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Ted Lasso

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Everything posted by Ted Lasso

  1. I reckon we're going to go out there and belt them by ten goals, we have been playing some decent footy, last week we can probably write off to North Being flat track bullies and us being weary from darwin, we pushed Sydney and Brisbane, were okay against Geelong, Toumpas and Viney improving every week, Ftiz is a marvel, if we put the north game aside i think we should certainly be favourites and we should win this easy. Predicting a big game from Jeremy Howe and Col Sylvia 25plus touches for col and 4 plus goals for howe.
  2. Really appreciate the insight you give on here mate, give me alot more confidence that things are getting better for us as a club, so in your opinion Watts will walk if we signed Choco for example?
  3. The thing that i don't like about the situation is Boyd is doing this against kids and he is compared to Hogan, our very own Jesse is dominating against men, alot of whom have played at AFL level, for mine he is a much better player based on that fact alone, impossible to know what Boyd will be like against Men, wouldn't be the first player ever to promise the world and be a total flop. we need to look at all of our options regarding this pick, i can see us getting offered some very good deals for it and if we could add 1-2 quality mids to our list i would jump at it.
  4. I consider him and Hogan to be the two best key position prospects on our list, and the beauty of both of them is they have all Australian quality players to groom them, it's the situation we need all over the ground. Tommy could be the next matty scarlett, if we can hang on to frawley, that's a tall backline that could win us a flag.
  5. He has nice skills, for mine he is abit like fitzpatrick, he has all thee tools to be a decent afl player pace, skills, and so on but needs a consistant run and the confidence of the coach, that's the thing about our list, so many players show they could be absolute freaks in patches but can't do it consistantly i think Strauss could be a very good player for us, maybe on the wing or half back but at the present time he is only a fringe player.
  6. All of our Tall defenders are all particularly good rebounders which i think will be a huge asset as our team improves, Frawley and Garland imo are all Australian Quality players at their best and Tom is well on the way.
  7. No Dees supporter could be blamed for reading into things that aren't there to convince themselves he is coming, i don't believe that is the case here though, i am more and more confident by the week that he is coming, based on articles like this, based on things people say on here, based on rumours i am hearing myself. Get excited guys, if it's not Roos we're going to have a great coach either way.
  8. I think alot of that may come down to composure, abit like Nicho, he is quick, gets the ball but mucks up alot of his disposals, we wreally need to work on our skills over the coming pre season, i think that would improve alot of our players and our side in general, a fast paced high skilled game style would suit the list we currently have/are trying to build and Tom could be a gun CHB for us for the next 10 years.
  9. A lot of people talk about how important Frawley and Garland are, but we are blessed to have another great backline talent in Tom, elite endurance and running ability i predict in three years he will be a better player than chipper or garland, would love to see Tom play some football on the Wing as i think he has the running capabilities to play as a tall midfielder, thoughts on his progress?
  10. Isn't it nice to know the future at this point is fairly secure?
  11. North have really had the wood over Geelong this year, earlier on this year they were well and truely in a winning position and then Geelong came back, this time they held on
  12. I suppose time will tell, the rumours and things have been going on for a long time though, he has gone from horribly negative to writing positive articles about us, saying we are an attractive proposition, i am not seeing it as a hopeless situation
  13. Would Stkilda offer montagna and armatige possibly?
  14. Looking more and more like we will get our man imo, for someone to do an analysis like that of our list, come up with a round one lineup, a man heavily linked to the job it is starting to seem abit crazy to think that when our president and board are sorted he won't at the very least give the offer very serious consideration.
  15. Spencer shows quite abit as well.
  16. Totally agree mate, i think Trengove will be fine when injury free, perhaps missions increase in fitness training hasn't agree'd with him, who knows, but if we picked up boyd my concern would be the list being far too top heavy if we didn't trade Fitz or Dawes, assuming we delist sellar and gillies
  17. I think if we improve Frawley will sign, i think he wants to stay but is just sick of all the crap, being boo'd by his own supporters, 100 point losses, give him a few wins and he might feel totally differently, but i agree, i think we either look for an A grade mid or 2 b grade mids like hanley and rich
  18. The big thing that makes me wanna take boyd is that if Hogan up and leaves for the west at some stage we could cover the loss, my issue however is that we may get huge offers for boyd, what if Brisbane offered Rich and Hanley?
  19. Better ask Wattsy if he approves before we dish out a contract...
  20. It's not that we just need mids, we need leaders, we need blokes who are going to teach guys like Jimmy toumpas and Jack viney and Jack Trengove what's required to be an elite mid, Nathan jones is great but he needs support, apart from dale Thomas i don't see anyone like that coming out of the draft or free agency, if we get pick 1 that's our real currency. if we got a really good offer we would have to seriously consider it, if not i wouldn't complain about him
  21. Would you leave pick 1 open to offers or not even go that far? surely it would be silly not to at least see what sort of offers are made?
  22. It's no good if we can't get the ball to them, and at this point our information is that Clark will be fine for round 1 2014
  23. Haha fair enough, if Collingwood offered pendels i reckon we would take that over just about anything else any club could offer, young, elite mid, amazing skills, leader, everything we are screaming out for
  24. Pendelbury is absolutely worth pick 1, no chance the pies will let him slip though, beams and sidebottom would have to be considered surely
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