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  2. Yep, so a doctor had to sign off on him returning to play. It wasn’t Trac saying “I’m going back out” while a doctor ran behind him with a broken stethoscope yelling “but you’ll die” 😂
  3. Nup, his season is DONE! If players can now call the shots, then that is a disgrace,! Surely medical people need to be above that???
  4. Seriously what could it be that is known that won’t make it out to the media? Half the list is suffering from long covid? Players are revolting against coaches? Petty and Oliver have asked for a trade? Does it even matter any more?
  5. Praise for Gus ! Who are you and what have you done with the real DeeSpencer.
  6. “Ok so it looks like you’ve got broken ribs, are you feeling faint” ”No” ”Are you feeling nauseous” ”No” ”Coughing up any blood, breathing ok” ”No, yep” ”Ok well like I said we think you’ve got broken ribs, it doesn’t seem like there is any other involvement, so it’s up to you. We can give you a jab, but you’ll be very uncomfortable?” ”Understood, I want to try” Tries, fails, gets taken off and sent to hospital. Obviously I have no idea if that was the exchange.. but it seems logical and reasonable, and in my view entirely appropriate.
  7. So he's expected to miss 6 weeks. Gosh it had to be trac it happened to. This season is just getting worse
  8. You do realize that what he’s saying makes the medical staff even more negligent, because it seems like the players are calling the shots. Which is ridiculous as the players are NOT doctors. I don’t think the decision to get back on the ground was his alone because a doctor would have to sign it off.
  9. North coming off their first win of the season. Our form putrid. I can't believe I'm saying this, but this is now genuine danger game
  10. It's gone now, I wonder if he was told to take it down by the club. Doesn't really help the argument if he's overruling medical staff
  11. Gawn will be our only AA this year dead set legend
  12. Not sure which thread to write on as pretty much every one of them has ended up in some sort of pile-on about the coaches, management or players. The last month has been frustrating to watch because I still think that our very best beats everybody else's very best. As I understand it we attempted a change of game plan pre-season to try and create a more open and less congested forward line but for whatever reason it was found not to be working and based on yesterday's game we seem to have gone back to the more front half territory type game we've played in recent years. Or at least a hybrid version of it. Perhaps not coincidentally the fall off in our performances over this time has been dramatic and it's going to take a reversal equally as dramatic to turn our season around. For what it's worth I think our finals aspirations are now toast but I hope I'm wrong. Trac, one of only three consistent performers this year alongside Max and Nibbler will likely be out for weeks. Our midfield couldn't get a kick in a stable, our forwards couldn't score in a brothel and as a team we've been touched up more often than the kids at a Jimmy Saville fundraiser.
  13. She knows much more but will say ZILCH
  14. I guess sparrow will also be 100% safe from being dropped also then. We need some more action happening
  15. teams that play rough win more games than teams that play nice
  16. What coach(s) would you want right now? Have the knowledge and experience to right the ship? Im suspect of Buckley - he seems to be in the same mould as Goodwin. Is there anyone else? Maybe someone young and fresh?
  17. Id actually rate Laurie higher than Billings..... i suspect Laurie doesnt yet feels he belongs out there... but his disposals are generally considered. Not writing him off just yet.
  18. Got banned from Reddit for 3 days for wishing harm upon Brayden Maynard in the match thread there. Worth it.
  19. I’m getting so sick of the desperate pile on the club has been subjected to from everyone outside, and seemingly many others inside the club… the furore around him getting put back on the field is the next example. The AFL community, and especially the media, have been death riding Melbourne since the finals last year.. starting with the exit, continuing with May’s Collingwood comments and for just about every week thereafter. Should Petracca have gone back on? No with hindsight… was a single person saying that when he ran back on? No.. it was, how brave.. Do you really think they would’ve just tapped his chest a few times and said, “you’ll be right son, off you go”. I have no doubt due process was followed, as the club will no doubt be forced in to saying in a statement of reply. Don’t get sucked in by the garbage media commentary.. This is your Dees. Stick by them.
  20. It's what you say..... when there's nothing sensible left to say.....
  21. Hore listed as 1 week, Lever 1-2. Either/both should be available after the bye. McAdam might not have the tank to do it for long but his 2nd efforts and tackling have been strong inside 50. Is there evidence AMW was sent back for work rate reasons? It may have been part of it but we'd run out of defenders when he was sent back. He has been a consistent tackling player forward or back the last 2 years at Casey. He's got speed and he attacks the ball in the air or on the deck. We aren't going to suddenly stumble upon a midfield or forward line that is in synch and can kick, so our best option is to get our fastest and best tackling players together and try to hunt some forward 50 turnovers. Kolt, AMW and McAdam are the 3 at Casey who consistently lay tackles. Get them with Kozzie and a couple of talls and keep it simple going inside 50.
  22. To me that's the definition of thuggery. You're saying it's okay to use your knee as an offensive weapon. ...
  23. Trac gone for the season. radio.
  24. Yes 👏 Thought he summed it up well. He's obviously a comedic professional.. but also a diehard Dee... with a pretty good idea of the game.
  25. He's trying valiantly imo.. He's feeling the pressure.. I sense he's extremely frustrated and feeling that he's letting the side and himself down. He's not...but i get it.
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