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Bombay Airconditioning

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Everything posted by Bombay Airconditioning

  1. I will donate in coming days, I work away from home and have just returned to the bunker in time for Hawks v Freo. I'm grateful for this site.
  2. Not at the game, working up the Hunter. Looking at the stats we have just three more tackles, not good enough.
  3. Some bloody classics in there. They remind me "Ferris Buelers Day Off"Me Rooney- What's the score? Kitchen hand-Nothing, nothing Mr Rooney- Who's winning? Kitchen hand-(pauses).....the bears.
  4. To much was read into the first game. Yes we should have done better but the year has just started.
  5. Tackles and knowing when to attack the ball as opposed to always waiting on the outside will define him. Has explosive speed to break away as well as elusiveness to step through traffic. He's getting there.
  6. Great point, a win would be nice but....Some people were calling for JKH to be dropped straight after our loss to the Saints. Are these the same people who complain about development? We can see the changes, Watts had some people(including myself) calling for him to sodd off last year, he has turned himself around in one pre-season. He has set the standard for himself, now it's time to build on that form and put together a similar performance against a more seasoned midfield.
  7. Jones has taken his game to a new level but I think one of his frees was Selwoodesque.
  8. Well put, as for the Americanisation of the game....trading of players has nothing to do with the rules on the ground. Our game is and always will be the greatest. 360degree , no offside , continual contests make this the most exciting and unique game to watch.
  9. Please state some reasons for not wanting to play for a club. Take out the away from home factor. Over recent years all clubs have upgraded training facility's, access to doctors/nutritionists/physios ect at the top of the game. The is professional across the board.And don't use the Dees as an example.
  10. What part of national comp don't players understand? I'm all for clubs being able to trade players without their permission. To many take everything for granted.
  11. Well one option is to make him out marquee player and give him 5mil over 5 years.
  12. Been thinking the same thing....for a while. Lyon has committed to Freo for a number of years and they're a fair chance this year.
  13. The kids go crazy for the stuff. An ordinary pen from a newsagent costs $2.50, that same pen but in a fluro design cost $8.00. All the kids see BB is the bright colours and then it's on, my job is to stand there, look interested as she stacks stuff on the counter then pay at the end.If only footy was this easy.
  14. Old Dee I work on the railway. I was once told everyone is this industry has an alcohol problem, a drug problem or a criminal record. At times I think I might qualify for two of the three. My mates give me heaps all the time about the "guaranteed should we make it". I clocked up ten years in the Redlegs this year and plan on buying my daughter a membership when she finally decides on who she wants to follow. I keep giving her subtle hints by buying her a shirt from the demon shop each year but right now she has more important things on her mind like BLOODY SMIGGLE.
  15. I fall for the should we make the GF I'm guaranteed a ticket.
  16. Yes we lost a game we should have won, the players need to watch the tape and move on. Alan Richardson might be a first up coach but he's no mug.The Gwilt goal in the last qtr had me nearly throwing the remote, just one example of many. Impressed with our slow play and ability to think things through.Having our forwards back will help with moving the ball quickly with confidence.Thought JKH should have started. Good to see players taking the game on(even when McDonald run out of bounds). We are all frustrated, I think sometimes we forget how bad we were.
  17. Watched game on tv from my bunker in Sydney. My mate who attended game(pies supporter) said he has a new found appreciation for Jones stating his work rate is unbelievable and his disposal has noticeably improved from last season. We both agreed if he could hit the scoreboard it would be the icing on the cake.
  18. He's a bit of a cheap kick merchant, they also have problems with Kruzer, allowing for injury's early in his career he also is yet to deliver on his no.1 tag.
  19. Bloody good point, these are the new buzz phrases "premiership blueprint" "the direction of the club". I think it was Return to Glory that said last night with regards to Chip, before you start shopping yourself around, start performing. I'm all for clubs being able to trade players without their consent. Might teach them a few things.
  20. Not being smart but he did in the last qtr as I mentioned in my post. It's all about self belief and knowing when to remain on the outside and when to win the ball yourself. Both are coming to him at a rapid rate under Roos and Stone. It's the next step for him, he has the pace and elusiveness to speed away from packs like Judd used to.
  21. I posted in the post match thread about Watts. In the last qtr he ran through a pack of players collected the ball, kept running before disposing of it. Yes with his skills we need him on the outside but there were lots of occasions last night(not centre bounces) where the opportunity presented itself but he hung back waiting for someone to feed him the ball. This at times allows the opponent to gain possession. He has the speed to clear the congestion allowing him time to execute a kick. He is starting to back himself and I think his decision making on hang back/attack ball will improve greatly as the year goes on, once he grasps that concept he will become a star of the game. He is about to turn 23 just as he is realising his potential. Also can push forward as required and is pretty handy kicking at goal. As mentioned above needs to improve his tackling or lack there off, has speed to catch opponents.
  22. Nothing wrong with the rule if umpired correctly and consistently. It's all about prior opportunity, if your on your hands and knees and win the ball shoot out a handball,(you don't need the ball on your chest to handball it)there's a chance some one will land in your back and you will win the free. As soon as you pull the ball underneath yourself it's a stacks on and your gone. There were a few bad decisions last night, but overall the umpiring across the last two weeks has been a lot better. From the games I've watched I've seen numerous times a player pull the ball in towards themselves but not lie on it, waiting for support from a teammate, only to have it stolen by the opposition. Umpires have not stopped the game when this happened.
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