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Bombay Airconditioning

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Everything posted by Bombay Airconditioning

  1. What part of "Izzy was nothing but a smart marketing ploy" don't people understand. The fat controller said himself during a press conference had he and Karmichael Hunt held out for money he would have had no problem paying it.
  2. Well the team is in place now. It will be interesting to see over the next few years how many games the Giants win, can they land a superstar not someone cashing in at 27(they got well and truly bent over by Buddy as they were so confident in getting him they stopped chasing anyone else)crowd numbers, auskick numbers, junior local footy numbers, the completion of seating at the ground. If the numbers fail to steadily increase they may have to rethink it. I remember at the time when GWS were awarded the 18th license thinking that the AFL will wait for North or the Bulldogs to be on deaths door only to relocate them down south. As for players not wanting to live there, the same was said about Adelaide. Football careers last between 2 and 10 years unless your surname is Fletcher or Harvey. The next rule change should be if your club trades you, thats it, you can move where ever you want when your career is over. Arrogance is creeping into the game, look at the recent Dusty Martin sideshow.
  3. The Izzy Folau experiment went exactly as planned. No one seriously expected him to hang around for long. He was purely a marketing tool, surely you knew that. As for Scully, GWS have to pay overs to attract players. Scully spent two years with us and was predicted by many to be the next big thing. Let's be honest, when he left we thought that too. Two years on we are all wiser.
  4. i understand what your saying but if someone in Sydney doesn't want to watch AFL, whether it's live on tv, live at a stadium or being played in their backyard they won't watch it. In Sydney every Swans and GWS game is on free to air. A lot of GWS games are on 7mate. Surely a company paying for their ad to be aired in a specified time slot would have access to the number of viewers expected, plus the possibility of paying less then you would if their ad was airing on channel 7. Then if the extra money made has to be automatically pumped back into the club to prop it up the AFL will forever be chasing their tale.If Tasmania were the 18th club with a 25 thousand seat stadium they would less of a burden to the AFL than GWS ever will.
  5. Melbourne has just one NRL side because there is just enough interest to support it. The AFL should have done the same in Sydney. The Swans do well to draw the crowds they do but I would estimate that 30% of those people have little knowledge about the game, the players and see it more as day/night of socialising then actually watching the footy. The Tasmanian government was prepared to come on board as their major sponsor, plus giving them the luxury of their own boutique stadium they couldn't do any worse than GWS. The AFL rest with the knowledge even if they shaft Tassie it will always be an AFL state.
  6. The rule needs to be changed, just hope the umps don't stuff it up.
  7. as good a contested mark Cloke is we all know his sets shot are disgraceful. As far as what the paper says I don't GAF, but a couple of star players would be nice going into a final series.
  8. I live in Sydney so don't get the HUN, out of interest who was GWS?? ... Shaw?In the "Improvers and Sliders" thread I was close to writing for Improvers, would love one of ours to become elite. As good as Jones is and no disrespect to him I can't see him in the same class as a Pendles. I think it will come in the form of Hogan, Viney, Tyson or Salem/Toumpas.
  9. If we have a good run with injurys and the majority of players pull their collective heads out of....we can finish above the dogs, lions , giants and saints. Teams we may not finish about but should trouble when playing are overrated teams like Carlton and Richmond. I have stated in many previous posts on different threads, there is only so many ways to play the game. I don't buy into 2-3 years to learn a game plan. 2 -3 maybe to perfect it. Cross and Vince both would have seen 2-3 coaches before arriving at Melbourne, every coach brings new tactics but they are all slight variations of what players already know. We have recruited wisely and have a good mix of ages. I believe our backline has been reasonably strong but has been constantly bombarded. We still need some skill/speed of the other flank, many think Toumpas will grow into this role. By years end our forward should be the envy of most other teams. The team will take time to gel with new coach, players and LTI players coming back, but there's too much talent now on the list to remain crap.
  10. If Jordie McKenzie is getting a regular game in 2014 we are still in the bottom 4.
  11. Will be interesting to see what extent (if any) Chip chooses to play games with regards to his new contract.
  12. Thanks DeeVoted, would love to join the rookie league. Been playing SC for years and will continue to do so. Was planing on playing DT this year as well so this works out well. Team name : (trying to think of one, will edit post when I have one, Cheers Al
  13. I earn decent coin but $60 for a hat(which I wouldn't wear) and $80 for a training tee is over priced. Would they make more money overpricing their merchandise and selling less or make prices affordable to more people and sell more?
  14. We have the forwards that will want the ball moved quickly. Look what Horse has done, there is still a defensive side to their game but they attack a lot more.Thanks for the reports.
  15. In 2013 Jordie played 12 games. His tackling average was 4.2, (O'keefe 6.6, K Jack 6.4, J Kelly 7.6, Barlow 5.9, Priddis 6.1, T Liberatore 6.2) Not even close to good enough for someone who's primary role is a tagger. I can't see why he can't ave 2 tackles a qtr.Frees against 1.7 Surprisingly his disposal efficiency is at 70.5%. His handballs double his kicks so that probably accounts for high efficiency. Having said that he had 32 clangers in 12 games.....kicking? We know we can't fault his endeavour but let's be honest, if we delisted him last year who would of picked him up?
  16. I thought part of the Roos philosophy was putting the onus on the players. We already know he may be with us for as little as two possibly three years. He is putting the building blocks in place then it's up to the players to enforce the culture and pass it onto new recruits at the club. Doesn't matter who's coaching, if the players aren't unified it's game over before it starts.
  17. Thats what I am hoping will happen. The "no records were kept" line is a blatant lie. Their other defence was along the lines of " our medical team gave it the ok". If Dr Reid was cleared how can this be the case? ASADA said it's not banned but WADA says otherwise, a professional organisation would check it out? If so confident every thing was above board why the self reporting?
  18. And we can afford to match any offers, the point is we need to be able to offer a chance at success as well.
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