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Ted Lasso

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Everything posted by Ted Lasso

  1. are you suggesting age isnt an excuse, how would you go been thrown in the deep end at his age? give him more than a handful of games to prove himself
  2. Totally agree, it would shut up so many people if trenners just came out and said, i have been battling OP for the last two years, I think both will be good players but trenners isn't right imo and grimes is a half back
  3. I'd nearly offer them boyd and watts for him tbh.
  4. If the club adds one player to the list who would you like to see/think we could get we have some good trade currency in Jack watts, fitz, blease, pick1 and pick 3 potentially I think we need at least one mature age midfield leader, someone who won't take cr@p and set elite standards, support Nathan Jones and teach our Young midfield what is required I think the club needs to bring Simon Black or Cameron Ling in as an Assistant coach to help on this front, My number one target at this point would be David Mundy, Victorian strong bodied mid who freo may consider offering for pick 1.
  5. A wasted pick, are you serious? he has played what 10 games? i would suggest there are a few players who have taken more than 10 games to find their feet.
  6. Fyfe and Dustin martin would be huge gets for us, but i think we need guys like sewell and swan, older blokes who have been around a while too,
  7. Don't watch other teams play mate, far too depressing.
  8. That's absolutely right, Nathan Jones is a good player but he isn't a Chris Judd or Gary Ablett, we have no elite senior talent to teach our younger players, it's like the blind leading the blind, we rely on our coaches to teach these players and we have mucked up our last two coaching appointments, any wonder the players aren't developing as we'd like.
  9. Stats, gameplans, KPI's, none of it means anything right now, the players have 0 heart, 0 confidence and 0 pride, fix those and we might start to improve.
  10. 6. Nathan Jones, absolute gun 5.jack viney, i love the way he attacks the contest 4.Matt Jones, tried hard all day as always 3.Mitch Clisby, his best game for the club 2. Dean Kent, has gone ahead of sam blease imo 1. Jack Trengove, faded in and out of the game but showed something class like at times.
  11. I agree that he shouldn't be on our list in 2014, not the type we need, stands for what's wrong with MFC.
  12. Doesn't really make a difference?
  13. The playing list needs a good kick up the ar5e, they are playing for the oldest club in the comp, have some pride in your performances, remember it's an honor not a right.
  14. It's both really, you can't tell me Watts wouldn't be a better player if he was drafted to Geelong or Sydney?
  15. Hogan is doing it against men, boyd is doing it against kids.
  16. Mark Neeld, he said himself in not so many words they didn't get along real well, Dean bailey threw him in the deep end far too soon.
  17. I just mean it doesn't look like he wants to play for us, he has probably been treated fairly poorly on the most part unfortunately, if he walks i don't think it would be the end of the world.
  18. If watts goes we trade him for Yarren and a second round pick imo, he fills the small forward position we're lacking and could run through the middle.
  19. Any successful organisation makes changes when they have a better outcome possible, we do and we need to act
  20. Is it possible we could get more than a PP? maybe picks 1 and 2 and a mini draft?
  21. I think most of it is confidence, he seems to be attacking the contest more as the year has gone on, maybe a full pre season and some confidence will give us a better indication, but my brother in law is mates with a bloke involved at the doggies and they considered Toumpas on par with whitfield at pick one and couldn't believe he got through to us, so i still hold out faith.
  22. i disagree, Hawks changed from Mitchell to Hodge, if Jones is a better captain they can't hesitate.
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