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Lucifers Hero

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Everything posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. Jeff Garlett is doing a fine job…averaging 2 goals per game. On track to kick 40-50 for the season which will be up there with his very best at Carlton. He will have delivered on what we all hoped he would when recruited. BTW, at his current rate Hogan will also kick 40-50 for the season. It would be a pretty good effort by both players given the last 3 Coleman medals have been won with 60-70 goals.
  2. Hird says Ess not up to AFL standard: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/essendon-not-up-to-afl-standard-coach-james-hird-20150510-ggy6p1.html Maybe the 'good stuff' has worn off!
  3. http://www.afl.com.au/video/2015-05-09/vince-in-hot-water Bernie may not be in hot water...the video shows his foot/ankle twisting underneath him and he lost his balance, falling on Williams. Clumsy. I don't think Williams lost any game time or had signs of concussion. Summary: accidental, low impact = let off or a $ fine. Rationale works for me
  4. I agree! Jack standing his ground and verbally giving it back to Shaw (and I think McVeigh) was a little highlight. Not seen it from him before...could be a turning point for him to become more aggressive. A bit of sledge is a good start!
  5. Look at those shoulders now!!! Ready to go. Hope this is the first game of a long career with the Dees!
  6. If it happened, I'd love to be a fly on the wall when that news got to "purple's" ears!
  7. I didn't say this year dd36 nor did I say overtake Toumpas in the seniors. Toumpas has played 19 games. They are both VFL level players atmo with past extended periods of injury. They are both skillful outside players. In time, the choice may come down to how many speedy outside players can a team have. I hope there is room for both but there is pressure on Toumpas to start performing or the club may back Hunt as the one for a future in the seniors.
  8. Saturday: Mostly cloudy. Medium (60%) chance of showers, most likely in the late morning and afternoon. Winds NW 25 to 40 km/h. So by the time the game starts the ground could be quite dry especially with the wind and the g has good drainage. Doubt it will be 'wet weather' footy
  9. You might get your wish sydneydee http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2015-05-08/hunt-aims-for-versatility in which Hunt says: “The coaches see me as quite a versatile player and more of an outside player, so I can try and use my speed on the outside and my kicking skills,” He goes on to say he has been working with Miller and Rawlings so he is developing his defensive skills as he goes. Think you are right about school footy with Salem. Story goes that Roos and co went to Brighton Grammar to watch Josh Kelly play and were impressed by both Salem and Hunt. We passed on Kelly at pick 2, traded it and got Tyson and Salem. Hunt was a later pick. It would be fair to say that if Toumpas doesn't start performing soon Hunt may overtake him. I'm hoping both becoming permanent 22.
  10. Jayden Hunt James Harmes (Rookie)It will be hard to tell them apart on the field as they are a similar size. Twins almost! Profiles on mfc website. Going on game reports Harmes is progressing faster atmo but that could be because Hunt has been out with back problems. Wouldn't be surprised to see Harmes elevated to seniors before too long (Jack T could go onto LTI list to make room).
  11. Not just the 'little' people JC. He lost his job as head of Ch 9 a few years back because of his communication 'style'. Fairly rough even for the corporate world. He takes no prisoners.
  12. Looks like Eddie is getting rather heated about it: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/eddie-mcguire-and-paul-marsh-involved-in-onair-slanging-match-20150507-ggwwcn.html The personality stuff aside the bit that caught my eye was: "I (Marsh, ALFPA) would like to just clarify...we believe the players should get a percentage share of the revenue that the competition and the clubs generate and we think that the way that will work is the bigger clubs that generate more money will automatically be putting in more revenue". AFLPA new/recent demands are: - players to get %'age of AFL revenue (currently its a set $ for all clubs); - players to get %'age of Club revenue (a completely new player demand), in addition to revenue from the AFL - Free Agency to be reduced to 6 years (currently 8 years) I'm a bit over the AFLPA and their me, me, me demands. There are other stakeholders in case they hadn't noticed! If AFLPA really want 'equalisation' for players why don't they look at payments to players in low performing clubs vs those at high performing clubs...maybe they should look at pay-for-performance!! IMO, 'equalisation' should be at a Club to Club level (as it is) not Clubs to Players. So I'm with Eddie on this 'equalisation'. I get that the AFLPA is making the demands as ambits for the CBA but gee whiz I hope Gil is strong enough to take a stand.
