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Lucifers Hero

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Everything posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. While somewhat reluctant to raise this thread a significant development is happening: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/sport/afl/sports-court-would-level-playing-field-for-athletes/news-story/1ee6a6359f11184b6096db438c60b8a3 "Sports Minister Greg Hunt has proposed an Australian sports court as part of a national sports plan being developed by the federal government, the Australian Sports Commission and other peak sporting bodies". A long time coming but never to late. I fully expect the AFL to activate its lobby machine to get that quelled or watered down in some way so they can continue to play to their own rules. Time will tell if a Sports Court does happen.
  2. True. ditto McCarthy at GWS. These further emphasise the point that OOC of players get to their club of choice. Has any OOC player not got to their club of choice in the last 5 years? I too am staggered that the AFL appear ready to adopt at least one of the three (possibly all three). From what we know the AFLPA has won on its major points (% of revenue), modified FA. Can't yet see what they have given up in return. The clubs get nothing back in terms of leverage over players or rights to trade players. Gil is soft. Makes out he is a master deal maker/negotiator but in reality he gives in to the masses or the powerful far too often.
  3. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/free-agents-for-life-afl-to-relax-player-movement-rules-20170524-gwcck3.html The AFLPA have asked for and will get at least one of the three: Free agency for life - any player remains a free agent after eight years of service in the game regardless of how many years he has played at his current club; Portable free agency - any player can move to the club of his choice after eight years' service whether or not those years have all been at the one club; Four-year free agency - any player earning on or under the median AFL wage would be free to choose a new club after four years of service. I am at a loss to see why we need new free agency rules. Players, with rare exception (eg Gibbs) get to the club of their choice when they are out of contract. Many move after the first few years - just ask the much abused Brisbane. So in my mind we have complete Free Agency now. If (big IF) the AFL continues with compensation picks the losing club will get a pick but it does not compensate for a classy play or their development. The BIG problem I have with this proposal is trades for those OOC players will no longer happen. ie The receiving club gives up nothing and gets the player for FREE!! In my view player movements should require the receiving club to 'pay' for the player ie give up picks or players
  4. bb, l assume by 'gorilla' forwards you mean the solid types eg Buddy, Hawkins, Kennedy, Walker, Cloke. These guys are around 195-197m, 95+kg and are getting older. The next gen are more likely to be the mobile, 200cm, lithe types eg Brown, Daniher, Scache, Moore, Lynch. So for mine the backline you outline will be too short. The FF has kicked a bag on us in nearly every game this year in part because we are too short or our players don't have the leap. We need to structure up to compete with the 200cm forwards of the future.
  5. Jack Nial is reporting Demons are interested in 'reuniting' Zak with Nathan North, Ess and StK also interested (but they seem to be linked with all and sundry). Zak fits Goodwin's run and carry game style and we can do with his speed thru the midfield. Its a key ingredient we still lack.
  6. Lethlean has seen the light! No rule changes. Sensibly enforcing the rules that are in place. http://www.afl.com.au/news/2017-05-23/illicit-hits-cop-punch-in-the-guts-from-afl "Lethlean said the benefit of the doubt may have been given to the players in previous seasons as there was a reluctance to rub players out for low level offences". But - "He did not consider appealing the Ben Cunnington decision and sending it to the tribunal because he understood the rationale behind the MRP's decision... I don't think the MRP was prepared to make an example of Cunnington until we had a think about our views on this," Lethlean said ". Sorry, Lethlean its your job to be independent and to appeal when obvious errors have occurred.
  7. Angus to take indefinite time off. http://www.afl.com.au/news/2017-05-23/luckless-demon-brayshaw-to-take-period-of-time-out He will continue to have scans and tests. Jones adds: "He's just got to get back on the bike … practicing some of his techniques and build some confidence back again and just get out there and play". He is clearly and understandably worried about the risks of being hit again. Hope he can get over that. Good luck Gus. We want you back so take your time.
