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Barney Rubble

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Everything posted by Barney Rubble

  1. Jones is only as good as the rucks doing their job. Jamar has been so atrocious and readable. Every hit out goes to the feet of a stationary player. The opposition love this. I'd like him to develop a plan B & C. Hit it wide to a running player. or belt it to CHF. Anything but the tripe he delivers every week. Look at the Stats. Hit outs v Hit outs to advantage. and see why our mid field is shite.
  2. Next 8 eh. That's 8 + the 4 we've attended = 12. You don't seriously think we will win round 13 do you?
  3. I wouldn't rely too much on divine providence. We have the worst record for performances in milestone / retirement / memorium games
  4. Guest Passes are done through the Club. (Ring The Membership Dept.)
  5. Not just Jack. There's a few decent body types in the background as well.
  6. Place an arrow on the ceiling, like they do in the Hotels o/seas
  7. Dear moderators can we get our time clock right. It's still DST
  8. Who is this new Guru of Recruitment just announced. Another lamb to the slaughter?
  9. Casey Scorpions Best McDonald Morton Couch Sellar Bennell It's quite obvious who we missed today. Morton:- He'll go over to the west next week and we'll leave him there. Sellar :- to replace Rivers McDonald (Tom) 3 goals to replace Green Couch:- to replace Moloney Bennell : to replace Davey Amazing really. The four to be replaced are from last years sacked leadership group. Let's start a Conspiracy Theory
  10. Doing the right things at times isn't the answer. Getting rid of the dead wood who put in half arsed efforts is the way to go. A hard pill to swallow but, we just aren't hard enough with that group. Recruiting criteria hasn't been based on mental and physical toughness. It must change.
  11. The Presidents lunch was attended by 2 Chinese Guests To be called John & ???. This was obviously done to keep this thread alive and beating.
  12. 10 sec. of football. But even then he was looking at dishing it off. I thought there for a while, is this the moment when it all comes together? But alas we have to wait another day. Impose yourself Jack. We need something up there.
  13. What was it Neeld said.? Football was now like going to University. It just shows you what a bunch of D..Heads we have these days. E=Mc2 for the uni boffins 1 + 1 = 3 for the MFC
  14. Davey has got to be replaced by someone who will have a dip. Talent is no good unless you can use it.
  15. Blease for Gysberts Rivers for Sellars Moloney for Couch Davey for anyone who wants to have a go. Like to see how the scorps go to see who is in form ......hahahaha! Edit Jack Grimes obviously lacked game time but get him out of the backline until he finds form. We don't need the turnover specialist back there.
  16. Click on the membership link the tally is in the right hand corner
  17. Thanks demonland. Glad I didn't waste my selection = 1st what a star.
  18. I have been with Footytips for years. let me get this right what you are saying is:- My old footy tips login is obsolete for demonland tipping? I entered Demonland Tipping with the Old "Footy Tips" Handle (different to the Demonland handle) You accepted me, but don't recognise me on your ladder. I don't want to change my original Footy Tips Handle because I'm in a lot of various "Fantasy leagues and other tipping comps"
  19. geez don't let rpfc read rhis, he is dead set against the "DEPTH" policy
  20. Emma has certainly built up a reputation over the years, but can anyone throw some light on her famous first round draft selections over say the last 5-10 years? Also how they have performed. ie Elite.. Average.... Serviceable .....Below Average....... Didn't Play
  21. I hate that term RR I once owned a M%$###&I ............. It was a Lemon. Don't for GS link him to that.
  22. Totally devastated. I have been living in denial that this day would come. A truly great man and fighter. R.I.P. Jimma
  23. True Friendship... SCOTTISH STYLE!! (None of that Sissy shite) Are ye tired of those [censored] weak 'friendship' poems that always Sound good, but never actually come close to reality? Well, here Are a series of promises that actually speak of true friendship... You will see no cute wee smiley faces on this card .. Just the stone cold truth of a great friendship. 1. When ye are sad -- I will help you get [censored] and plot revenge Against the bastard who made ye sad. 2. When ye are blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever is choking ye. 3. When ye smile -- I will know ye are thinking of something that I would probably want to be involved in. 4. When ye are scared -- I will shake the [censored] out of ye every chance I get, until you're NOT. 5. When ye are worried -- I will tell ye stories about how much worse it could be until, YE STOP YER WHINING! 6... When yer confused -- I will try to use only wee words. 7... When ye are sick --Stay the [censored] away from me until ye are well again. I don't want whatever ye've got. 8... When ye fall, I will laugh my effin head off at you, you clumsy arse, .........but I'll help you up. 9... This is my oath.... I pledge it to the end. 'Why?' you may ask; Because you are my friend. Friendship is like pissing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel the true warmth... Send this to 10 of yer closest friends, Then get depressed because ye can only think of 4
  24. Where are we at Honestly? We are where we are. A club learning a totally new game plan and I don't just mean players. The coaches are learning a new game plan as well. Throw all these learning mistakes together and we must just be patient with the results. If the game plan is correct it will work, but not overnight. If it doesn't then god help us. Do not talk about making the finals. I don't want to make the finals. I want to win the Damn thing nothing less.
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