  13. All has been quiet on the Garland contract status...no word of either party starting/deferring talks. He is having a good year so may well be sort after at eos. We need his experience especially as Grimes is on the way down/out, Lumumba often plays up the ground, uncertain Howe status and Salem will eventually move to the midfield. Garland albeit a seemingly quiet fellow would be a good mentor to the younger defenders coming thru. In addition, I really like him and would like him to stay in the red and blue. Even tho he is an RFA and we can match an offer it would be really good if we sign him up sooner rather than later.
  14. It could be that Dawes was a late withdrawal which changed the team balance and players had to be switched around. Delighted Toumpas is in starting 22. Hope he has a terrific game. And really happy for Stretch.
  15. Thanks billy. Absolutely fabulous! Loved it! Great Banter!
  16. I found a list of of (2014) part-time support staff and volunteers (most of the 'fitness & conditoniing staff appear in the opening post): Fitness & Conditioning Zeeshan Arain – Head Doctor Paul Blackman – Doctor Bianca Scotney – Doctor James Pope – Podiatrist Joel Ames – Physiotherapist Jo Shinewell – Nutritionist James McGeoch – Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach James McLaren – VFL Doctor Jimmy Kostaras – Boxing Coach Player Welfare Dave Williams – Sports Psychologist Simon McCormick – Club Chaplin Volunteers Brian Dobson - Property Marty Dobson - Property James Lockhart - Property Josh Meddings - Property James Brown - Property John Clare - Property Barry King – Doorman Mark Wilkinson – Doorman Joe Cardamone – Doorman Matthew Hannan - Statistician Michael Tye - Statistician Alex Murgaski - Statistician Geoff Muscat - Statistician Andrew Wilson - Statistician Karen Woodroofe – Volunteer Kaye Hargreaves – Volunteer Julie Lockhart – Volunteer Trainers &Therapists John Stanaway – Head Trainer James Yatomi Clark Ian Nathan Chris Heddle Kara Pratt Djeke Hoedemaker Shimon Goldman Shelley Placek Nick Trapini Nick Kodric Daniel Mckay Jake Treacy Joshua Vaughan Kim Hamer Elisa Ringeri Edward Gurry Elizabeth Leggett Dylan Langes Julia Caplan Eleni Frossynos Tim Webber Maria Teseriotis We have quite a contingent to support the team but probably a lot less than the 'bigger' clubs. Its easy to see where the Football Department budget goes and why the AFL has introduced a 'tax' on clubs who exceed a certain 'football department' spend.
  17. An interesting comment by Denham in today's Australian: "The Demons will consider recalling Jimmy Toumpas from a stint in the VFL and possibly teenager Billy Stretch for his first game." Is he guessing or are there changes afoot! It seems Dawes is likely to be in. So that is 3 possible 'ins' (4 if Jetta passes a test). The 'outs': McKenzie, JKH, Grimes and ? Delighted that Stretch might get a chance...great experience for him playing against Sydney/Hawkes. On a side note it looks like Frawley will be playing this Sat so will be playing vs us. An interesting match up to see him up against Hogan. Hogan will thrash him! He is faster, stronger, smarter and reads the play better. Will be worth watching!!
