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Everything posted by diesel

  1. Playing or not, potential as well as output I rank them: 1. Jones 2. Clark 3. Frawley 4. Grimes 5. Watts 6. Blease 7. Howe 8. Trengove 9. McKenzie 10. Jamar
  2. Need to get over our MFCSS on his one. Sam Blease aint going anywhere. Plenty of clubs would like to have him but we are in the best position to make sure he stays put. Listening to him speak aout the club and himself there is not a bit of hesitancy about them going forward together. Saying he's letting his manager sort it out in this case was the honest truth.
  3. West Coast, Sydney & Adelaide? Reserve players don't even play in the same team. NEAFL is an inferior comp. I think lets not neccesarily follow the herd on this or worse, go broke over it.
  4. Add Tom McDonald as a work in progress as far as mongrel goes.
  5. Subliminal messages work though, don't they? Look at the thread title!
  6. They're not, so this is the problem. Lot of arguing about the point of this thread but the fact is that Melbourne in their home strip and StKilda in their away strip (predominanatly white) yesterday would be the only combination to minimise the clash.
  7. "Despite the best efforts of the Melbourne Football Club and AFL Players' Association, Kelvin has decided that he is unable to meet the demands of AFL football and returned home to Perth," Mahoney said. I reckon we should be happy about that. I hope from here on in that the club gives rookie spots more so to blokes with a real hunger for it rather than x-factor types. A good example would be Spencer who despite his flaws at least shows animal intent.
  8. Can you just remind me? I'm really struggling to pluck some of these elite performances from my memory bank. He is a great mark and kick but as others have said is just lazy. There was an effort in the second quarter yesterday where he was in a contest for the ball near the boundray line and he ran in a swung a leg at it whereas he should have put his head over it. These are not the sorts of actions you want to see from a player who has been in the system 7 years. I'll leave it to Neeld to decide what he does with him but a trade that works out well for us, I would do in a heartbeat. Otherwise mark my words, he will retire as a Melbourne player that never reached his 'elite' or 'upside' potential.
  9. I remember someone tipping Kel would struggle over here as soon as he got to the club. Will probably go back west and tear it up now!
  10. Roos and Sydney (players inlcuded) didn't work to present their club at its best in NAB cup matches to give their side an advantage for the coming season in order to try to win a premiership. Melbourne switched off towards the end of the season and didn't work to present itself at its best in matches in order to get into a position to win a premiership in future seasons. You're right. After all we are talking about not putitng winiing matches a s priority, not how you build a list. Both could be precievd as not bing in the spirit of the game. So what's the bloody difference between us and them?
  11. He'll also be playing everyone out of posiiton but because we know Sheeds is a coaching genius, no case to answer.
  12. As hard as it is to take and look back and see what Greeny has achieved without getting the utlimate, it would be the right thing for him to retire now. We are not going to play finals in the next two years in my opinion. Staying on would see Brad come under increasing scrutiny that would diminish his place in the game. Most importantly I am hopeful it's a mutual agreement/understanding?
  13. I tend to agree that to go an extra year will be a mistake but please, please, please do not stuff this up MFC as you did with James McDonald. That doesn't mean let him play on if HE wants to but it sounds very much at this stage that Brad wants to go on so I would hate to see him blindsided and turn up in a GWS jumper.
  14. Not me, don't have Foxtel thank christ and if I did I'd be getting it removed at the first opportunity!
  15. Foot stomping really. Their poorly constructed agenda's going nowhere. The MFC has been as low as it's ever been at times this year but it will roll on. Kicking us has just become a sport so I'm unfussed about it and I'm pretty sure the general public would have just about thought enough is enough by now?
  16. I would suggest that people who thought Cale was subbed for playing poorly are ignorant and possib;y go to the football with no idea what's going on. There was a murmur when he went of and thankfully no one near me said anything because I would have given them both barrels and quite possbily got ejected. And to the moron on this thread who thinks it's OK (as long as others are doing the jeering for him) do you also think it's OK that the players on the field and in the stand hear this? WTF would you want to play for a club with supporters like that?
  17. I too don't need Walls or anyone else to tell me how to interpret a win or the value of it however It was an ordinary game with few positives IMO and we were largely allowed to play as we liked early on because of Gold Coast letting being unable to fill space and seemingly playing man on man. Positive was that the players would get a little more confidence about how they moved the ball and I thought their pressure was pretty good. I also thought Bennell and Ablett were in the best but Jones should have got in there as well.
  18. Moreso in my opinion. The stakes for Carlton in the last rouind of '07 were huge. They wanted and needed Kreuzer but they also knew they were getting Judd and therefore needed the other pick despite the construct that happened post season.
  19. Was read out a few days ago on the radio, related directly to determing the outcome of a game, as you would expect given the wagering that is involved in footy.
  20. The only way to be punished is to have evidence. If someone at the MFC was actually stupid enought to put anything in writing about a startegy to loose games then that person is dead meat and I will hunt them down because that is expressly against the laws of the game, so it's no different to salary cap breaches. I don't believe this to be the case however, it's simply been a nod and wink as it has been at Hawthron, StKilda, West Coast, Collingwood, Carlton, Richmond .....
  21. Personally if I were going to the trouble of contacting him I would have just said that I thought he was bitter and his intentions were to damage the club and that is the only logical outcome of his 'speaking out'. His perceptions in regard to the way we played are personal. He didn't like it? Then had the option of not watching, not being a member, registering his upset with the club, privately. I wasn't happy about our experimenting but at the time the reality was we were left with no choice. There were more members who would have been MORE peeved if we had have missed a priority pick 2 years running. These were not enviable choices. I would have liked to ask Mr Gardner what he would have done if he thought the FD was structuring up for picks? Would he have exposed them, sacked them, whilst simualtaneosuly revealing a 5 million dollar debt? They are hard calls even in hindsight. To sum up, anyone who goes down media street in the way he has is bitter and a [censored].
  22. If there is nothing to come out (documented evidence) how do you propose that will happen? If we are going on the visual interpretation of Paul Gardner (a man who knew nothing about running a football club or football generally IMO) then we may as well commit Harikari, just for the hell of it!
  23. Good gets but as we all know the level of postives this year could never outweigh the negatives. In fact the biggest positive we can get out of this year is that next year and the followoing years could not possibly be worse. Other positives this year are the outstanding improvement of Nathan Jones proving that the MFC can develop players who have the right attitude. Also positives would be the departure of Barry Pendergast and the shake out that's occuring in relation to the senior players left over from the Daniher era.
  24. Gardners comments are just self serving. He left a huge debt which he had no idea how to eradicate and his board appointed the wrong coach.
  25. Guilty of what? No crime has been committed, no one was hurt. Buffoonery would have been missing the opportunity to develop and pick up the last priortiy pick before the GC & GWS free for all. I know this will bounce off your head Blue, but 'get a grip'.
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