out this situation quickly. On the other hand if has already signed with GWS there is nothing much he can do but ride out the storm and keep on pretending.

I think now that Bailey has to make a strong stand for the clubs sake and kill this cancer one way or another. If he doesn't get a firm commitment from Tom then make it clear to him and the rest of the world that he won't be playing with us anymore. This will clear the air. It would be a sad loss but any other way out will be a sign of weakness and resignation. We don't want to be Sheedy's proxy star player development team.

Wow ! Let the football start and all this nonsense be damned. What will be will be. The quickest way to force TS to GWS is by demanding a different timetable to his management that stated as early as last August no contract negotiations will be done until seasons end 2011.

Jack Watts did not sign until the end of last season - the major difference is that the GC17 drums were not beating for him like the GWS drums are beating for Tom.

Would you suggest that Collingwood throw the same ultimatum to Pendles, Thomas and Swan who Sheedy has stated that at least one will be A GWS player.

Here's the deal - for the last decade we have only had a miniscule amount of players that other clubs showed interest in. This is a changed landscape now that we will have to get used to - our new batch of up and coming stars will be approached to be poached. We will keep most and maybe lose some. So be it.

The list managers will do what they have to do - but the last thing that I think they will be doing is backing anyone into a corner with ultimatums. A nonsensical way to negotiate and sure to force players out the door.

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I find it amusing how there are so many posters willing to believe the words of a football player manager.

they're at the coal face, with their reputations on the line. Unlike Eddie and a bunch of posters screaming the sky is falling - when they wouldn't have the faintest. that is amusing.

Edited by Grimes to Watts
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I find it amusing how there are so many posters willing to believe the words of a football player manager.

Not half as amusing as those who are prepared to believe the rumours being put out by the likes of Eddie Everywhere.

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Let it Rest!

Money talks always has!

If young Scully was to get a substaintial offer under normal circumstances and The Melbourne football club failed to meet that offer or better it, than who could blame him from taking the cash and going.

But unfortunately GWS and Sheedy are not playing on a level playing field "thanks to the AFL"

Regardless of what happens it is young Scullys and his management team that will ultimately make the decision.

But for now Scully is under contract to the Melbourne Football Club and I hope he has a fantastic year, and if the team as a whole plays well enough and makes some real inroads this year, maybe just maybe, Young Scully will decide that his future is with the Melbourne Footbal club and if the Melbourne Football Club decides Scully is important enough to fight for, then Melbourne as a club will truly be on the way to Bigger and Greater things.

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...as opposed to believing rumour, speculation and media hysteria. :rolleyes:

I never said I believed them. Rumours, speculation and media hysteria are now FACTS irrespective of their veracity. Just read/listen to the newspapers and other media and they all exist by the bucket load.

Edited by america de cali
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