  18. On a brighter note: "Demons young gun Jesse Hogan is planning to stay put when his current contract expires at the end of 2017. Both his family and management yesterday denied he would consider moving home to Western Australia, as reported in Perth last weekend". http://www.theaustralian.com.au/sport/afl/demon-jesse-hogan-has-no-plans-to-leave-melbourne/story-fnca0u4y-1227339416389 That report I like
  19. Sorry to put a dampner on the Freo not being so good after the older guys retire. Ross learnt his lesson at St K and at Freo has been quietly stockpiling talent! Have a read of this:http://www.afl.com.au/news/2015-04-30/no-kids-allowed-ross-lyons-masterplan-mark-ii Extracts: "....(Freo) have not only recruited well but have developed their recruits along the way...The Dockers’ little known and little utilised players outside the main 22 have been well sourced. We don’t know much about them now, but we will in years to come. Lachie Weller, Connor Blakely, Hayden Crozier, who was keeping Matt de Boer out of the senior team last year, Max Duffy, Tommy Sheridan and rookie Jacob Ballard would be getting games for a lot of other AFL clubs right now....the composition of Fremantle’s list makes for interesting reading. Again using last weekend’s (Peel Thunder) team, three players were top 10 in the national draft and a further four were taken between picks No.19 and 25". Freo will be a power club for many years and will be scary good on and off the field. I doubt we will match them on either. Every club will make salary cap room to get Jesse. We (and other clubs) will also need to counter the go home factor and the pull of winning a premiership with the club he supported all his life. He will need to want to stay. If we don't consistently win and climb the ladder so he can have confidence of real success with us, no amount of money will keep him. I'm glad the club is doing all it can to make Jesse happy and settled off field. If he is happy the contract extension will take care of itself. We will know by end of next year whether or not he extends. I fear for my (and Dee supporters) health if he doesn't and a pandemic of MFCSS sets in.
  20. This should be music to all our ears: "Hogan, 20, is not out of contract until 2017, but the Demons are likely to move next year to re-sign the West Australian, with the West Coast Eagles and Fremantle expected to pitch major offers to lure him home." Read the story here: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/demons-wary-of-making-hogan-a-young-hero-says-chief-20150506-ggvmll.html Great to see the club will be on the front foot to sign up Jesse.
  21. Yes, I felt pessimistic about his recovery. His contract is up at eos so unless he is able to seriously run etc by then I doubt it will be renewed. Last year's delistings and dropping Grimes this year, signals that Roos is definitely not given to sentiment so I'm not even confident that Trengove would be offered a rookie spot next year. Hope I'm wrong. if he isn't on the playing list and the club could find the right role for him (that he is happy with) that would be great.
  22. Here is the latest Misson report...http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2015-05-06/jetta-set-to-miss-again Misson says Jetta and Dawes will be tested later in the week. Salem isn't listed so he must have recovered ok from the concussion. So Salem in for this week, Dawes likely and possibly Jetta to play.
  23. The title is slightly 'misleading' as Misson has said he will be tested later in the week. Ditto Dawes. Salem isn't listed so he must have recovered ok from the concussion. An interesting update on Christian Petracca's progress Petracca building training loads It also talks about Jack T rehab but doesn't give any progress report. Left me feeling a bit pessimistic about Jack's recovery. But it's good news on Petracca (although Roos has already said he won't let him play this season regardless of what the doctors say). We will see!
  24. I hesitate to buy into this but saying what we 'are lacking' now is missing a critical point. You may be right in saying Ollie is the player we are lacking now but he was not at the time of the draft. AT THE TIME our 'classy speedy' midfielder had just defected to GWS and needed to be replaced. (Blease was speedy but there was no real confidence he would develop his defensive side (he didn't)). AT THE TIME the team had a few inside midfielders (not enough but a few): Jones, Sylvia, Viney, etc etc. Therefore, given list manangement needs as they stood then, the decision was Toumpas, speed over grunt. (Toumpas' speed is acknowledged even now; it is his disposal that is being worked on). Evaluation of a decision needs to be made in the context of the list position/team needs and balance AT THE TIME not 3 years later. ps Sorry to 'shout' by using CAPS but I feel the time context is important.
  25. Jack Watts may or may not be banished to Casey. Either way he needs some proactive action to 're-program' his approach to 'the contest' as simply dropping him may just worsen the problem. He shows plenty of personal pride and courage. The problem seems to be mental as he is also fit and skilled. I wonder if the club is using a sports psychologist to help Jack change his approach and get more involved. A sports psychologist may also help him deal with the constant battering he gets in the media and supporters and get his confidence back. No shame in this. Many top sportspeople use them (right now one is helping Travis Cloke who has also been hopelessly out of form). He shouldn't be the first person to be dropped this week, IMO. Would think Grimes, and McKenzie would go first. JKH may also be looked as he often tries to do the 'fancy' things (and be a bit of a hero) and ends up in trouble/turnover. I think it was this type of play that Roos was referring to 'when a player focuses on their own game and plays to be be in the stats' rather than team play. Lots of others as guilty as JKH. An interesting week at the selection table.
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