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Lucifers Hero

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Everything posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. A very good thing! Finally, those that are really responsible for the inept management of our beloved Club will be 'delisted' or 'retired' as many of the players that were their fallguys, have been.
  2. What's more how unbelievably dumb is it to give the whole thing a code name: The Vault. Its a Club not a 007 production set! Dumb as...! Bewildering!!
  3. They became the fallguys for the inept recruiting, development, coaching and administration. Would include Junior, Bruce and a few high potential players just lost in the fallguy category.
  4. Hmmm...not a bad outcome when all the dealing is done and the fun and games been had!
  5. The oh-so-precious-love-child, in GWS, is off-limits!!
  6. Totally agree Redleg. We may have got who we wanted but we lacked negotiating smarts and savviness! In the immortal words of Kenny Rogers '...you've got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them and know when to walk away.' MFC have shown they don't know how to finesse the game. Showing our hand too early and getting poor returns for players smacked of desperation while other clubs played hardball (and won). Just saying, don't want us to be seen as easybeats at the negotiating table. This year sets the tone for future years so hope we get some smarts quickly. Won't be asking any MFC negotiators to bid on a house at auction!
  7. You mean the ones that said that Scully hadn't decided to leave the D's then advised him to lie for all of 2012!
  8. Does anyone know what happened to pick 49? Just looked at mfc web page and either there is a misprint or else at some stage it (nee pick 48) went to North Melbourne ... http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/7415/newsid/150356/default.aspx ...outrageous if that is the case!
  9. May not cost much in $ but we would have to delist a player to make room for him. Would rather give one of our rookies a go.
  10. If we take Rodan but let Gysberts go I'll scream, shout, cry and seriously spit-the-dummy!
  11. Surely, the old adage of '...there is more than one fish in the sea...' applies here and there must be someone else we can target to play the role earmarked for Pedersen. Its not exactly like he is the saviour of the MFC and we need to jump through hoops to get him.
  12. Great Post! Hope Greg Denham reads this and gets off the 'MFC should be drafting kids' trip he is on!
  13. OK, so that falls into 'don't work category'! By the way, where is Rangey lately?
  14. Fool Denham for falling for the lie and lacking the journo credo which says '...don't print/say unless you get it twice from two independent sources". He has obviously been outsmarted by CS at some stage and has been smarting about it ever since!Get over it, Denham!
  15. Having enjoyed a morning of reading lots of posts on DL threads I've concluded that a lot of DL's either don't work or have lots of time at work to read/post on DL.
  16. Denham has a history of making things up to suit his anti MFC agenda ala that Carlton was chasing Watts...even Geoff Walsh said it was made up.
  17. Schibecksaid Dees close to the best so far in recruiting. Denham said that is rubbish, went on with the Melbourne Bears thing ie a team made up of 'recycled' players, ad nauseum. D thinks we should take the Bulldogs approach, put the cue in the rack for a few years and recruit only kids (and Dee supports should suck it up), pick 20 overs for Dawes etc etc etc. Callers raised fact that we have recruited more kids: Viney, Hogan, Barry and pick 4; that we had lost experience: Maloney, Jurrah, Green so we need experience and some stronger bodies to help young kids develop. D thought we should have made better use of our draft picks...ha? S asked D if he would apologise if the Dees won a flag in 3 years. D said it wouldn't happen but yes he would apologise...Hmmm S finished up with one day we will find out what is behind it all (D's venom towards the Dees) That's about all I remember...I was more focused on enjoying S's hard edge than listing to the detail.
  18. He is usual on air again of Friday's at 9.00 so you can catch him then. Hopefully, Schibec, Dees supporters & any other informed footy person, continue to 'bare their teeth'! I like Schibec. He tells as it is and doesn't have obvious faves...KB on the otherhand...well what can one say Keep on calling Dee fans!
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