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Everything posted by diesel

  1. Imbeciles like Greg Denham still think there was nothing wrong wth the stat and it was all Melbourne's fault. Setting aside the opinions of those with their heads up their proverbials like Greg and the AFL it is pretty obvious that impartial umpires need to be used. On the figures you could just about mount a case that a probity investigation should be launced to find out if all is above board. If that comes up clean then those WA umps are incompetent and shouldn't be umpiring.
  2. I disagree strongly. Viney is hard at it and your classic early developer. He intimidates at the underage level which makes him look beter than he is. He is short by AFL standards and does not possess express pace. Any improvement in his endurance or capabilities overall has to be measured against the fact he has been training a lot within an AFL environment for the last 2 years i.e. where's the upside? He is IMO a Daniel Rich type pick and therefore a mid to late first rounder. I reckon the title of this thread has got it absolutley wrong and if GWS want him at 2 I'd say go ahead.
  3. I fail to see how any of those three being sub is building the "versatility" into the side that Neeld says we need. Unless by versatile he means they are happy about wearing the green vest every second week. Martin was a gimme coming in but how does this translate to goals? Sadly it doesn't and I don't see where they are going to come from. Tapscott's hardness will be needed with Davey out
  4. That was my immediate thought when I saw the thread title. Does Tony Jones do radio? Hopefully that means he is getting the rrrr's from his TV job
  5. Good stuff, where do I contribute?
  6. No, forward it please. I'd be interested to know why the AFL give away what I pay for?
  7. I like it. You should submit that to the banner thread!
  8. To his face! And no, not every journo did or has aknolwedged his lying. Some still sit on the fence despite that fact that his dad had a job oiffer from GWS at the same time Tom was saying his side had heard from no one at GWS.
  9. Anyone who heard Ox interview Tom Scully after he left for GWS would applaud him for calling Scummy out. He is still the ONLY media person I have heard to call him a liar (not with that exact word) and when challenged by the little Weasil he even offered to give up his source in private. I would imagine it would therefore be someone TS knows. You could feel the discomfort from the Scummy side of the interview. Ox had months of calls from Melbourne supporters sweating on his decision leading up to it and he knew the truth even though no one wanted to blieve it. You could tell that OX was fithy on him for the way he'd lead us all up the garden path.
  10. You're not wrong...I hope! In my opinion the banner should define the MFC values and let these be a mirror to our ex, his father, his suitor and manager........UNITY, LOYALTY, INTEGRITY
  11. Was hoping given the chance to start over that you'd put more effort into your OP's DF! .....or is this just an attempt to lure TGR over here? That would be a start though Stef was struggling as much as anyone when he went AWOL. The Russian's gonna re-birth his old nickname if he doens't get on his bike. Garland forward (Rivers to a lesser extent) at least shows this coach will think outside the box.
  12. Spot on, we're actually going to be lucky to get 15 K to this game I reckon. There were 2 matches in Melbourne the whole weekend just gone and Dogs v Port drew 16 K. Unbelievably the AFL have managed to schedule 4 of 6 matches in Melbourne this weekend and the NM v Adelaide game is on at the same time. On top of this the weather forecast is ordinary and we are following on from Queens Birthady where some of our 'supporters' would have already shown up for their only game of the year.
  13. Yes, it's great isn't it? We can look forward to 2 fixtures against them every year for eternity i.e. Sunday twilght home games. Some will take the shortsighted view that it wll give us 2 wins but it will smash our bottom line. We've had FA home games against Essendon, Geelong or Carlton and now we face the prospect of annual home games against a team with no paying fans.
  14. I wish WYL but I reckon you'll be lucky to find 20.000 who like me would want to see it shoved up this AFL conceived McFootyclub. I'm sure AD came up with the idea for GWS when he was taking a carp?
  15. Scott Thompson may win the Brownlow is the topic then? My opinion, possibly the same as Jose....who gives a flying, Adelaide player, left the MFC and became person non grata, full stop
  16. I've found in the past that it is pointless to argue these types of points with some. How do we measure Natanui's performance based on his environment? Do we mark down JW's perfomance based on terrible player development? Too many unknowns to make these calls and what-if's but I gaurantee NiK Nat would have had a huge GC & GWS target on hs back and the AFL would have been wrapt (far more so than $cully to see him in a GWS jumper).
  17. Hmmmm, seems to happen here quite a bit but perhaps not descending into quite the same level of vitriol. IMO there were posters on 'ology who should have been banned but were let run riot. Even with the volume of posters here I find a lot of the topics go stale pretty quick and some should just be pushed off the front page straight away. Having everything in one spot is a way to keep it ticking over. Perhaps I'm lazy but I usually can't be bothered going on the locker room or general board here. Over at 'ology if a topic didn't interest me (footy or general) I just ignored it. Simply comes down to how each person uses it.
