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Our Core and the Rest


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2010 we set out to acheive development and win more quarters. This has been done and now we move onto 2011 when we expect to make the final 8. When looking at the below we have some very good certain starters but also identifies the areas we need to improve.

The Automatic selections in 2011 if fit

FB: Garland Frawley

HBF: Grimes Rivers Bruce

C: Davey Sylvia Trengove


FF: Green Jurrah

Fol: Jamar Moloney Scully

The Half Forward line IMO has no player that is at present guarenteed of a spot. Players in the mix Watts(he is our only KPP tall 194+cm on our list)Petterd, Bate, Dunn, Hughes, Jetta, Morton

The back pocket spot Bartram has been great this year but limited by his skill and with a good preseason he should retain, Strauss, Cheney and Bennell are other options

The Forward pocket, Aussie needs to stay fit but we have options, Maric, Bennell, Jetta, Tapscott this is one spot that we have covered we just need someone to own it.

The Bench, we need to have a back up ruckman, Gawn, Fitzpatrick, Martin and one of Spencer/PJ(only one of these two will be retained). Once again getting these guys fit and healthy is a priority Jamar take on the same workload as this year.

The other 3 spots on the bench, one defender and 2 mids

Back up mid size Defenders MacDonald, McNamara, Warnock, Bail

Mids: Gysberts, McKenzie, Jones, Morton, Blease, Jetta, Taspcott, Maric, Bail, Bennell, Healy(He will get another year on the Rookie)

With the above in Mind the three areas of main concern, a tall Forward, a small defender and a back up ruckman, hopefully someone on our list can step up or we use pick 12 to fill one of these voids.

Edited by drdrake
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nice analysis, but surely Lynden Dunn is now absolutely core starting 18.

He plays a very important role at half forward, often limiting the influence of the best rebounding defenders in the game, and also kicking plenty of goals, Is the only guy on the list who can do this well.

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Petterd would also be a certain starter IMO. Here's my predicted best 22 for 2011 with a list of the players who will be right on the cusp of selection.

FB: Garland, Frawley, Bartram

HB: MacDonald, Rivers, Grimes

C: Morton, McKenzie, Davey

HF: Sylvia, Dunn, Petterd

FF: Jurrah, Green, Wonaemirri

FOLL: Jamar, Moloney, Scully

INT: Bruce, Johnson, Jones, Trengove



Martin: these 2 players will be gunning for PJ's no 2 ruck role, fingers crossed Fitzpatrick or Martin can make it their own.




Jetta: These 4 will be battling it out for places in Melbourne's midfield next year.


Strauss: These two will be gunning for Bartram's spot and Grimes if he becomes injured.


Warnock: Warnock you'd imagine will come straight into the side the moment any of Frawley, Rivers, Garland or MacDonald miss. McNamara (who I rate) will need some injuries to fall on other players to get a game.


Watts: Dunn has taken Bate's spot and with a fit Petterd to come into the team I can't find a spot for Watts in the 22. If any of the 6 forwards were to go down injured however you'd expect Watts to be first cab off the rank unless it was the small forward role.


Tapscott: medium/small forwrds but both are capable of playing other roles also. Could fit into the team when given the opportunity anywhere.


3 new draft recruits: Would suspect 2011 would be purely a development year with little chance of playing senior football unless the club are cut down with injury.

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Jordie Mc will be in the starting 22 if not 18 (could have him in the guts). If he wasn't, do you think they would have tapped Junior on the shoulder this year? Junior retired so that they can promote McKenzie, pretty simple really.

Agree that Dunn is a starting 18 on the HFF, Watts is a starting CHF.

While it's impossible to pick 3 guys that haven't played a senior match in our best 22, I would think that Tapscott, Blease and Fitzpatrick will be close to the first 22 come 2011.

Looking at the list, it is getting harder and harder to pick our best 22. Casey will have a strong 2011 as there will be some handy MFC listed players running around for them.

One thing that we should be prepared for; while we had a much-improved 2010 (compared to the last 2 years), and that every year we should expect to make finals, I'm not too optomistic about September action next year. No doubt if we don't make the finals next year all the Bailey bashers will be calling for his blood again, but I will be one of a minimal few that will still be happy with our situation should finals not be reached next year.

