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Bombay Airconditioning

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Everything posted by Bombay Airconditioning

  1. I think you're right, I don't believe he was rushed backed last time and this won't be any different.
  2. Lets hope it doesn't reoccur. Could be game over if it does.
  3. Grimes needs to call Watts out at training and asks if he intends to go to Carlton. If so take the jumper off.
  4. Lets go one better, he must not be played AGAIN. We all want a culture, let this kick it off, if you don't want to play for the jumper.....sodd off!
  5. I thought I heard recently Yarran is out of contract and Mick refused to speculate when asked about him.
  6. Cam Ling just said an offer has been made to Watts from Carlton. I say don't play him for the rest of the year if he can't commit verbally. Time to take a stand.
  7. Heard from a mate , so no it's no 100% reliable but Dusty is unhappy with his offer compared to Jack Roo. If Buddy goes north of the border Dusty will request trade to Hawks.
  8. In tomorrow's HS Paul Roos on who should coach Melbourne.
  9. "He didn't take part because he didn't like needles" Was that really the reason.....or he was able to think for himself.
  10. Exactly, was he timing it to be back before ASADA'S report in made available? This interview only surfaced in the last couple of days.
  11. I agree WYL, there was/is a sense of realness listening to Dean speak, as with Ling'y and Darcy. McVeigh reeks of coaching. I want to hear more about the pigs brain to increase infield awareness.
  12. Must be, how coached are his answers?? He is better of shutting his mouth because he is doing Hird no favours.
  13. Never been one for the priority pick but should the unthinkable happen and we somehow get pick 1 plus 3 wouldn't that change things nicely.
  14. I actually liked that, a loose cannon maybe but a bloody good coach. We don't need him to be a frontman we need a proven premiership coach. Can't remember exactly but read/watched something last year about GWS, all the players said they got a lot out of him.I'm not against Roo's coaching but don't like the idea that if he wants the job it's his no questions asked but Choco has to jump through hoops.
  15. Does anyone remember over anylising every word Scully said?
  16. Why don't you think Choco could? But Roo's could "if he had the right people around him" .I've of the opinion Roo's would be a great motivator and help create a culture but has limited tactical nous. With our supposed forward line next year we need quick direct entry. Yes I'm aware of our midfield problems. Look what Horse has done with the Swans since Roo's departed. The gameplan has changed, yes the culture has stayed but as I have said before the players must accept some responsibility.
  17. Give us pick 1 and 3 and we will auction off pick 1. Stuff GWS.
  18. I appreciate the culture aspect but the players have to accept some responsibility as well. Roos did a great job installing values into his team, but then the players took it and ran with it. If Roos was suddenly interested I think he should have to sit before the coaching panel and explain other things such as game plan. Next year we have the makings of a bloody good forward line. Yes our midfield is a weakness but we need to get the ball in there quickly not hug the bloody boundary line.
  19. If he is fit he plays. He was drafted for a reason. Give him games and time, this year is shot. Call it on job training.
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