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Ted Lasso

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Everything posted by Ted Lasso

  1. I consider them a top 6 team, i know their ladder position doesn't reflect that but they lose close ones far too much, the quality is there
  2. Wait and see, i am thinking we will get done by the flat track bullies, but if they are thinking ahead and not 100% in it we might give them a scare
  3. Correct, but in all honesty i found the 50 dollars so i am taking it as a sign
  4. the other thing to consider is the bombers have been a stronger team, better supply and delivery to hurley than watts could get
  5. looking at it like that mine would be Mathews Bomba Roos Williams Worsfold Eade Burns Ayres Knights Sheedy
  6. I think Neeld was right in expressing the importance of defensive play so strongly, but not every group is a Collingwood, i think we're much more suited to a Geelong style of play but are building a Brisbane early 2000's style lineup, Craig has come in and let the players back their talents in and they seem to be really enjoying their football, not sure if it's a solution but it seems to have blokes like Watts wanting to stay Demons which i am sure was a big part of his job when he became caretaker
  7. I really hope we are able to hold on to Watts, i'm not sure how likely that is but if we could keep him i would be stoked
  8. Maybe the kid just doesn't have what it takes?
  9. Yeah, the team has shown some real character, which is fantastic to see
  10. The answer to that is that he wouldn't, he simply wouldn't go on if it was going to do 1% damage to his chances on signing target #1 either there is more to this, or the coaching situation will not be bought up at all.
  11. In all honesty we should be playing like this, have we improved or has craig bought up back to Acceptable? remember Craig has had no chance to implement his own game plan or idea's he would need a full pre season to do that, he has the advantage of the players loving him but is otherwise on level pegging with other candidates in my opinion having said that i love the positive feeling at the moment
  12. For me he is a close second to Roos, they have similar sorts of records, but Roos had a hand in the great culture at the swans and that is exactly what we want/need, having said that if it were announced tomorrow we were going to be coached by any of the big four, Roos, choco, eade or craig i would not be at all unhappy with any of the above and i am very confident we will get one of them.
  13. i imagine he will ask the question, if only for a laugh
  14. slapped 50 on us just in case going to be a very nice day if we get up
  15. personally i think its all been a stunt to shift the spotlight, its always been all about Roos for us, no more settling for second best
  16. choco to me is clearly the best option behimd Roos, surely the AFL will realise that
  17. well done neil craig for showing faith in toumpas and kent!
  18. i think.basically everyone rated toumpas higher, most had him top two all year and wines from 5-10
  19. is that a reflection of how well craig is coaching, or how bad Neeld really was? hard to say
  20. I just think he will be a goal kicking wingman type, obviously abit quicker than Bruce but i am hoping he will be the same sort of consistant player, at one point Bruce was talked about as a possibility for the brownlow as was Johnstone, who toumpas reminds me quite abit of
  21. I personally think he is going to be a very VERY good player, he needs time and is effectively a first year player given his injuries but i think in 2-3 years he will be the next cameron Bruce
  22. Highly unlikely, we need a long term coaching project to guide us through the most important rebuild in the clubs history, the key to this working is total club stability which would be impossible with coaches chopping and changing, PJ will appoint an experienced coach who is willing to see us through at least the next three years and back into being finals contenders
  23. Looking more and more like Woosha and Voss will be staying on, have no idea of the Hird situation but even if he is moved on i doubt they could afford bomba and Roos
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