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Petterd would also be a certain starter IMO. Here's my predicted best 22 for 2011 with a list of the players who will be right on the cusp of selection.

FB: Garland, Frawley, Bartram

HB: MacDonald, Rivers, Grimes

C: Morton, McKenzie, Davey

HF: Sylvia, Dunn, Petterd

FF: Jurrah, Green, Wonaemirri

FOLL: Jamar, Moloney, Scully

INT: Bruce, Johnson, Jones, Trengove


Who is Watts keeping out if he were to be playing in the seniors?

Dunn is NOT a CHF, he is a defensive HFF.

Was interesting to see yesterday's game for Watts. A couple of months ago I was calling for him to start to do more ruck work to get involved and to get some body on body in to his game, I got shot down severely, and what do you know, I saw Jack taking a few ruck contests in the forward line.

That said, if he can introduce that in to his game, and if Fitzpatrick can have a good preseason in the gym, I think it could potentially make PJ redundant. I'm not suggesting Watts will be our number 2 ruckman, but it is nice to have those options, and will allow us to pick another running player. It worked OK for Hawkins at Geelong, and I think Watts is a hell of a lot better than him.

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Petterd would also be a certain starter IMO. Here's my predicted best 22 for 2011 with a list of the players who will be right on the cusp of selection.

FB: Garland, Frawley, Bartram

HB: MacDonald, Rivers, Grimes

C: Morton, McKenzie, Davey

HF: Sylvia, Dunn, Petterd

FF: Jurrah, Green, Wonaemirri

FOLL: Jamar, Moloney, Scully

INT: Bruce, Johnson, Jones, Trengove



Martin: these 2 players will be gunning for PJ's no 2 ruck role, fingers crossed Fitzpatrick or Martin can make it their own.




Jetta: These 4 will be battling it out for places in Melbourne's midfield next year.


Strauss: These two will be gunning for Bartram's spot and Grimes if he becomes injured.


Warnock: Warnock you'd imagine will come straight into the side the moment any of Frawley, Rivers, Garland or MacDonald miss. McNamara (who I rate) will need some injuries to fall on other players to get a game.


Watts: Dunn has taken Bate's spot and with a fit Petterd to come into the team I can't find a spot for Watts in the 22. If any of the 6 forwards were to go down injured however you'd expect Watts to be first cab off the rank unless it was the small forward role.


Tapscott: medium/small forwrds but both are capable of playing other roles also. Could fit into the team when given the opportunity anywhere.


3 new draft recruits: Would suspect 2011 would be purely a development year with little chance of playing senior football unless the club are cut down with injury.

IMO - Blease & Gysberts are & will be miles ahead of Jetta & Bail in a midfield role. Bail more suited to take Bartrams role.

Jack Watts - will be one of the first picked, seriously!

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Dunn had a good year so did Bartam but I still have concerns about both. You look at my first post highlighting the guys that are playing if fit, they are all very good footballers but to take the next step we need players like Dunn to have aother year like the last half of this season, we need Jack Watts to hold done CHF, we need another small quick defender, we need a small forward to claim the spot, we need to add pure speed to our midfield. We have some holes to fill and they could already be on our list but we need players to continue to improve and cement a spot.

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IMO - Blease & Gysberts are & will be miles ahead of Jetta & Bail in a midfield role. Bail more suited to take Bartrams role.

Jack Watts - will be one of the first picked, seriously!

He's a difficult one Watts, I want him in the 22, and he probably should be for his development but it will be interesting to see who misses out? Maybe Morton allowing Sylvia to play more midfield and Watts at HF?

PJ's obvioulsy the weak link in the 22 I listed. Hopefully a big pre-season from Fitzpatrick and or Martin will see them play a lot more senior footy this year.

Bail's a little gun who gives a lot of run. I think he could be quite useful off half back but can be equally as damaging with his run off a wing or even half forward. Poor old Jetta will need a big pre-season also.

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Must continue to get games into our core young talent:

Watts, Morton, Grimes, Scully, Trengove, McKenzie, Garland, Frawley, Jurrah, Wonaeamirri, Bennell, Gysberts, and Petterd.

