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The heart beats true

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Everything posted by The heart beats true

  1. Unfortunately I think we really had a crack in that quarter. Viney and Grimes look good. Jimmy Toumpas looks very overwhelmed and is being exploited badly.
  2. Petterds disposal was terrible. He drops the ball way too high. Nothing I saw tonight made me wish we kept him. We already have to worry when McKenzie, Nicholson, Gilles and Joel Mac get near it. Fox Footy rabbiting on about another player we let go. Such nonsense. If Watts turned the ball over half as much as Petterd did he'd be slaughtered.
  3. Great article. Loved the Essendon pharmacist line.
  4. I think the headline should read: 'Ex Jenny Craig model takes ill advised pot shot at young footballer 3 days too late'. Seriously, we should look at getting Neil Balme? I believe we had him before Scott. You know, when you were a player and had an ounce (but not much more) relevance. And lay off Watts. He wasnt saying he couldn't be those players, he was saying nobody stood up yet. Jack had a really bad game but was building in form over the end of 2012 and the preseason. Lets not destroy his self belief for the fun of it. It's pointless.
  5. My Dad was a Melbourne supporter during the very dark days of the 70's and 80's (but actually fell in love with us in the early 60's because we would always win. Imagine that!). I was 9 in 1987. My favorite player was RIcky Jackson because he was fast and kicked goals but dad convinced me that I should really keep an eye on a young bloke called Brett Lovett. So Brett became my idol for the next decade (and still is actually). We went to all the finals in 87. I still remember all the old time Melbourne supporters going ballistic when we smacked the Roos and Swans. There was finally something to be happy about. The Prelim was one of the darkest days of my young life. Eishold should never have missed. We were on the half back line only about 15 rows from the ground when Jim ran across the mark. Buckenara was a notoriously good shot for goal and we knew it was over. It seemed like a horrible day for the club but in reality it's what really gave the club it's greatest hero of the last 25 years. Jim turned that shame and disappointment into a fire that burnt in everything he did. It was an honor to watch him play the rest of his career the way he did. It shows that from the darkest hour something great can come if people are really willing to do the hard work.
  6. "Craig left the Crows in good enough shape to surge back up the ladder. He knows what good coaching looks like." Or, he under performed so poorly with an experienced list that it only took a first year coach to see them rise to the Prelim. There is a touch of revisionist history to that line. But, this one was better.... "Brad Miller found a new home...seemed to leave a leadership void." I think Richmond fans saw what it took Melbourne 8 years to figure out. He wasn't up to it. You can't lead if you can't get a game in a struggling side. Aside from that some valid points, but really it's nothing new. Our anger and shame must sell newspapers though. New story everyday with essentially very little new info.
  7. I think I get how this works.... WE SUCK! How'd I do?
  8. I'm with you WYL. This just means that there is no one that will come in and save the day. Those that created the pressure can now contend with it.
  9. Go on. Just paraphrase, and leave out anything that personally identifies your mate.
  10. I actually did call them and they put me straight though to Mark Neeld. We had a 30 minute chat about accountability and competitiveness, but we also went over some ideas I had for a rolling press and stoppage structures. He told me he was going to implement some of my ideas. He them put me though to Schwabby and we went over some financial stuff before I gave him a compliment sandwich (good on finances, concerned about his effect on culture and on the football department, good laying low when the shite hits the fan). He took it all well. And now you understand why I vent on D'Land, because the paid professionals pay other professionals to keep my opinion away from them so they can do their job. But thanks for trying to make my anger feel pointless. It's certainly a unique approach to people's disappointment. You could be a life coach.
  11. HG, Please ignore those that just want to read that we have training up to an elite level and just need to get some more games into the players and then we'll be good. I for one am really looking forward to some insight from you mate. I've loved this club for 30 years, given a lot of money and stood by them while family members dropped off. This is more important than upsetting a few that wont be at the club in a few years anyway. As a genuine supporter of the club with a long term perspective I implore you to tell what you saw. Something is very wrong at the club that you clearly care deeply for. You can help be being honest about what you experienced. Thanks mate (and thanks for what you've done for the club)
  12. Throwing Jimmy Toumpas under the bus here is an absolute joke. He's played one game. Give the kid some freaking time. Yes, Wines looked good but it's one game. Does anyone remember when Darren Cuthbertson set the world on fire in his 4th, 5th and 6th game? He never went on to be a world beater. Just relax about the kids. It's very early.
  13. I can't understand after the events leading to Baileys dismissal and the state of the club since then how anyone can defend Schwab. If he didn't have an emotional Jimmy by his side in the early days he would have achieved NOTHING. He doesn't speak publicly or defend the club, he lets Don McLardy do it from f*#king New Zealand (which is a bad look for us anyways). Why didn't he make a comment himself? Because the broader football community and the media see him as being the root cause of our issues. He has zero respect left Time for Greg Healy or Spargo to be the new President (Don doesn't command respect), and for them to appoint a new CEO.
