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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Or as the Hawaii say in my my favourite TV show- “Cuff ‘em and Stuff ‘em boys!”
  2. Luckily for everyone I’m back. Was involved in an incident after the Hawthorn match and have had to take some time out to contemplate my actions. Next Hawks game I’m going to wear a Hawks guernsey and score a few own goals. A bit like Jordy.
  3. Old Dee has a few heartbeats left.
  4. How about target shut your stupid mouth and put your energy into what you can control? Pert you idiot.
  5. I agree. The VFL were far better at it. Freddy Cook is still my mentor.
  6. Leigh Matthews knows how to get the job done where Christian doesn’t.
  7. You’re most welcome La Dee. I shall count you amongst my many grateful acolytes.
  8. Lewis is as good as his last game. Which was worse than terrible.
  9. Property in and of the Gat was and is always a nebulous concept. As recent travesties articulate.
  10. In his case, Goon sack under the verandah. The hips are already unsightly enough. Not to mention the boat race.
  11. Gil looks like a Melbourne supporter. Those lame rural pants and the clean shiny RM Williams cowboy boots type punchable Melbourne supporters. Though I’m now a country member- I still hate us. But our 15- 30 year old female fans are a cut and several incisors above their Collingwood counterparts.
  12. When has that ever had any effect on the commentary? Did you know Scully left us for the Giants after publicly stating he was enjoying his time getting flogged every week at Melbourne?
  13. Stick with the caterpillar and the white man twerk. Why change now.
  14. Robbos top 50. Carlton Draught,VB,Fosters,Hahn,Coopers,Xxxx,Bud,Becks,Tooheys,Cascade,D-ale,Reschs,Castle,Invalid Stout ,Guinness ,Schlitz,Singha,Tiger,Sapporo,555,333,Bests , Grolsch,Ballarat Bitter, Mountain Goat,Furphys, Heineken, East End, Swan Lager, Nastro Azzurro, NT lager, Little Creatures, Urquel, Miller’s, Mickeys,Steinlager,White Rabbit, Stella,Peroni, Schofferhoffer, Pabst, Newcastle, Tooth’s, IPA , Porter, Home brew , whatever’s leftover.
  15. It’s not really a journey. Life is not really a journey either. It’s actually a process and should be viewed as such. People who say “life’s a journey” rely on astrology, tarot cards and other esoteric nonsense too much. Life is a process and success is a series of correct and often difficult decisions.
  16. May should’ve used white male privilege as his defence.Works like a charm .
  17. Bitters has a thing for “Sticky” as he calls her. And the girl from the Trivago ads. Sicko that he is.
  18. I’m a drug dealer and a pimp. It would be unethical for me not to use drugs.
  19. Try to find some vibrant kids. The lazy ones are already here selling milk powder and complete uni degree finished exam papers.
  20. Meteorologists and Tax officers, Parking officers and Drug testers should be tested then. And lawyers too please. Make it happen Serpico.
  21. I was expropriated of my inner urban existence due to alleged gentrification performed by outer suburban Bogans with moronic TV hosts egging them on. What was once a squalid and thriving rats nest of authentic urban decay now has more bathrooms and faux marble than a Chinese brothel. May lightning strike cast and crew of the block before they attack their next project. Hence I’m a country member.
  22. It’s ok Slim. Ethan is working for Babylon. I’m gonna plant some nasty gear on Grapeviney and Ethan will take him downtown.
  23. Yes I agree with you for once Moon. We need the right types. No riff raff. Quality not quantity.
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