Davey, Moloney, Green, Jamar, Bruce, Sylvia, and Rivers will command spots for the near future, and maybe longer.

But those previous 13 players is where our flag hopes rest. Get them up and going and there is your window.

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was watching the game on fox n was interested to hear Gerard Healy talk about Watts playing in the midfield next year to grow as a player....I dont necessarily agree with him but was just thought it was an interesting suggestion

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It is great that there is now genuine competition, vigorous discussion and shuffling around for what people believe our best 22 is/will be.

I suggested that Watts should play wing this year just to get involved more but i think that like others have said, barring injury he will be one of the first picked every week at the CHF post.

FWIW i believe it will look something like this (injuries aside)

FB: Garland Frawley Bartram

HBF: Grimes Rivers McDonald

C: Davey Sylvia Trengove

HFF: Dunn Watts Petterd

FF: Green Jurrah Wona

Fol: Jamar Moloney Scully

Int: PJ McKenzie Gysberts Tapscott

Emg: Blease Bruce Bate Bail

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It is great that there is now genuine competition, vigorous discussion and shuffling around for what people believe our best 22 is/will be.

I suggested that Watts should play wing this year just to get involved more but i think that like others have said, barring injury he will be one of the first picked every week at the CHF post.

FWIW i believe it will look something like this (injuries aside)

FB: Garland Frawley Bartram

HBF: Grimes Rivers McDonald

C: Davey Sylvia Trengove

HFF: Dunn Watts Petterd

FF: Green Jurrah Wona

Fol: Jamar Moloney Scully

Int: PJ McKenzie Gysberts Tapscott

Emg: Blease Bruce Bate Bail

having never seen Tapscott play cant comment on him. youve nailed the rest
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Every spot is up for grabs. Competition is open!

We don't have anywhere near a set 22, even those selected in the core are still shaky if form doesn't hold up. There are going to be kids gunning hard for a spot.

Bruce is out of contract, I am still wondering if he will be back. The fact he has not signed yet means there are some sticking points to the contract.

We may have to prepare for life after Cameron Bruce.

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Every spot is up for grabs. Competition is open!

We don't have anywhere near a set 22, even those selected in the core are still shaky if form doesn't hold up. There are going to be kids gunning hard for a spot.

Bruce is out of contract, I am still wondering if he will be back. The fact he has not signed yet means there are some sticking points to the contract.

We may have to prepare for life after Cameron Bruce.

I agree. I think Bruce has proved many people wrong this year but his game is built on run, evasive skill and the ability to nullify marking forwards and midfielders. You would expect that at 32-33 yrs old things would begin to tail off a little and he may be a more marginal player in the next year.

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IMO - Blease & Gysberts are & will be miles ahead of Jetta & Bail in a midfield role. Bail more suited to take Bartrams role.

Jack Watts - will be one of the first picked, seriously!

Interesting thread- but IMO-Watts is acertainty foe CHF role.And Dunn being a vastly improved player -a certainty in the top 22.

Edited by jayceebee31
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having never seen Tapscott play cant comment on him. youve nailed the rest

If he can do this with any regularity against the big boy's , he's in .

Reakon Dunn has turned the corner aswell .

Edited by Fork 'em
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Must continue to get games into our core young talent:

Watts, Morton, Grimes, Scully, Trengove, McKenzie, Garland, Frawley, Jurrah, Wonaeamirri, Bennell, Gysberts, and Petterd.

Davey, Moloney, Green, Jamar, Bruce, Sylvia, and Rivers will command spots for the near future, and maybe longer.

But those previous 13 players is where our flag hopes rest. Get them up and going and there is your window.

Bate, Dunn & Jones, .... can they provide hope too ?

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And we should continue with the development of the young. We should concsiously set aside 10 games for each of Tapscott, Blease, Gysberts, Strauss and Fitzpatrick. And at least 5 games each for Spencer, Gawn and McNamara. That's 65 games for these young - 3 in the side each of the 22 rounds. Otherwise we will be in no position to know who to keep and who to let go at the end of 2011.

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