  14. Just to be clear at this point in the clubs development this doesn't make you a fearless supporter, it makes you the equivalent of a whipping girl. We are being taken for fools and enough is enough. I've never felt the anger of a crowd like I did yesterday. It made me proud to be amongst a group that collectively stood together and said we aren't going to tolerate this anymore. I said it yesterday and I'll keep saying it until we improve: Don't be afraid to demand more. It's the only way we'll get better.
  15. Too soon to judge. I do know that Rodan was brought to the club specifically for his voice and attitude at training as he is apparently a very fun and spirited guy. I know Neeld mentioned this at the time of his recruitment and in passing said that our guys are too quiet and go into their shells. Byrnes will be useful if the ball delivery to Clark and Dawes improves. If Dawes starts presenting then Byrnes will do well under him. Let's not single out players after one game for the club. I know it's frustrating but we at least owe these guys a few weeks.
  16. I agree with this. Lets find the right candidate and get around them. As an aside I think we should ask the board members to each sit at different parts of the ground this week and press the flesh with the people that are there to support the Dees (not just members but General Admission, MCC Members, AFL members, everyone). Ask them how they feel, ask them what we need to do to bring the club back to its glory. Stop treating them like they don't get it when they express disgust and instead embrace the fact that they love the club so much they'll sit through 7 years of crap for them. The fans are the heart and soul of any club and the least the board can do is work overtime to maintain its supporters while the club is struggling. Go into full on public relations mode and get amongst the people. Show them we are one and that we all hurt together.
  17. As was Nathan Buckley, Jonathan Brown and Wayne Carey. We've just mistaken confidence and self belief as a negative because we'd rather be the nice guys than the competitive guys. Screw that attitude. It's part of the problem.
  18. Ox mentioned yesterday that Royal wasn't implementing Neelds game plan. I don't know how he keeps his job if this is true?
  19. I've had people (family members, friends) with legitimate concern for what I'll do when the club folds. For a lot of people without strong emotional attachment to the club it really is just a question of when. Yesterday in the last quarter was the first time I really thought it's going to happen. We've already had 3 rebuilds, a supporter funded financial rescue lead by the only leader the clubs had for 15 years, and we bottomed out that many times that we seemingly keep finding new lows both on and off the field. The future is looking very dark.
  20. Trying to look less like boys. Sadly most of them still have the testicles of a 4 year old.
  21. The Presser killed me. The focus on training is absurd. Everyone looks elite in their skins on a Tuesday but its not the game. Nobody cares how well you train. We need to focus on competitive spirit and endeavour, not handbills to Syliva streaming though the middle of Goschs Paddock against no one. Also, purely from an organisational perspective, how is it ok to say 'I didn't see that coming' when it's your sole job to plan and prepare for all outcomes? If I said that at work I'd be packing my desk within 15 minutes.
  22. What was worse was Sylvia being within 15 metres of the ball but instead running to the boundary to keep the rotations going. We are over coached. No doubt about it.
  23. Agreed. You can see it all over the ground. Look at the kick outs today. It's a set play that they've had 7 months to prepare for it and it broke down after 5 minutes, and it's only because nobody wants the ball. They all don't want to be the player that makes the mistake. I don't care about structures and presses. The coach needs to coach some confidence and belief into them. Even the attitude towards Byrnes coming from Geelong was a concern - players asking in awe what was it like to be at Geelong. Our teachers have taught our boys they aren't up to it and they believe it so they just try and be the guy that doesn't screw it up. We've gone 180 from Bailey and come out the other side with players with no idea who they are, or even why they are there.
  24. Here's the thing BW. Those of us that boo'd the performance at the end of the match were still there. We had 120 minutes to leave and we didn't. We will support the club because for most of us it's part of our DNA, but what we won't do is tolerate the crap served up today. I'll be there next week but I'm not afraid to let the players know they let down the clubs 150 year history when they cave like they did today. It's the only recourse I have that's actually constructive. Not buying a membership only hurts everyone. If they can't handle booing after an 80 point thumping then they aren't up to it.
  25. Why doesn't Jack Watts give me his pay cheque for the game and test your theory? The players and coaches get paid. I paid to go and watch them be annihilated by a club that was so embarrassing 4 games ago they sacked their coach. I'm tired of hearing this excuse. I'll know it hurts when they show it hurts by standing up in games and not letting it happen. Until then I firmly believe they are just happy to be on the big stage and tell their mates how good it is.
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