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Ted Lasso

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Everything posted by Ted Lasso

  1. My issue is that he doesn't look like he wants to be out there half the time, huge sense of entitlement in these blokes, no honor in the fact they're playing for the oldest AFL club.
  2. Would you entertain offers for the co captains?
  3. I didn't say they don't go hard, but confidence is one thing we clearly lack compared to their players, if toumpas was there he'd get far more support, players would go out of their way to get him the ball to build his confidence, senior gun players would demonstrate on field what is expected and required to be good AFL players, we have none of the above.
  4. I agree with the top two, i think trenners and grimes probably are decent enough leaders, but they aren't good enough to be captains of this lot, they should still be learning the art of leadership while Jones, Garland or Chippa captain. Craigs chances are now shot for mine, and we desperately need mids, particularly support for jones.
  5. You listen to a joel selwood talking about how they would give a young bloke the ball at every opportunity to back themselves in, our leaders like trenners and grimes don't get enough of the ball themselves as it is, let alone dishing it off, it's really an unfair playing field for poor Jimmy.
  6. true but they're very young, Jones is a mature age, he is our spiritual leader, i don't think there is any question Trengove and grimes are leaders, but i think Jones would be a better position to lead this rabble than two young men looking to establish themselves
  7. Totally agree mate, if we weren't going to get a PP i think we will now.
  8. I honestly don't believe they did, i stand by the opinion Toumpas is going to be a gun, i think his output would be up 20% if he was in a better team, certainly not a horrible decision when we already had viney, what makes you think wines would be any better in this team?
  9. It's not so much that Jones should be captain, my issue is that Trengove and Grimes shouldn't be, they're both young and could still both be very good players but the right decision needs to be made now, not later.
  10. We didn't draft wines, we have Jimmy Toumpas, he has bucket loads of ability, so let's not throw this kid to the sharks because he hasn't got ten best on grounds in his first ten games.
  11. Why on earth is this bloke not our captain He is out best player by a long way, he is a huge onfield leader, never gives up, bleeds red and blue, speaks well infront of camera, Trenners and Grimes are struggling but we know they can be considerably better. I see no really in the world this guy should not be captain of MFC in 2014
  12. Is it really so hard to understand the kid is 18, trying to find his way at AFL level in possibly the worst team of all time? give the kid a break and how about we judge him in a couple of years time when we actually have some idea?
  13. As far as i am concerned if jack watts isn't 100% committed to the cause, and any other player for that matter they should be shown the door, we can't have half hearted efforts anymore.
  14. classic demonland attacking the character of the players, look at jack watts? he should be a leader
  15. We're the ones he needs to sell hope to, the revival includes getting respectable crowds again and all of those sorts of things.
  16. Hahaha when you look at our last two coaches it's really not surprising.
  17. He does need to convince members he has the passion to do it, literally the only knock people have on him coaching us is that he has no fire in the belly so it would be a malcom blight situation, it's clear he is at the very least not totally against coaching at this point.
  18. I agree, he has more than earned his chance, Clisby probably needs a rest in the 2's anyway.
  19. He has abit of agro and grunt about him that i think we really lack, i thought Grimes could be a very good mid earlier this year, was getting up around 30 touches and generally uses it pretty well, nothing more than a hard running mid, but we need blokes who show how hard you have to work.
  20. That would suggest he is looking at the list pretty closely, he has certainly got an idea of players specifically.
  21. Either way it's all very exciting.
  22. I asked Jade Rawlings this a while back and he said they see him as a defender, they think he is capable of playing as a mid, i personally think he has the makings of an absolute gun mid, not sure on his tank but everything else seems perfect for what we need just now.
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