  8. Great call, RaBe! Apparently he wants to stay at Port but Port may value the high compensation draft pick they will get for him and let him go. http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/sport/afl/more-news/port-adelaides-mr-fixit-jackson-trengove-could-face-an-afl-freeagency-dilemma/news-story/4d3f0472ae39ab356ddfa29d8bdcb128 The article mentions Demons, Essendon and North as clubs who might make an offer he can't refuse but then Hawks and Cats also need a key defender so there may well be a bit of competition for Trengove. I would love to see us be on the receiving end of attracting a good FA. And I reckon he is almost as good as May and as you say offers an on-ground ruck option. He would also be our second tallest player behind Gawn. And we desperately need talls around the ground. With the CBA we have the sal cap to substantially front end his contract and we keep our draft picks. I say get him!
  9. I was just listening to SEN and apparently Lethlean goes to the MRP meetings to hear what they are going to do. No wonder he never appeals a decision. That is a blatant abuse of the supposed MRP independence. After all, Leathlean represents the AFL and the AFL appoint the MRP members. Now he wants to change the rules. The rules are fine! Its the interpretation of intent, impact, in play, risk of injury etc are the problem. Lethlean should stay out of the MRP process altogether.
  10. Nailed it! He had a good 2016. But the improvement in Garlett's defensive game, the recruitment of (a competitive) Hannah and Salem's availability have surpassed what Kent offers in the fwd half. Simply, Kent has been left behind. In 2017 he has been out, in, out, in of the side for a total of only 4 games in 9. Its his 5th season and 4 of those with excellent coaches in Roos and now Goodwin. There are no excuses for his lack of endeavour and selfish play. When Vand, Brayshaw are fit and the likes of Stretch become regulars Kent won't get a game. ANB, Harmes Bugg etc are enough depth. Kent should be on the trade table this year (OOC 2018).
  11. Not only that Jimmy Bartel, who sits on the MRP, was on radio this morning and quoted in the papers as saying the MRP rules did not allow them to suspend players for jumper punching. I call BS! If they grade it as medium impact it is a suspension. And as others have said the Cunnington hit to Bernie was to the stomach not a jumper punch. Bartel and all MRP panel members should refrain on commenting on events in advance of the MRP review. To do otherwise they are prejudicing the result.
  12. Update: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/season-over-for-carltons-sam-rowe-with-torn-acl-20170522-gwaccw.html Carlton doctors are claiming Rowe did the ACL when he went back on the ground. They may well have ended his career or he sees out his career in the reserves as he will be 30 this year. A lot to answer for. This episode adds to the argument the AFL need to have an independent doctor at every game to tick off the club doctors decisions. A bit cumbersome maybe but it is the only way to get some integrity back into the sport. Also the independent doctor (not club doctors) should be the one that deems the impact of a hit as low/medium/high for MRP purposes. The MRP then would not have the discretion to change that grading. Will bring some consistency back into MRP decsions.
  13. I did not say Jesse should come back thru Casey. Just saying that it is rare for a player to come straight in when he has played 4 in 12 games and the 4 weren't consequtive. In similar circumstances players will often do a mini preseason including a reserves game. I can't wait for him to come back but I just hope we don't rush him back. Looking after Jesse's wellbeing physical and mental is the most important thing no matter how desperate we or the club are for him to play seniors.
  14. The official MRP report says: "Based on the available video evidence and a medical report from the Melbourne Football Club, the incident was assessed as intentional conduct with low impact to the body". The video evidence undoubtedly shows it was at least medium impact. Its staggering that MFC said low impact when Bernie was off the ground for a while. If we did we are fools and I don't think we are. The MRP has discretion to grade low/medium/high. They pick the one that gives them the fine/suspension they want. I would love to know what the MFC medical report actually said! I wouldn't be surprised if the MRP ignored it and believed the Ch 7 game commentators and Ch7 evening news that Bernie staged it. Remember Bartel was part of the Ch 7 crew and sits on the MRP. That screams conflict of interest to me!!
  15. That was so amazingly bad!! Higgins took 3 or 4 steps, was tackled and misses the ball. You could clearly hear the umpire say 'skill error'! Skill error!! I went ballistic! Since when is a skill error a reason not to pay a free. While we are talking biases - the commentary was one of the worst ever - exonerating north players while claiming ours staged the effects - it even spilled over into their news bulletins. A deliberate attempt to influence any MRP members watching the game or the news, knowing that 'force' is a criteria. Edit: Jimmy Bartel is an MRP member, he was also on the Ch 7 commentary team. Very susceptible to commentator biases, however unconscious that may be.
