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Everything posted by Diamond_Jim

  1. Trying to recall the last "big fish" we traded for. I suppose it was Mitch Clark. Dees don't have a good record when it comes to ending up on top in the big trades. Starting with my name sake and moving on... Peter Moore, Kelvin Templeton and the list goes on and on. Hope this deal proves me wrong ... different times... different players. Overall I prefer the slightly lower profile trades like Hibberd for a second rounder or whatever it was.
  2. Not sure if this made the Australian media but it certainly makes one stop and think ... what the hell was he doing: http://www.thestar.com.my/news/world/2017/09/17/german-man-penis-gets-stuck-in-gym-weight-plate-rescue-effort-takes-3-hours/ "A man in the German city of Worms had his penis stuck in the hole of a 2.5kg gym weight plate on Friday, forcing fire-fighters to use power tools to free it."
  3. Everyone was hoping that this would have a fairy tale ending but alas it was not to be. Good luck Jack whatever you decide to do next.
  4. It also means that they will not survive without investment from the AFL. Would like to see the TV ratings for Sydney for GWS games and how the product is being received pre and post the introduction of GWS. It can only be television that justifies GWS and probably also GCS as it looks like it will never be attendance at games.
  5. ah,,, a mere detail but the point remains the same
  6. Understand but the only diff between the two is that Port can say no and insist the player honour his contract . What club would do that after the Gary Ablett fiasco
  7. While we talk Lever it is interesting to recall what Dangerfield was traded for. Considering he is the best player in recent times to be traded he is a good benchmark. "GEELONG has sealed the Patrick Dangerfield trade with Adelaide. The Cats have given up young midfielder Dean Gore as well as picks No.9 and No.28 to snare the superstar midfielder. The Cats gain Dangerfield and Adelaide's third-round draft pick, currently No.50. Gore was pick No.55 at the NAB AFL Draft but was on the verge of senior selection early in 2015 before he suffered a shoulder injury that forced him to miss seven weeks. He then returned strongly to be part of the selection mix late in the season averaging more than 20 touches a game at VFL level on at least three occasions. " http://www.afl.com.au/news/2015-10-12/young-cat-set-to-move-home-as-part-of-dangerfield-deal So for one of the best players in the league Geelong gave up pick 9 and 28 plus a VFL player. It seems to me that offering our first and second round for Lever is by comparison way overs.
  8. Hogan on song is a premiership winning player. Lever is a nice to have ... no thanks PS ask again at the end of next season if Hogan does not have a top 3 (club wise) year
  9. Sydney and Adelaide clubs could do a lot more to market their games to away fans. A few overnight special trains could be a start. Could you imagine a train load of Collingwood or Richmond supporters. Of course for Melbourne trips we could have special cheese platters in the buffet car. For those who can remember it could be like the Old Rutherglen Red !! "Slightly less seasoned wine drinkers but experienced revelers might recall weekends in which they were transported from Melbourne to Rutherglen and back aboard an ageing red rattler of the same name. While it never quite achieved the international renown of Africa’s Blue Train or The Orient Express, it was still a train journey that served as a rite of passage for what then became some of our more hardened palates. " https://www.winegenius.com/rediscovering-the-rutherglen-red/
  10. Wow.... sounds like a real Titanic struggle C'mon Demons
  11. Thanks KC for a wonderful year of reporting. Let's hope the boys bring it home for you in the last quarter !!
  12. Noticed that as well. You knew something was "off" when the WCE crowd sounded almost as loud as the GWS crowd. The capacity of the ground is 24,000 To say it was half full is being generous.... (AFL response...of course you cannot see the numbers in the corporate boxes and at the hospitality tents out back !)
  13. Off to watch qualifying for the Singas Grand Prix Can't be more boring,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, at least they will have a crowd
  14. it's like being asked to pick from the chocolate box........so many........so good.............I don't know
  15. it was a hypothetical... when Bartlett did it... it was within the rules......they changed the rules because of his tactic
  16. Not sure what they said the "official crowd number" was but apparently the lowest finals crowd since WW1 (yes.........world war one). Given the ladder position of GWS for the last two years that is an absolute disgrace.
  17. Diving in soccer is one of the biggest blights on the game and it is now an art form. In AFL the act of "faking for the free" (not sure what to call it) is becoming an increasing issue. A few reports and suspensions would wipe it out ... much like the running into the umpire from 20 years ago. Bringing the game into disrepute is what I am thinking. As a hypothetical do demonlanders consider Bartlett's actions of bouncing the ball when tackled and thus drawing a free kick worthy of suspension if it were the modern game. I raise this because with all rules the question is where the line is drawn. PS: Dangerfield went down enormously in my opinion last night with that dive. He is a great player who does not need to resort to such tactics.
  18. Found a crowd of 25,000 in 1942 for the first semi between South Melbourne and Footscray at Princes Park....... Boy what a game that would have been with General MacArthur and the Yanks in town !! I am sure that there must be lower
  19. so does anyone know the record for the lowest crowd... I can recall some pretty low crowds for some North finals and then there was the famous Port game where the fans were saving their money for the prelim final and didn't attend the earlier semi final Not much love left for any of these finals teams by the looks of it....... Toiges by default perhaps
  20. Last year the Giants played a home final but it was against the Bulldogs with a number of Bulldogs fans making the trip. Not sure a similar number of Eagles fans will cross the continent for this game. Not sure what the lowest turn out for a finals match is but this game will close to breaking that record. My guess is around 12,000 ,, what's your's?
  21. an MFC win by a blow out is a different thing ... sublime almost.......... to sleep perchance to dream
  22. Was expecting a closer game tonight Other than the Port v WCE game last week the finals have been a bit of a yawn fest
  23. Still asking myself how we lost that one ... not to mention the Carlton game in 2016 When is this club going to get it all together On Lewis ... we got value ... would have been nice to get some more but very happy with that pick up. Would love to see someone pushing for his spot next year. PS... and how did we lose to the 16/17th ranked club.. North... TWICE
  24. Sounds believable AF....... if GWS don't win next year I do see some of their players leaving. There is just so long that you can ignore the money that will be thrown at some of them
  25. Nah... I want a player that every supporter of every club knows about......... Not sure I could put up with Bruce calling him "speccccccccial" though Petracca could be the one
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