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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Very unkind DC. Some of the greatest writers in history were off their collective faces. A lot of the graffiti here is pure poetry.
  2. Roos and PJ have paid their way already. The AFL has been very kind as well. Looks like we may balance the books in 2014(handouts included). The players will no doubt be more enthusiastic now that we have some off field leadership.
  3. You're probably right as you usually are in matters of taste BBO but the cat is out of the bag down here and everyone has it scrawled in their diaries. Redleg and WJ are not the types to withdraw such a generous offer. i shall run everybody through the car wash prior.
  4. See you there-it's a short stumble from The Gat. I'll bring some "mates' from home. Some of them are pretty hungry. Good man Redleg!
  5. If Cuzzy bro(Wade) keeps making runs then he should get back in. Haddin is a great bat but as you say-a backstop.
  6. Save Our Soles. Mitch Clark in particular. Not the German too.
  7. You've really got the gif of the gab Stuie. Bring Back Range Rover!
  8. This thread is a cracker. It looks like going for 4-8 years at this stage (unless conservative forces get it closed). After watching Heavy Kevvy resign yesterday it struck me that a man who can only shed tears for himself in public (twice) was a very fragile ego with a Jesus complex. Yes he was undermined by his own apostles and he did resurrect himself however briefly ,but he was prone to swift and silly decisions. Tony Abbott was the most gracious and most statesmanlike he has ever appeared in yesterdays sitting. He will lose his lollies over his stupid "stop the boats" dogma and debt ,as well as his buffoonery in foreign relationships. Twiggy,Gina and Clive will drag him into the mud(or brown coal) as well. Despite this ,The Mad Monk will probably win two terms. The electoral belting Labor received has been a good thing. Some of dead wood of the ALP has packed up and it will have a post bushfire regrowth if it continues to go back to basics. The Parliament was full of time-servers (list-cloggers) in footy terms. Unfortunately for the Liberals they will need some Big Ideas which has always been a weak point. There is little intellectual strength in the Liberal party to give it serious clout which is the only thing stopping it from three terms. The left side of politics is only ever one charismatic and eloquent leader away from an election victory. I dont see that in Shorten or Albanese.
  9. The Swans have Goosed the system twice to get their big targets. The worker bee culture is over. Goodes just about done.Let 'em sink.
  10. Don't know much about Sheed but Scharrenberg is a man-child. Will trust you guys to make the correct decisions. German names usually go well in Red and Blue. Schwartz, Nietz, Mueller are three I can think of.
  11. Stuie Loewe would bring a tear to the eye.
  12. Could be the lure of the smaller pond. Or maybe he has croaked?
  13. "Fisting"is very popular these days.
  14. Nothing is all good .Ever.For anyone,anytime. (sorry-this entry was for the "Cliches" thread.)
  15. Next year i am going to find Sloonie-wherever she went,and just start acting like Leighton Hewitt every time we kick a goal. I hope to find some opposition ,and let Sloone take care of ';em.
  16. Spewin. Hope he proves us wrong. I never usually care but I loved Nifty.
  17. Morton had a great tank. So does Nicho. Five minutes of value is better than an hour of spazzoness.
  18. oh yeah. Tony Windsor is the guy who was offered oral favours by our current prime minister so he could become prime minister when he didn't have the numbers. The boat guy. Your hero.
  19. You've come to the wrong place Col.
  20. I see more potential in Jetta than Dan Nicholson, if this is what it boils down to .
  21. Rodan was playing for Richmond back then RTG but this is a family thread so we shall not speculate.
  22. Dawes is the best spokesman,Jones the first picked. Grimes is solid enough but perhaps not consistent enough on field. So Jack Watts with his solid physical presence and intimidating smile is the only logical choice.
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