  16. Sorry Wise, typo on my part! I put in the date rather than the round. The Bulldogs game is the round after the Pies game ie round 13 on June 18 and WCE is round 14. I have amended my typo's!
  17. I posted this in the thread about his illness but don't like seeing that pop up so thought it nicer to start another thread to track his return. Goodwin says Jesse is recovering at home in Perth and will be back at the club next week then starts some training. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/2017-05-21/rd-9-simon-goodwin-postmatch We have a bye the week after he returns. At that stage he will have played 4 games of 11 so may well have a run at Casey to get some match fitness back. So maybe round 13 vs Bulldogs or round 14 vs WCE. Regardless of when Jesse plays again its great that he is recovering well and wants to get back to footy.
  18. Not sure he was poor last week. He more than did his job in the ruck vs Adelaide which allowed Pedobear to go forward and kick 3 goals and allowed TomMc to go forward and kick 2 goals. He must be feeling the physical effects of the battering his body gets in the ruck. I recon all the extra ruckwork since round 3 had to eventually take its toll. It did, this week.
  19. http://www.afl.com.au/news/2017-05-21/blues-need-to-be-more-resilient-bolton Rowe goes off with a knee injury, has treatment, goes back on and his knee collapses. Now may have an ACL problem. Bolton is asked about his treatment: "No, true professionals our doctors, true professionals," Bolton said. A case of he 'doth protest too much'? Even The Age reports: 'The early diagnosis by the Blues medical staff was clearly wrong though'. Most on DL had doubts about their doctor's professionalism after the Hogan/Rowe and Lewis/Cripps incidents when they let those guys play on with 'slight' injuries and then gave condemning medical reports to the MRP. Won't happen but AFL should investigate Carlton Doctors!
  20. A bright spot to a sad and sorry day - Goodwin says Jesse is recovering at home in Perth and will be back at the club the week after next (ie last week of May, merely a fortnight after the procedure) then starts some training. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/2017-05-21/rd-9-simon-goodwin-postmatch Regardless of when Jesse plays again its great that he is recovering quickly and wants to get back to footy.
  21. Scott is sooking over jumper punches and has laid the ground work to make sure the MRP don't site his players. North Melbourne coach Brad Scott says the match review panel must now be consistent and tolerate 'jumper punches" after a volatile win over Melbourne was marked by a succession of fiery incidents in the second quarter. Several players, including North's Ben Cunnington, could be scrutinised after the spiteful encounter. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/north-melbourne-kangaroos-coach-fires-up-over-nasty-game-20170521-gw9rdd.html As an aside the Ch7 News Sports report said that Bernie had over acted when he was hit in the stomach. Its one thing for real time game commentators to be biased, its another for News editors and reporters to be pedalling such rubbish.
  22. The game report only talked about the players who did well. Trengove wasn't mentioned so I don't think he is banging the door down. I desperately hope he isn't finished as I would love to see him play in the seniors again. Based on the Casey game report only Melksham (and maybe Stretch) sound like they might have earnt a return to the seniors. Any other moves I think is just deck chairs on the titanic stuff.
  23. I'm not a fan of Melksham. But I am less a fan of Kent and in the last few weeks he has given us for nothing. We simply can't carry Kent. OUT: Kent IN: Melksham Going on the Casey game report no else did enough to get noticed.
  24. Last week I think Goodwin said we make 100 tackles we win. We made 90 something. We won. This week we make 78, North make 94. End of story.
  25. I'm not sure DN9. Not sure how many, if any 'marquee' players will be allowed for each club. Last year the salary for each class of player was fixed and I think it will be again this year. The structure and figures have not been announced yet by the AFL. We did try and get Tayla as a marquee player last time round but she decided to play in Queensland. Clubs are allowed to offer work and/or marketing opportunities to players so that could be an opportunity. Certainly having Tayla on board would be a great high profile duo with Daisy from a Marketing view.
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