  18. WTH? Try telling that to Brad Green or Troy Simmonds! That's not to say it comes out every game, or on that one day, but it is there ever present and below the surface and ready to unveil itself when needed. Hunt standing on Betts hand, Jolly serving it up to Jamar after he crumbed a goal are examples from the weekend just gone.
  19. You really have to start asking qestions when Col Sylvia has had a list of injuries which includes: Broken Jaw Fractured vertebrae Broken nose and no one has even been charged with an offence. It's an absolute falure in my opinion of the AFL and MRP to protect this player. That two of those incidents have been to the "sacrisanct" head area is even more baffling!
  20. Take a pill and have a lie down BT. Your posts on this are over the top. If we are going to have a team which plays a hard contested brand of footy then we need blokes who will push the envelope. it's an occupational hazard, if you like. Even Buckley has said they 'cop it' beacsue he knows that his how they will play when they need to.
  21. Don't kid yourself. Who the frig at MFC is playing a more unsociable brand of footy? Mitch Clarke aside, he brought it with him. Yes, we are playing a more contested brand, but unsociable? Pffft! You're dreaming. Tappy was trying to do what none of his pals did in the first half and that was make a physical contest and have a presence. If you didn't like it I suggest you take up watching basketball because if you aren't prepraed to make your opposition sweat when they are under the ball then you are not in the game. It was poorly executed and in fact he had a better, and legal opportunity to put Swan down in the 2nd quarter. In case you didn't notice the game turned significantly around the point hee 'spolied' Fasolo, or perhaps you were happy with the way it was panning out, all nice and fair and that?
  22. Mate, I don't disagree but I think it's more a comment on our forward stocks (or lack thereof). The ball just comes out too easy! If only Aussie hadn't opted out, if only Liam was fit and could chase, if only........
  23. Gay (with Apolgies to any gay members of this forum)
  24. Worth remembering at this time that 'ology & 'land have been as one in the past through player sponsorship and forum footy. In fact I played my last ever game in a forum footy match that confirmed the next day that I was done! I fail to see why any of us would want to harp on negatives, run it down, or highlight the disaffection for 'land of one particular Demonologist. DC! I think our mate Rollo predicted the demise of 'ology years back when general discussion was banished from the main board. It was the reason I think that 'ology was an edgier place and it' s been in decline for years since and more so with Tim being unable to run it. I still find there is great (infrequent) discussion there so hopefully posters will be encouraged to come over if it does eventually die! I don't think the argy bargy there was any worse than what it can be here and it needs to be kept in perspective that these are forums for 'discussion' even if it's sometimes purile.
  25. Good win by Casey, they really used the ball & the breeze well in the second quarter to build what was the game winning buffer. Pies kept at it though, to their credit and if not for Caseys' little men putting their heads over it late it could easily have turned bad. Overall the game was a good standard considering the greasy conditions. Having not seen a a Casey game this year unitl today the first thing I'll say is how much more blanaced the side looks. Great to see a developing key forward in the sqaure as well As far as the Melbourne blokes go this is my 2 cents ... Cook was good in the first hald but the ball into him was not as good in the second half. He also got double teamed in a lot of contests where the ball was kicked on his head but I think the main issue is that he lacks some fitness and size so he's was probabaly feeling a bit stuffed in the 2nd half. Realistically I think we have to be patient. i.e. no call up for GWS. Stef's goals were all kicked on the run from half forward. Geez, he looks raw sometimes but he does his best work that way, when he doesn't have time to think about. Blemished his game with a couple of turn overs, one which resulted in a goal. Spencer - I thought he was OK, but not outstanding. Executed a great smother right in fornt of me. Still amazes how he hits tragets sometims with his kicking action though it is better than what it used to be. Couch is just a great grunt player but he also used the ball really well and can break from a stoppage. He's still gonna struggle to get a game at the AFL level though with Jonesy and Mags in the side because he doesn't really play that role better than they would. Kel Lawrences' follow up work through traffic was at times was pretty good. He was playing higher up the ground but I would really like to see him closer to goal since we don't seem to be developing anyone for that crumbing fowared role. Bennell did a few nice things but faded in the 2nd half. Davey set up 2 goals off his own boot that I saw early on but was hobbling a litlle, not sure if he was carrying that into the game? In any case he didn't have as much ground time in the 2nd half so not sure if this was injury related or not? Tynan J, I think was limited in game time but was poised as usual with the ball. Doesn't stuff up and kicked an important goal at the end. Gys looked more than comfortable and did not have a problem throwing himself into it so no after effects of his broken jaw. I thought Davis was really good in the first half. Beat his opponent in the one on ones and looks a bit more confortable with the ball in his hands than Mc or Mac Donald. Jai Sheahan worked at it and was OK but had a couple of howlers late, one where he turned it over bouncing it, poor bloke!
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