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Lucifers Hero

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Everything posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. If that poster on big footy is right it explains why Ess are looking to appoint another 'development' coach. A bit late to suddenly decide another coach is needed you would think. Oh, we suddenly want to use all the football budget, they say!! More likely preparing for Hird's departure! If players take the wrap the whole thing will be over. At Last!!
  2. I googled 'moron' and this is what I got (as well as BB0's avatar): Do you think they are referring to us! Will probably incur the wrath of 'keep to the thread title' posters but it is pretty quiet atmo so figure a bit of frivolity won't go astray!
  3. Can't see others. Because its a secret between a poster and the moderators!
  4. Welcome to DL and welcome as a new Demon supporter, Bells. Any snippets from the family member in the team also welcome...no names of course! As a new supporter you may not know of the NSC or the MFCSS that have befallen us. You will see those a lot on DL. They refer to 'Norm Smith's Curse' and 'Melbourne Football Club Supporter Syndrome". Both are obsessive and depressive afflictions that have proven very difficult to shake off. However, most on DL are beginning to believe those malaises are behind us. Anyway, hope the Dees deliver for you or at least hope your family member player excels to his best.
  5. A great report from Matt. Liked the non-training info. Have to admire Trengove's positive attitude and I love that the club has taken him to Maroochydore (he was left at home for the Darwin camp in 2012) As an aside does anyone know of 'First XV111' supporters that Burgan talks about...not who they are personally...just where they fit into the membership/coterie/supporter setup.
  6. At the time Goodwin was appointed Roos said that Goodwin had been very open and honest with him, PJ and the Board about the Essendon supplements and his role. I would be surprised if the club didn't put and 'out' clause into Goodwin's contract to cover any surprises. But Goodwin seems pretty smart so I doubt he would have held back telling about any nasties that could implicate him. No need for us to worry.
  7. I get a bit of pleasure knowing that neither Essendon nor Carlton have made it!!
  8. By TDI's reasoning, no player would ever be delisted and all 40 would be top 22 players.
  9. Maybe a better question is: 'how to attract more female members/supporters' to this forum!! After 3 years of reading I can count about 6 brave souls: Sweet Dee, Jaded, Jane02, Demondame and Demons4flag...food for thought there guys...
  10. Just goes to show...all in the eye-of-the-beholder! If we had more than a handful of female contributors on DL I would ask RR (or RR sub) to do a survey of the sexiest Dee's player!! In the meantime, I will keep Dom as my fave but adore any player in the red and blue!
  11. From this female's view Dom beats Bernie by a country mile... ...judging by the number of posters who have had 'man crushes' on Dom they might share this view
  12. Here''s my answer via Bernie Vince interview: “There was a lot [of PBs] in that group. It was pretty impressive the way they’ve come back, but we expected nothing less,” he said. Sounds like the players got the message before the break about doing PB's" “Everyone was pretty good [due to] the pressure of not performing when coming back – I think a lot of people had this date scratched into their diary [because] I certainly did.” “Every time I ate something or drank something, I was thinking of this day.” Bodes well! Not just for PB's but also for discipline!
  13. I think the club was looking for all players to do PB's not so much the actual time/finishing place. Hopefully, we get to hear about the PB's from the club.
  14. What struck me is the $15 wasn't just any $15, it was his reward for kicking his first goal (under 10's)! Who knows how long he had cherished it...months, years? Clearly it meant a lot to the little fella. Its sad that James didn't get the poignancy of the gesture and respond accordingly. To be fair to James, leaving it in his locker was probably an oversight or maybe he didn't even open it as leaving cash lying around a locker isn't very smart. I hope he learns of the story and feels a touch embarrassed. Anyway, its great that young Isaac got the original $15 back and hope he goes on to kick many many more goals!!
  15. Can you paraphrase the article? IMG_0914 (960x1280).jpg - Size: 429.25KB
  16. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2014-10-01/hogan-aims-for-round-one-debut Quote: Hogan said his back injury came to a head when he played for Melbourne against Geelong in the club’s second NAB Challenge match in Alice Springs, back in February. “It was a bit sore going into the game, but the physios insisted it was just tightness. I was training as though I was feeling OK and I was a bit aware of it, but it affected me during the game in the third quarter, when I tried to kick it,” he said. “My whole body seized up and I’ve gone ‘this isn’t tightness’. I basically couldn’t run in the last quarter and then I woke up the next morning and I was basically the same – I was just stiff. “I couldn’t really walk and I sat on the plane for four hours and got up and was no good. Then I finally got the scan and was told that it was going to be four to five [weeks] depending – but everyone’s body is different. It seems being told he was ok to play, playing on in the 4th qtr, then sitting on a plane for 4 hours doesn't signal good medical management. Hopefully, they listen more carefully these days. Also, I recall a few posters noted in preseason training reports last year that Hogan appeared to have a back problem...vaguely recall someone jumped into his back accidently at training. Anyway, the past is past. The extra year off has helped him mature and good for him. Call me a naysayer if you wish. No doubt he will be a champ but right now, I would like to see him get thru a string of VFL/AFL games unscathed.
  17. Thanks for reports TDI but I'm not as 'pollyannaerish' as you - Hogan reported it last year and he was ignored!! We know what happened next!! Same medical and training staff.
  18. Love everything about Tassie: Wine, Food, Art, landscape, lifestyle! Would move there but too far from family, friends & Demon football games!Not a beer drinker but always love a Cascade on a hot summer day!
  19. Many of the more successful clubs now select about 10-12 'on-ballers' with no mid-field per se. Line up then is those plus 3 backs, 3 fwds, 1 ruck, Bench (also mostly 'on-ballers'). Training reports and our recruiting point at Roos wanting about 10-12 'on-ballers' ( + some on the bench) who can play defensively and offensively running hard both ways. Hawthorn and Port are exceptional at this type of line up. Sydney not too shabby either! In future the 'traditonal' line-up of B, HB, M, HF, F, Followers, Bench will be useful in newspaper diagrams of teams but not for much else.
  20. Quite right! He will face up to Hawkins, Buddy, Hogan, Patton, Boyd, Daniher, McCartin, Walker, Kennedy etc. Not all 'gorillas' just yet but will be in next year or two. There are a lot more 'gorilla' types now so Chip will be very busy battling it out against those guys week in week out. They will be good battles to watch but I reckon he will get towled quite a few times. Especially looking forward to Hogan vs Frawley!!
  21. Many thanks Deespicable. Great insight to where the players/team is at. Astute observation about Roos's loyalty to players...anything in particular you noticed on this? Cheers.
  22. Great video! While watching I thought the music was perfect - gave the video extra beauty and in some parts poignancy. Surprised then to read it came from someone so young! So huge kudos to: '...Jasper, a boy in year 8, composed and played the music track'. Beautiful job.
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